
  • 网络consumer contract
  1. 随着国际互联网的广泛普及和电子商务的发展,越来越多的消费合同通过网络订立。

    With the development of the electronic commercial affairs , more and more consumer contracts are concluded by Internet .

  2. 第四章论述了我国适用于消费合同的法律适用规则,指出了其中的不足之处,并对我国现有立法的完善提出了建议。

    In the forth chapter , the author discusses the rules of the laws of our country that apply consumer contracts and analyses the defects of these rules and make some advice to perfect these rules .

  3. 消费合同是连接消费者与经营者的重要纽带。

    Consumptive contract is the important link which connects consumers and operators .

  4. 论国际消费合同的自体法

    On the Proper Law of International Consumer Contract

  5. 根据我国《合同法》的规定,一旦公民作为媒介消费者与大众媒体形成了某种媒介消费合同关系,这种关系便受到法律的调整和保护。

    These have formed a certain contracted relationships between the mass media and their consumers .

  6. 欧盟电子消费合同管辖权问题研究

    Research on EU Electronic Consumer Contract Jurisdiction

  7. 解读消费合同中的霸王条款

    Deciphering High-handed Clause in Consumer Contract

  8. 接着针对网络消费合同中的质量条款规则从理论上作了基础探讨,并结合网络消费合同的特殊性分析了质量条款规则在该类合同中的特殊价值体现。

    Then , the basic theory of quality term rules is discussed , combined with special reflection of the rules in network consumer contract .

  9. 从国际消费合同纠纷这个角度,阐析了国际消费者保护的管辖权、法律适用的理论和实践及其相关问题。

    Especially from the case of international consumer contract , practice and related questions of the jurisdiction and the application of law of international consumer protection .

  10. 因此,本文共分四部分,内容分别为:第一部分对网络消费合同的外延作出了界定,为本文之后的论述奠定了基础。

    It consists of four parts , here is the content : The first part defines the network consumption contract which lays the foundation for later discussion .

  11. 合同质量条款的基本概念、如何确定合同中质量条款的内容这些传统合同质量规则的价值体现,在网络消费合同中适用时可能面临新的困难和障碍。

    The foundational concept , identification of quality term and reflection of traditional contract quality term may be faced with new challenge when applied in network consumption contract .

  12. 消费合同制度的完善有利于和谐社会的构建;消费合同制度的完善也需要和谐社会理念的指引。

    The perfection of consumptive contract system is in favor of building a harmonious society , and it also needs the guidance of the concept of a harmonious society .

  13. 因此,在确定国际消费合同的法律适用问题时,必须考虑到消费者保护问题,应采用不同于一般合同的法律适用规则。

    Consequently , the problem of protecting consumers should be considered when deciding which law applies in the consumer contract , and the special rules of application of laws different to general rules should be applied .

  14. 该部分还探讨了产品合同责任的法律适用,并对与其有着密切联系的买卖合同、消费合同的法律适用进行了具体分析。

    Then it analyzes application of law in the field of product contract liability and uses the closest connection to make a more detail analysis in the contract of international sale of goods and the consumer contract .

  15. 但在市场经济发展的今天,尤其是在消费合同中,这一原则受到了挑战,完全遵守这一原则会形成合法不合理的情况。

    However , nowadays with the fast developing of marketing economy , especially in the consuming contract , the principle is challenged that means abiding by it completely will lead to the situation which is legal but unjustified .

  16. 文章在探究了约定优于法定原则之后提出在消费合同中应当推行约定有利的原则,以切实保护消费者的权益。

    After doing some research on that promissory prior to statutory , the article poses we should apply to the principle that promissory is more advantageous so that we can protect the right and benefit of the consumers actually .

  17. 在此宏观框架的指导下,本文深入分析了消费合同制度的特质;揭示了消费者与经营者不和谐的原因;指出了在和谐社会中消费者与经营者利益的统一性。

    Under the guidance of this broad framework , this paper deeply analyzed the characteristics of consumptive contract system , revealed the reasons for disharmony between consumers and operators and pointed out the unity for consumers and operators in a harmonious society .

  18. 在价值理论的指导下,本文分别从消费合同的环境构建、消费者实体权利的细化与增加、诉讼程序改革等几个方面对具体制度的创新提出了自己的看法。

    Under the guidance of value theory , this paper respectively put forward its own views for specific system innovation from the following aspects : environment building for consumptive contract , refinement and increase of consumer entity rights , and the reform of litigation proceedings and so on .

  19. 消费格式合同中存在的问题。

    2 , format consumption exist problems about the contract .

  20. 第一部分对消费信用合同进行了界定,详细阐述了消费信用合同的概念、范围、分类等内容。

    Part One confines the consumer credit contract and expounds its definition classification and sphere .

  21. 特殊仓储合同包括消费仓储合同和混藏仓储合同两种。论留置权在建设工程合同中的适用

    Security of lien is applied to warehousing contract . Study on the Application of the Lien Right to the Construction Contract

  22. 第四部分论述了在消费信用合同签订过程中对消费者权益的特殊保护问题。文章指出,在消费信用合同签订过程中,因对消费者个人信用情报的利用而可能产生损害消费者利益的现象。

    Part Four centers upon the particular protection on consumers ' rights out of the consumer credit contract in the process of making agreement .

  23. 根据教育产业理论,教育机构与受教育者之间是平等自由的交换关系,是教育服务与消费的合同关系。

    According to the theory of education industry , there is an equal and free exchanging relationship between education organization and students , which is an education serving - consuming contract .

  24. 文章认为,消费信用合同是合同的一种特殊形式,它是由消费者作为信用受予人和金融机构或销售商等信用授予人签订的由信用授予人授予消费者一定信用的协议。

    More detailed , consumer credit contract , the particular form of contract , is an agreement , agreed on by the consumer as the debtor and the finance house or the seller as the creditor , that the creditor offers certain credit to the debtor .

  25. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  26. 基于二次消费的收益分享合同研究

    Study on Twice-Consuming Goods Based on Revenue Sharing Contract

  27. 消费信贷中的合同诈骗与欺诈

    Contract Cheat and Fraudulence in Consumption Credit

  28. 试析媒介消费中的民事合同关系&兼论适用合同法的规定保护媒介消费者的合法权益

    The Relations of Civil Contract in the Media Consumption and Contract Law with Protection of the Consumers

  29. 而欲准确界定汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质,对汽车消费贷款保证保险法律关系进行微观分析也就首当其冲。

    The author thinks that to define the character of the guaranty insurance of automobile credit we must first analyze the legal relation of the guaranty insurance contract of automobile credit .

  30. 在经济全球化日益加速的今天,国际消费纠纷日益纷繁复杂,国际消费合同的法律适用问题也随之产生。

    International consumer matters now being numerous and complicated in each day , international consumer contract also involves so many conditions that its complicated progress .