
xiāo huà xiàn
  • digestive gland
消化腺 [xiāo huà xiàn]
  • [digestive gland] 动物或植物体中分泌消化酶的腺体

  1. 研究表明虎纹蛙消化腺结构与其食性是相适应的。

    These studies showed that the structure of the digestive gland in H. rugulosus was adapted to feeding habits .

  2. 僧帽牡蛎抗氧化系统的分布有组织差异,消化腺SOD、CAT活性和GSH含量高于腮,Se-GPx和GST活性低于腮。

    Antioxidant defense system distribution was different in the digestive gland and gill .

  3. 牡蛎消化腺SOD、CAT活性均高于鳃;

    The activity of SOD and catalase in digestive gland were higher than in gill ;

  4. Pb2+和Zn2+诱导近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)鳃和消化腺组织SOD活性变化的剂量-效应均为抛物线型;

    The dose-effect curves of the activity of SOD induced by the different concentrations of Pb2 + and Zn2 + both in gills and digestive glands were parabola .

  5. 杂色鲍(HaliotisdiversicolorReeve)消化腺细菌的初步研究

    Study on bacteria in digestive gland of Haliotis diversicolor Reeve

  6. 结果:PSP污染状况调查发现,所调查的84份贝样中,2个种9份样品的消化腺中有毒素检出;

    There was 9 samples ' gland in 2 species that be detected to have PSP in the bivalves .

  7. 测定消化腺和鳃谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)的活性。

    The glutathione S-transferase ( GST ) activities in the digestive gland and the gill of 1,4,7,11,15,21 d sample were measured .

  8. EDG各剂量组的瘤体重量明显减轻。结论:消化腺提取物对荷瘤小鼠具有明显的抑制肿瘤生长作用。

    CONCLUSION : Extract of digestive gland has obvious suppressive effect on tumor development .

  9. 组织化学研究表明:消化腺嗜碱性细胞富含蛋白质和RNA,消化细胞富含脂类和多种酶类:蛋白酶、非特异性酯酶、脂酶、酸性磷酸酶及碱性磷酸酶。

    Histochemical studies show the basophilic cells in the gland contain abundant protein and RNA . The digestive cells contain lipid and many kinds of enzymes : non-specific esterase , acid phosphatase , proteinase , lipase and alkaline phosphatase .

  10. 对来自不同疫区的濒死的栉孔扇贝(chlamysfarreri)消化腺、肾、和肠进行超薄切片及电镜观察,在上述组织细胞质内发现大量的球形病毒粒子并伴有明显的病理学变化。

    The pathologic and histopathologic changes of the scallop Chlamys farreri and the morphology of the virus particles were observed under optic and electronic microscope . The results showed that there were spherical virus-like particles in the digestive gland , kidney , and the intestine of moribund scallop Chlamys farreri .

  11. 钒对动物消化腺发育的影响

    Effect of Vanadium on the Development of Digestive Gland in Animal

  12. 蜂花粉对肉鸡消化腺发育的影响

    Effect of bee pollen on the development of digestive gland of broilers

  13. 消化腺提取物对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Effect of Extracts of Digestive Gland on Proliferation of Tumor Cells

  14. 88例异位消化腺的临床病理分析

    A clinicopathological analysis of 88 cases with aberrant digestive glands

  15. 羊驼壁外消化腺的组织学结构研究

    Study on Histological Structure of Digestive Glands Outside of the Digestive Duct in Alpacas

  16. 长竹蛏消化腺腺管上皮有消化细胞和嗜碱性细胞两种类型。

    The tubules of the digestive gland consist of the digestive and basophilic cells .

  17. 肝为体内最大的消化腺,分左右两叶;

    Liver is the biggest digestive gland in the coelom and separates into two parts .

  18. 梭鱼中-腺垂体及其组织化学研究(四)反应系统。缢蛏性腺和消化腺的生化组成与组化反应

    Studies on biochemical composition and histochemical reactions of gonad and digestive gland of Sinonovacula constricta

  19. 以组织学和组织化学方法,研究了长蛸的唾液腺和消化腺。

    The salivary glands and the digestive glands were studied with histological and histochemical methods .

  20. 消化腺腺上皮由嗜碱性细胞和消化细胞组成。

    The tubules of the digestive gland are made up of basophilic cells and digestive cells .

  21. 消化腺为不规则形,位于脑前方。

    The salivary gland is irregular in shape and located in the front of the brain .

  22. 当然,龙虾也会从身体其他部位排泄废物,包括鳃和消化腺。

    Lobsters also excrete from other places on their bodies , including their gills and digestive glands .

  23. 卵黄物质的来源有内源性和外源性两种方式,外源性卵黄物质主要来自消化腺中贮存的营养。

    Granule materials in oocytes were both endogenous and exogenous and the exogenic nutrients were mainly derived from digestive gland .

  24. 性腺、消化腺的组化反应结果与它们的生化成分的分析相一致。

    The results of the histochemical reactions of gonad and the digestive gland are consis-tent with their biochemical composition analysed .

  25. 用四氧嘧啶复制小鼠实验性糖尿病模型,以探讨糖尿病对各个消化腺组织结构的影响。

    The model of alloxan-induced diabetes in mice was built in order to investigate the effects of diabetes on digestive glands .

  26. 背景与目的:研究消化腺提取物对小鼠移植瘤模型的抑制作用。

    BACKGROUND AIM : To study the inhibitory effect of extracts of digestive gland on tumor cells using the mice tumor model .

  27. 不同蛋白质水平人工饵料对南方鲇幼鱼增长率和消化腺结构的影响

    Effect of different proteinic level of artificial diet on the growth rate and the structure of digestive glands of Silurus meridionalis in larva

  28. 龙虾腹部的大部分空间被消化腺占据,而那些消化腺可以充当过滤系统,这和我们的肝脏有几分相似。

    Most of a lobster 's abdomen is taken up by a digestive gland that serves as the filtration system -- sort of like your liver .

  29. 肝脏是人体最大的消化腺,也是机体不可或缺的代谢中心,与人类许多遗传性疾病、代谢性疾病、肿瘤密切相关。

    Liver is the biggest digest gland and indispensable metabolize center of human body which is related closely to many hereditary diseases 、 metabolize diseases 、 tumors .

  30. 病毒存在于消化腺、外套膜、肾脏、肠及鳃等组织的细胞质中。

    The virus could be found in the tissues of digestive gland , kidney , mantle , intestine and gill , and often propagated near the basement membrane .