
  • 网络Customer relationship;Consumer Relation;consumer relationship
  1. 本文提出了两种对Web服务进行鉴定的方式:对初始化选择进行静态鉴定,然后对正在进行的提供者/消费者关系进行动态鉴定。

    This article proposes two modes of qualifying Web services : statically for initial selection and then dynamically as part of the on-going provider / consumer relationship .

  2. 检验结果表明,消费者关系价值和品牌绩效之间有影响关系,消费者推荐价值比消费者历史价值对品牌绩效更具影响力。

    Test results showed that there is association between brand performance and consumer relationship value , consumer recommended value has more influence than consumer lifetime value to the brand performance .

  3. 企业与消费者关系对顾客忠诚的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of the Relationship between Enterprise and Customer to Customer Loyalty

  4. 第6章根据这个模型对重友效应和潜在消费者关系网络的结构对新产品的最终市场份额的影响进行了计算机模拟实验,并得出了一些结论。

    Section 6 uses this model to investigate how the friend-valued effect and the network strcture affect the final market structure .

  5. 通过本次研究使得企业慈善行为策略和消费者关系的研究更加全面和进一步系统化,对企业更好地开展慈善活动也有着重要的意义。

    This study makes relationships between corporate philanthropy strategy and consumer more comprehensively and further systematically . It has important implications for the enterprises carrying out better philanthropy .

  6. 现代传媒所引导的全球化的消费时尚浪潮席卷下,商业建筑成为与消费者关系最密切,同时对城市活力的影响最为直接的建筑类型。

    Under the turbulence of globalized consumption trend with the guidance of modern media , commercial architecture has become a type very intimate with consumers ' behavior and influencing much on the urban energy .

  7. 网上购物由于其别于传统购物的特性,使得服务质量成为网上卖家的主要竞争优势,也是在线企业建立及维持同消费者关系的重要因素。

    Because of the unique characteristics of online shopping , e-service quality is not only a major competitive advantage of online sellers , but also an important factor for online sellers to establish and maintain relationships with consumers .

  8. 最初的能源合作探讨是基于原有能源合作的积极因素,例如供应商一消费者关系模式、地理上的邻近性、两个经济体的对应需求等等。

    Initial cooperative discussions were based on the pre-existing positive factors of energy cooperation , such as relations of the structure of the relations in the ' supplier-consumer ' format , geographical proximity , correspondence of the needs of the two economies .

  9. 这种策略可以帮助Skullcandy维护与核心消费者的关系。

    That strategy could help Skullcandy maintain its connection to its roots .

  10. 品牌是产品和服务与消费者各种关系的总和。

    Brand is a variety of products and services and consumer relationships .

  11. 两类企业公开信息及其交互作用对消费者品牌关系的影响

    The Effects of Two Kinds of Corporate Publicity on the Customer-brand Relationship

  12. 处理好名人与普通消费者的关系;

    The relationship between the consumers and the celebrity should be dealt well ;

  13. 产品形态与消费者需求关系研究

    Research on the Relationship Between the Product 's Form and the User 's Requirement

  14. 完成这样一个过程,使得生产者和消费者的关系得到根本性地改变。

    It changes the relationship between producers and consumers in order to complete such a process .

  15. 生产者与消费者的关系

    Relation of producer and consumer

  16. 敢于坦诚于你的产品(或品牌)和他的消费者的关系,可能是危险的或者是挑衅的。

    They are honest about the relationship real consumers have with your brand , say something dangerous or provocative .

  17. 价格猜测在新的竞争性电力市场中和生产者和消费者的关系越来越大。

    The price is forecasted as bigger and bigger as the relation of generator and consumer in new emulative power market .

  18. 提出了电子商务服务质量与网络消费者行为关系概念模型,用实证研究的方法对模型假设进行了检验。

    This paper proposed a conceptual model about E-business service quality and online consumer behavior , then tested the assumptions using empirical research methods .

  19. 阿德纳表示,就目前的情况而言,在个人消费市场取得成功的关键在于建立和维护关系,既包括和消费者的关系,也包括与合作伙伴的关系。

    The key to success in consumer electronics these days , Adner maintains , is building and maintaining relationships & with consumers and with partners .

  20. 他们运用积极礼貌策略来拉近与消费者的关系,表达合作关系以及满足消费者的正面子需求。

    Positive politeness is used to shorten the distance between consumers and advertisers , to convey their cooperation and to fulfill consumers ' positive face want .

  21. 构建品牌识别的要素包括品牌精髓、核心识别、延伸识别、价值主题以及品牌与消费者的关系。

    The key elements of the establishment of brand identification include brand quintessence , central identification , extending identification , theme of value and the relationship between brands and consumers .

  22. 颠覆行业中诸多固有的思维和执行方式,研究企业与消费者的关系、品牌与视觉之间的关系、塑造和提升品牌形象。

    We overthrow many of the inherent thinking and implementation methods , researching the relationship between enterprises and consumers , brand and the visual effects , to create and enhance the brand image .

  23. 品牌是建立企业与消费者信任关系的基础,建立强势品牌就成为企业营销突围的出路,而进行有效的品牌传播是塑造品牌影响力的关键因素之一。

    Because the brand is the basis to establish the relationships of the enterprise and the consumer trust , establish a strong brand has become a way to break through marketing for a corporate .

  24. 免费版本的Windows10将通过与中国当地科技公司的合作伙伴关系进行分发,让后者能够借此机会巩固它们与消费者的关系。

    The free copies of Windows 10 in China will be distributed through partnerships with local tech companies , which will be able to use the offer to cement their own relationships with consumers .

  25. 我们拥护最高的道德标准,我们深知我们的产品的质量,我们的品牌的公信力,我们员工的奉献都有助于建立我们的诚信和加强我们与消费者的关系。

    We will adhere to the highest ethical standards , knowing that the quality of our products , the integrity of our brands and the dedication of our people build trust and strengthen relationships .

  26. 经过系统性的研究工作,本次研究获得的主要结论如下:①消费者对关系的承诺(消费者承诺)是消费者-品牌关系持续的本质。

    LIBERTY MUTUAL 's Commitment Based on the systematical research work , the main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The consumer commitment is the essence of the consumer - brand relationship 's continuance .

  27. 依据消费者品牌关系的实证研究明确了企业社会责任与品牌资产的关系机理,理清了累积品牌资产的路径,为营销管理实践提供了重要参考。

    Empirical research based on consumer-brand relationships clears the relationship mechanism between corporate social responsibilities and brand equity , clarifies the path of accumulating brand equity , and provides important reference for the marketing management practice .

  28. 信息化时代的设计者、生产者、销售者、消费者的关系越来越密切,消费者越来越多地参与到设计中来,表达个体的愿望和想法。

    The relationship between the designers , producers , sellers , consumers get closer and closer in this informational era . More and more consumers participate in the design to express their individual wishes and ideas .

  29. 也就是说商场导向识别系统设计的人性化是力求让设计和消费者的关系协调,即让设计的发展围消费者的需求来展开。

    This means that shopping malls-oriented human identification system is designed so as to provide the design and coordination of the relationship between consumers , that is designed to allow the development of Wai to expand consumer demand .

  30. 在参与使用电子现金运作者的关系上,金融机构与消费者之关系、网络卖方与金融机构之间的法律关系,均是属于委任契约关系。第五章是网上交易契约的附随义务。

    The relationship between participators in the use of electronic cash , financial institutions and consumers , network sellers and financial institutions , shall be deemed as contractual appointment . Chapter ⅴ is " Subordinated obligations of online transaction contract " .