
hǎi xiān
  • seafood
海鲜 [hǎi xiān]
  • [seafood] 供食用的新鲜的海生动物

海鲜[hǎi xiān]
  1. 请尝尝这道海鲜。

    Try the seafood plate .

  2. 鱼或海鲜被抹了厚厚的纯盐腌制起来。

    The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride .

  3. 海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。

    Seafood soup is a good appetizer .

  4. 通常的方法是主要在杂货店采购,因为那里有新鲜的农产品、肉类和海鲜以及奶制品。

    The common prescription is to primarily shop the grocery store , since that 's where fresh produce , meat and seafood , and dairy are .

  5. 我们推荐意大利面和海鲜

    We recommend the pasta and seafood

  6. 粉圆TapiocaPearls烤香肠Toastedsausage葡式焗扇贝Portuguese-stylebakedscallops豆腐蒸桂花鱼Steamedmandarinfishwithtofu金汤水煮鳜鱼Stewedmandarinfishinpumpkinsoup水煮海鲜Poachedseafood开封灌汤包Kaifengsoupdumplings

    Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles

  7. 专卖广东粥、皮蛋瘦肉粥、海鲜粥的传统美味小吃店家。

    We are a shop of traditional snacks that sells Guangdong congee , preserved andand seafood congee dedicatedly .

  8. 适量食用鱼和海鲜、蛋、家禽及乳制品

    Moderate intakes of fish and other seafood , eggs , dairy products ( principally cheese and yogurt ) and red wine

  9. 该研究的作者还发现,坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶也可以防止人们中年发福。

    The study 's authors also found that nuts , chicken , seafood7 and yoghurt are among the foods you should be eating to avoid putting on weight as you age .

  10. 最近的销量调查显示BayCity餐馆的海鲜菜肴的消费量比过去五年增加了30%。

    A recent sales study indicated that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by30 percent over the past five years .

  11. 龙虾头的酶解及Maillard反应制备海鲜味香精

    Research on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Waste Lobster Heads for Preparation of Seafood Flavor

  12. 匹诺曹乡村厨房(PinocchioVillageKitchen)的装饰完全是提洛尔风格的,菜单包括猪肉拉面和意式海鲜千层面。

    At Pinocchio Village Kitchen , the d é cor was wipe-down Tyrolean , and the menu included pork ramen and seafood lasagna .

  13. Maillard反应与食品风味物质(Ⅱ)烟用香精以及海鲜类香精的研究

    Maillard reaction and food flavor materials (ⅱ) Study on maillard reaction flavor of tobacco and seafood

  14. 我特别欣赏由葡萄牙建筑师阿尔瓦罗西扎(alvarosiza)设计的波诺瓦茶室(boanovateahouse)和美妙的海鲜。

    I particularly enjoyed the boa Nova tea house , designed by Portugese architect Alvaro Siza , and the fantastic seafood .

  15. 消费者团体表示,TPP会让美国人面临各种危险,从劣质越南海鲜、到不够严格的金融监管。

    Consumer groups say the TPP will expose Americans to all sorts of evils from dodgy Vietnamese seafood to slack financial regulation .

  16. 在海拔2000米的地方,CapHorn餐馆专门提供海鲜食品,有寿司、鱼子酱、大盘冷藏牡蛎、蛤蜊、蟹和其它甲壳动物,几乎无所不有。

    At 2,000 metres , Cap Horn specialises in sea-level seafood : from sushi to caviar to giant plates of chilled oysters , clams , crab and assorted fruits de mer .

  17. 海鲜供应商MikeVoisin作为代表蚝产业的核心谈判者,对于这个结果感到很满意。

    Mike Voisin , a seafood supplier and a key negotiator for the oyster industry , is happy with the new offer .

  18. 旧金山门-它的消失有机今年,从烟熏鲑养殖osetra鱼子酱pizzas数组的tapas,海鲜,寿司及最后,有机巧克力雕像。

    San Francisco Gate-It 's gone organic this year , from the smoked salmon and farm-raised osetra caviar pizzas to an array of tapas , seafood , sushi and finally , organic chocolate statues .

  19. 一年后,随着西方国家的制裁,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)宣布禁止进口来自美国和欧洲的大多数食品,包括奶酪、牛肉和海鲜。

    One year later , in the wake of western sanctions , Vladimir Putin announced Russia would ban an array of American and European food products , including cheese , beef and seafood .

  20. 食品公司BumbleBeeFoods在8月份推出了BumbleBeeSuperFresh冷冻海鲜产品,它配备一个用于在烤箱中蒸鱼的仿羊皮纸纸袋。在此之前,该公司对25000多名消费者进行了调查。

    Bumble Bee Foods talked to more than 25000 consumers before rolling out its Bumble Bee SuperFresh frozen seafood last month , including a parchment paper pouch for steam-cooking the fish in the oven .

  21. 康斯坦特随后又开设了一家更为休闲的LesCocottes餐馆,并且帮助开设了LesFablesdelaFontaine海鲜酒楼——这两家餐厅都位于时尚第七区的圣多米尼克街(rueSt-Domininque)。

    Constant has since opened a second casual restaurant , Les Cocottes , and helped launch the seafood restaurant Les Fables de la Fontaine - both also on rue St-Domininque in the smart 7th .

  22. 大比目鱼大比目鱼中有两种物质帮助人们更好地睡眠:色氨酸以及维生素B6,而它的温和的口味以及厚实的口感定能吸引那些挑剔的海鲜食客。

    Halibut Halibut is packed with two building blocks for better sleep : tryptophan and vitamin B6 , which has a mild flavor and meaty texture that appeals to finicky seafood eaters .

  23. 就相对湿度、空气中含盐量、工业大气和空运海鲜产品4个因素,分析了各因素对MD-82型飞机腐蚀损伤的影响。

    Through the four factors of effect of relative humidity , content of salt in the air , industrial atmosphere and seafood product by air , the corrosion damage of the MD-82 airplanes is analyzed by the effect of circumstance factors .

  24. 根据2006年牛津大学KathrynGraddy对纽约Fulton海鲜市场的研究,跟白人相比,卖家经常以更低的价格卖给亚洲人。因为经验显示亚洲人更容易对高价产生反感,而且更愿意很快地联合起来抵制奸商。

    In a 2006 study of Fulton fish market in New York , Kathryn Graddy of Oxford University found that dealers regularly charged Asian buyers less than whites because the Asians had proved , over time , more willing to reject high prices , and readier to band together to boycott dealers who ripped them off .

  25. 它是非常便宜的,您吃海鲜在北京。

    It is very cheap that you eat seafood in beijing .

  26. 我姐喜欢各种邮票和一些海鲜。

    My sister likes all sorts of stamps and some seafoods .

  27. 酶法海鲜调味酱的工艺研究

    On the Technique of the Enzymatic Production of Seafood Flavouring Sauce

  28. 欢迎来到盐田海鲜街!很高兴见到你!

    Welcome to Yantian Seafood Street ! Nice to meet you !

  29. 中国的海鲜果然是又出名又好吃。

    The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious .

  30. 一个完美的开胃酒或海鲜酒饮用的青少年。

    An perfect aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young .