
  • 网络consumption standard;consumption norms
  1. 您可以的消费标准选择适合的最佳住处。

    You may choose one that suits your budget .

  2. 花费是旅行必须涉及到的因素,而每个地点的消费标准又都不一样。

    Expense as we know is a relative thing , different to each individual .

  3. 这是我们的最低消费标准。

    That 's our minimum charge .

  4. 市场调查能帮你了解用户的需求以及他们的消费标准。

    Ex : Market research helps you understand what your customers want and how much they will pay .

  5. 受助学生获得的补助金额从11.63元到340.53元不等,依据是其实际支出与该基金会所设每月630元伙食消费标准间的差额,学生事先并不知情。

    The students aided were subsidized based upon the differences between their actual expenses and the benchmark , ranging from 11.63 yuan and 340.53 yuan , without them knowing in advance .

  6. 中国不能按欧美人均消费标准规划未来的发展,而必须走资源节约、环境保护的发展道路。

    Therefore , China should not plan its future development according to occidental living expense . We must conduct policies of saving our resources and protecting our environment on the basis of science and technology .

  7. 该基金会设立了每月630元的伙食消费标准,即学生每月30天在食堂吃一日三餐的平均成本。

    The foundation set a monthly benchmark of 630 yuan , which was deemed as the average cost of food if students eat in the canteen for three meals a day for 30 days per month .

  8. 除贝类和虾类的重金属Cd和虾类的As含量超出了澳大利亚的人体消费卫生标准的限值外,其它重金属含量均低于食用限值,表明研究区域的海洋生物质量总体上处于良好的状态。

    Except that Cd in shellfishes and shrimps , and As in shrimps exceeded the tolerance levels of Australian standard , other heavy metals were inferior to the tolerance levels suggesting that the overall quality status of marine organisms in the study area was in good condition .

  9. 鳗鱼中的铬含量超过“人体消费卫生标准”。

    The content of chromium in eel exceeded " the human consumption sanitation standard " .

  10. 与核心通货膨胀不同的是整体物价消费度量标准包括迅速增长的燃料费以及食品价格。

    Unlike core inflation , the headline measure includes fuelcosts , which rose sharply , as well as food prices .

  11. 类型电影带着消费社会标准化、批量生产的文化胎记,又体现了消费社会讲究个性化的差异性原则。

    Type of film with a standard consumer society , mass culture of birthmarks , and shows that the consumer society paying attention to the principle of individual differences .

  12. 让美国监管者帮助中国,可以为中国商界人士提供一个有关发达国家消费品标准的指引,也让他们听到美国监管系统内部的非正式声音。

    Having American regulators in China would offer Chinese businessmen a roadmap to consumer standards in the developed world and an informal voice inside the regulatory apparatus of the US .

  13. 对电子商务税收管辖权标准进行了比较,主要有三种,物理上出现标准、来源地标准和消费地标准,在电子商务环境下,消费地标准相对来说较为适合。

    There is comparison of the jurisdiction of taxation , mainly between three kinds , including physical presence , the place of source and the place of consumption . In the circumstances of electronic commerce , the place of consumption is comparative suitable .

  14. 网络效应、消费偏好与标准竞争

    Network Effects - Consumer Preference and Standards Competition

  15. 随着符合美国糖尿病学会要求的新无障碍标准最终确定,例如,那些可以应用于日用消费品的标准可以包括到这些参考准则中。

    As the new accessibility standards for ADA compliance are finalized , for example , those that might apply to consumer products will be included in these guidelines for reference .

  16. 从大学生消费观教育标准的抽象化、教育实施的形式化、教育主体的弱化以及教育生态的复杂化分析大学生消费观教育产生问题的原因。

    From the abstraction of the education standard , education implementation and weakening of formal education , the main body of education of complicated ecology to analyze the causes of problems .

  17. 采用最终消费品为标准确定了经济结构,按收入弹性的高、中、低标准把整个国民经济最终消费品生产部门依次划分为三次产业。

    Consumers are accepters of social final products and services , who buy , use , hold , disposal , accept goods and services , It is a subject with final consumption , s behavior .

  18. 最后分别以温饱水平、小康水平、发达国家水平的人均食物消费量为标准设置了三类情景进行模型求解。

    After that set up three types of scenarios , as the standard of per capita food consumption in subsistence level , a well-off level , the level of developed countries to solve the model respectively .

  19. 导致这些问题的原因有社会及教育未给予消费决策的标准;家庭氛围潜移默化的影响;学生同辈之间的相互作用。最后,分析了高中生文化消费决策素养培养应坚持的原则和实施方略。

    The result is caused by the society and education not give the consumer decision-making standards , the subtle influence of family atmosphere , Students peers interactions . Finally , this paper analyzes the consumer decision-making literacy cultivation high school culture should follow the principles and implementation strategy .

  20. 在不久前的新品发布会上,他这样说道,谷歌已与Fossil、豪雅以及Nixon合推了智能腕表,但每个品牌又代表了各自不同的消费群体与技术标准。

    We 're very nimble , he explained during the launch last week . We 've alreadypartnered with Fossil , Tag Heuer and Nixon on smartwatches , but each brandrepresents a different customer and a different set of criteria .

  21. 这种变异体现为校园DV文化打破了主流文化以是否具有消费特征为唯一标准,形成了具有后现代反权威主义、个性化的校园文化。贫验结果和模拟象符合的较好。

    The changes reflect as that campus DV culture breaks major culture which regards whether having a consumption characteristic as the only standard . So it formed the modern authoritative doctrine , individualized campus culture . This article has analyzed the campus DV image of university of Chongqing .

  22. 注:从2001年的居民消费价格指数分类标准是按新的报表制度。

    Note : Consumer Price indices in2001 by new report forms System .

  23. GB/T16760-1997制定消费品性能测试标准方法的总则

    Preparation of standard methods of measuring performance ( SMMP ) of consumer goods

  24. 中国旅游消费统计与国际标准的差距及解决对策

    The Difference Between China 's Solution and International Standard in Tourism Expenditure Statistics and Suggestions

  25. 这个消费能力就是“标准化的服务契约”原则。

    This Consumption capability is the same as the " Standardized Service Contracts " principle .

  26. 体育器材的消费品牌产品、标准产品、定型产品少,替代产品、非定型产品、非标准产品多,且以球类器材为主。

    The product consumption of brand , standard and pattern and replacement for sports goods is less , while no-standard and pattern product is more .

  27. 该处进行突击检查和调查,以确保在香港出售的玩具、儿童产品及消费品符合安全标准。

    The branch carries out spot checks and investigations to ensure the toys , children 's products and consumer goods supplied in Hong Kong are safe .

  28. 技术性因素主要从审美的媒介化、消费性;审美标准的媚俗和趋同导致审美价值削平两个方面进行分析。

    Technical elements , mainly from the aesthetics of the media , consumer ; kitsch aesthetic standards and the convergence of two scapple cause aesthetic value were analyzed .

  29. 文章着重分析了农村地区能源消费形势:1995年农村能源消费总量达690Mt标准煤,其中乡镇企业消费325Mt标准煤;

    The paper analyses mainly the energy consumption conditions in the rural area . The total energy consumption ( converted to coal equivalent , the same below ) in rural area reached to 690 Mt in 1995 , including 325 Mt consumed by township enterprises .

  30. 其生产和消费中的一些新经济现象,如正反馈、消费锁定、标准垄断等,应如何运用价格机制理论解释?

    How to use the price mechanism theory to interpret the phenomenon of the new economy that take place in the software process of production and consume , for example , the positive feedback , the consume lock-in , the standard monopoly , and so forth ?