
  1. 长江口海水比重的直接测定

    Determination of specific gravity of sea water from the estuary of Changjiang River

  2. 海水比重对海带幼苗生长发育的影响

    The effect of specific gravity of seawater on the growth and development of young Laminaria japonica

  3. 海水比重对条斑紫菜丝状体放散壳孢子和壳孢子附着的影响

    The influence of specific gravity of sea water on the discharge and adherence of conchospores of Porphyra yezoensis Veda

  4. 浮于水面的海水比重计,海水比重、盐度、显示精确,使用简单,读数容易,透明度高。

    Floating on the sea water , the hydrometer is transparent , and is easy to use and reads easily with accurate numbers .

  5. 海水比重对青蛤受精胚胎发育及淡水对D型幼体生存的影响

    The Influence of Sea Water on the Fertilization and Embryonic Development of Cyclina sinensis ( Gmelin ) and the Freshwater on the Survival of D-Type Larvae

  6. 连续的事情你将不得不是一个海水混合和盐水比重。

    Consecutive thing you will have to get is a saltwater mix and a saltwater hydrometer .

  7. 从而提供了大连湾在初冬和初夏的海水温度、表层流、海浪、海水的颜色与透明度、海水的比重与盐度等一些初步规律。

    Some general rules of the sea temperature , surface currents , sea waves , colour , transparency , density and salinity of the water in the Bay of Dairen are given .