
shēn shuǐ
  • deepwater
深水[shēn shuǐ]
  1. 基于RS和GIS的长江口深水航道可视化研究

    Research on RS and GIS Based Visualization of Deepwater Channel in Changjiang Estuary

  2. 长江口深水航道治理工程一期工程GPS网的构建和应用

    Establishment and Application of GPS Net in the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Phase ⅰ Project

  3. 她在游泳池深水区挣扎着。

    She was floundering around in the deep end of the swimming pool .

  4. 他跳入深水区。

    He took the plunge into the deep end .

  5. 那是一份绝好的工作。你就像被抛到了泳池的深水区,一切都要靠自己。

    It 's a superb job . You get thrown in at the deep end and it 's all down to you

  6. 潜水员下潜到超过危险线的深水中去了。

    The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger limit .

  7. 大船走深水。

    A great ship asks deep water .

  8. 这两个国家一直为他们在水域中的深水捕鱼权问题争吵不休。

    The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters .

  9. 安娜不会游泳,她在游泳池的深水区里挣扎着。

    Anna couldn 't swim and was left floundering about ( around ) in the deep end of the swimming-pool .

  10. 大多数游泳池都有深水区,在那里潜水是安全的。

    Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe .

  11. 大夫权造了一只能发出龙的叫声的号角,来到南山旁的深水潭边吹奏。

    Da Fuquan made a born that could make sounds of dragon . He blew the born by the deep pool near Mountain Nanshang .

  12. 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

    I never let you not to know my existence , but I just never thought thatlove will fall upon on my head . Sometimes , I just wonder , we are fromdifferent waters , although I admire your world , I will be drowned if Iget close to you .

  13. 中国南海A盆地深水区古近系B组层序地层格架特征

    Characteristic of sequence stratigraphic trellis of B formation of Paleogene in deepwater area in the a basin of South China Sea

  14. HDPE管长距离深水越江的施工技术

    Experience from the Long-Distance Deep Water Across-River Construction of HDPE Pipeline

  15. 长江口深水航道第一期工程GPS控制网及其转换参数

    The GPS control network and it 's transformation parameters of the first stage deep water channel project in the entrance of Yangtze river

  16. 墨西哥湾深水地平线号(DeepwaterHorizon)石油泄漏事件表明,一旦出现故障,代价将十分高昂。

    As the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico showed , failure can be hugely costly .

  17. 介绍GPS定位技术在长江口深水航道治理工程中的创新应用,其中有GPS区域控制网、高程异常网的建立;

    This paper introduces the innovative application of GPS positioning technique in Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project , including establishment of a Local GPS Control Network and Elevation Anomaly Control Network ;

  18. 本文结合上海交通大学海洋深水试验池的工程实例,采用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行了数值模拟和地震动力响应计算分析。

    In this thesis , the large-scale general finite element analysis software ANSYS is applied in numerical simulation and seismic response of the deepwater tank in Shanghai Jiaotong University .

  19. 随着对自治式水下机器人(Autonomousunderwatervehicle)的研究不断深入,人们开始探究机器人有效的回收方法,深水回收有诸多优点而引起广泛关注。

    With the development of research on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ), people try to find out the effective method of recovery and deepwater recovery is focused on because of many advantages .

  20. 对取自东菲律宾海深水区致密&半固结沉积物表层的新型铁锰结壳典型样品进行了X射线衍射、X射线荧光、电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱及加速器质谱研究。

    XRD , XRF , ICP-OES and ICP-MS analyses were carried out on typical new-type ferromanganese crusts sampled on the surface of compact to half-solid sediment from deepwater areas of the East Philippine Sea .

  21. 介绍离岸无掩护大型深水防波堤大型沉箱采用半潜驳上漂浮卸驳、浮运、GPS定位,深水安装的施工方法及措施。

    This paper introduces the up-floating & barge-unloading by use of semi-submerged barge , floating hauling , GPS positioning , and construction method for deepwater installation of large-scale caisson for offshore unsheltered large-scale deepwater breakwater .

  22. Mn、Cr、Ni、V等元素的含量从浅水到深水总体呈增加之势,因此可以指示古水深的变化。

    Trace elements as Mn , Cr , Ni and V trend towards increases from shallow to deep water sedimentary settings , thus could be used to indicate relatively changes of paleo-water depth .

  23. 南海深水海盆区现代沉积作用的初步探讨用DDT测年法研究东海大陆架现代沉积作用

    A preliminary study on modern deep sea sedimentation of South China Sea Recent Sedimentation estimated by DDT dating in the Donghai Sea continental shelf

  24. 顶替效率高。介绍了国外常见的几种深水固井水泥浆技术,包括快凝石膏水泥浆体系、PSD水泥浆技术、高铝水泥、充气水泥浆技术和其他水泥浆技术。

    The several conventional cementing technologies for deep sea abroad were reviewed which included rapid setting gypsum slurry , PSD slurry , high alumina slurry , aerated slurry and so on .

  25. 随着海洋石油工业向深水领域的拓展以及边际油田的开发,都将孕育着FPSO的潜在市场及广阔的发展空间。

    With the development of deepwater and marginal fields , it is believed that more and more FPSO will be deployed to accommodate the need of such development .

  26. 东中国海Lagrange环流的模拟结果表明:潮致余流在黄海和东海北部的浅水区较为显著,而在深水区和东海陆架南部较弱;

    Results of lagrange circulations indicate : tidal residual circulations are more evident in the shallow water of the Yellow Sea and North of the East Sea , but weaker in the deep water and South of the East Sea shelf .

  27. 根据岩芯观察,解释了三角洲和深水浊积扇C-M图不同段的沉积环境意义,同时也研究了成岩作用对粒度特征的影响。

    Core analysis indicates that the different fragments in C-M diagram of the delta and turbidite fan represents the different sedimentary sub-environment .

  28. 对于南海北部深水区冬季局地风应力与浮力通量的作用相反量级相同,黑潮对南海北部SSH的控制作用在冬季显得最重要,约占50%~80%;

    SSH is positive in deep water region of the north of 18 ° N throughout the year ; in winter , in deeper water area the effect of local wind stress and buoyancy flux is opposite effect on the SSH but the same in value ;

  29. 此外,中国还在皎漂(KyaukPhyu)建设一个深水港,距印度开发的实兑港不远。

    It 's also building a new deep-water port at Kyauk Phyu , not far from India 's development at Sittwe .

  30. 数值预报EES向20m/s风场下深水航道水域波浪要素:有效波高分布和波浪水质点底部轨迹运动速度分布。

    Wave factors including the significant wave height and the wave orbital velocity near the bottom at the Yangtze River Estuary channel zone are simulated under the wind condition of 20m / s in the EES direction .