
  • 网络culex pipiens pallens;Culex pipiens pallens Coquillett
  1. 5种植物粗提液对淡色库蚊的驱避效果

    Repellent effects of extractions of five plants against the female adults of Culex pipiens pallens

  2. 本文报道了复配电热液体蚊香对淡色库蚊的杀灭效果。

    This article reported the effect of compound electrothermic liquid mosquito-repellent incense on killing Culex pipiens pallens .

  3. 球形芽孢杆菌C(3-41)乳剂杀灭淡色库蚊幼虫试验观察

    The effects of emulsion of Bacillus sphaericus ( C3-41 ) on larvae of Culex pipiens pallans

  4. 淡色库蚊性别差异表达cDNA文库的构建和分析

    Construction and Analysis of Sex-Differentially Expressed cDNA Library for Culex pipiens pallens

  5. 方法简并引物PCR法制备特异性DNA探针,生物素杂交检测氯氰菊酯抗性淡色库蚊。

    Methods Preparing specific DNA probe by degenerate PCR , identification and screening the cypermethrin resistance of Culex pipiens pattens .

  6. 结果显示轮藻盘式蚊香对淡色库蚊有较好的驱避效果,在7.1min可以击倒半数的供测蚊虫,产品达到国家B级标准。

    The charophyte-mosquito coil has better insecticidal effect . Half of test mosquitoes were killed within 7.1 min , which is up to the B standard .

  7. 反义核酸抑制抗敌百虫淡色库蚊扩增酯酶mRNA体外翻译的研究

    Inhibition of in vitro Translation of Esterase mRNA of Dipterex-Resistant Mosquito ( Culex pipiens pallens ) by Antisense Nucleic Acids

  8. 淡色库蚊Culexpipienspallens的电磁行为学效应

    Behavioral responses of the mosquito Culex pipiens pallens to electromagnetic waves

  9. 淡色库蚊细胞色素P450抗性相关基因克隆与初步鉴定

    Cloning and identification of cytochrome P450 resistance related genes in the mosquito , Culex pipiens pallens

  10. 抗氯氰菊酯淡色库蚊P450特异性探针的制备及应用

    Preparation and application of cytochrome P450 specific probe in resistance detection of anti-cypermethrin Culex pipiens pattens

  11. 在木板面上15mg/m2时,对家蝇速效KT(50)为4.2min,对淡色库蚊为6.0min,对前者持效49天,后者为42天。

    The lasting effect were 49 days for the former and 42 days for the latter .

  12. 淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)与击倒抗性(kdr)相关的钠通道基因突变

    Linkage of knockdown resistance and the sodium channel gene mutation in Culex pipiens pallens

  13. 敌敌畏抗性淡色库蚊酯酶B1、A2探针制备及应用

    Preparation and application of esterase B1 and A2 probe for detection of the resistance of anti-DDVP Culex pipiens pallens

  14. 杀虫剂混配对抗DDVP淡色库蚊的毒力及增效作用的研究

    Study on the Toxicity and Synergism of Insecticide Mixtures to DDVP-Resistant Culex pipiens pallens

  15. 报道了竹提取物对淡色库蚊Culexpipienspallens幼虫的毒杀作用。

    The extracts from 7 species of bamboo were tested for larvicidal activity against Culex pipiens pallens .

  16. 方法以β-乙酸萘酯为底物,坚固蓝B盐为显色剂,测定室内5个品系淡色库蚊的NSE活力。

    Methods Laboratory detection of NSE was performed for 5 strains of the mosquito using β Naphthyl acetate as the substrate and fast blue B salt solution as the color agent .

  17. 模拟现场对淡色库蚊1h击倒率为87.2%,24h死亡率为100%;

    Mimic field efficacy test showed that 1 h knock down rate was 87.2 % and 24 h mortality was 100 % against Culex pipiens pallens ;

  18. 目的制备敌敌畏抗性品系淡色库蚊酯酶B1、A2探针,并应用于抗性品系及敏感品系的检测。

    Objective To prepare the esterase B1 , A2 probe of DDVP resistant Culex pipiens pallens and detect resistant level of Culex pipiens pallens .

  19. 〔结果〕现场品系淡色库蚊NSE活力均高于敏感品系,与生物测试结果相一致。

    〔 Results 〕 The NSE activity was higher in resistant strains than in susceptible strains . the result is the same as bioassay .

  20. 分别使用溴氰菊酯和Es生物丙烯菊酯在实验室条件下对淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)北京株连续筛选11代(分别命名为DEL品系和EBT品系)。

    The Beijing strain of Culex pipiens pallens was continuously selected by deltamethrin and esbiothrin for 11 generations in laboratory , which named DEL strain and EBT strain , respectively .

  21. 蚊虫抗药性的研究&Ⅱ.淡色库蚊CulexpipienspallensCoquillett成虫对DDT及666抗药性选育的实验

    Studies on insecticide-resistance in mosquitoes & ⅱ . laboratory experiments on the selection of resistance to DDT and BHC in the adults of Culex pipiens pallens Coquillett

  22. 淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)是班氏丝虫病和流行性乙型脑炎等疾病的重要传播媒介,广泛存在于我国北方地区。

    Culex pipiens pallens is one of important media to transmit Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti and epidemic encephalitis B and so on which is widely found in northern China .

  23. 昆虫生长调节剂S-31183对淡色库蚊生殖和生活习性影响的实验研究

    A laboratory study on the action of insect-growth regulator S-31183 to Culex pipiens pallens

  24. 用淡色库蚊成蚊作RAPD-PCR的扩增带与相应的细胞株产生的主要条带相符。实验结果表明,此技术方法简便、快速、精确,可用于蚊虫的分子分类研究。

    RAPD of adult mosquito DNA of Culex pipiens pallens results in the same amplified fragments as that of mosquito cells , These results indicate that the RAPD-PCR technique will be useful in studies of mosquito molecular taxonomy for its simplification 、 rapidness and exactness .

  25. 结果全省部分地区现场淡色库蚊对所测杀虫剂均产生了不同程度的抗药性,其抗性指数以氯氰菊酯最高,达135.48倍,其次为溴氰氰菊酯、DDVP、DDT;

    Results Resistance of Culex pipiens pollens collected from all fields increased in different degrees . The highest resistance index to Cypermethrin is 135.48 , followed by those of against Deltamethrin , DDVP and DDT .

  26. 结论:当淡色库蚊对DDVP产生抗药性后,应用有机磷类杀虫剂与增效剂混用的方法,能取得较好的防治效果,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion : After the mosquito yielded resistance to DDVP , the mixtures of DDVP with synergists may have better efficacy in mosquito control , and should be applied as a recommendable methods .

  27. 方法人工合成互补于抗性库蚊酯酶mRNA翻译起始点18碱基,与淡色库蚊mRNA退火后加入无细胞翻译体系,进行体外翻译,翻译产物用SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行分析。

    Methods 18 mer nucleic acid was synthesized and complementary to the translation initiation site of mRNA of dipterex resistant mosquitoes . The ODNs were annealed to the corresponding mRNA molecules and they were added to rabbit reticulocyte cell free system . The translation products were analyzed by SDS PAGE .

  28. 结果该杀虫剂室内药效对淡色库蚊的KT50值为2.40min,24h死亡率为100%;

    Results Laboratory efficacy test showed that KT_ ( 50 ) of the insecticide was ( 2.40 min ) and ( 24 h ) mortality was 100 % against Culex pipiens pallens ;

  29. 以淡色库蚊Culexpipienspallens为试材,初步进行了典型光活化杀虫剂α三噻吩(αT)的电子自旋共振(ESR)分析,并研究其对昆虫保护酶系统的影响。

    Preliminary effects of α - terthienyl (α - T ), a typical photo-activated insecticide , on active oxygen radicals and endogenous enzyme activity in the protective enzyme system of 4th instar Culex pipiens pallens larvae were studied by ESR analysis .

  30. 10株BAV中有6株分离自淡色库蚊,有1株分离自背点伊蚊,其余的3株分离自混合蚊种。

    BAV strains were isolated from Culex pipiens pallens , 1 BAV strain isolated from Aedes dorsalis while the remaining isolated from mosquito species mixed .