
shēn hǎi chén jī
  • Deep-sea sediment;abysmal deposit
  1. 深海沉积的凝缩段是Zn及部分pb的矿源层;

    The condensed sequence of deep sea sediments is the major source bed of Pb and Zn .

  2. 极地冰芯、深海沉积、黄土是过去全球变化(PAGES)的三大良好载体,分别代表了极地、海洋、陆地(人类居住地)的全球环境变化信息。

    Polar Ice-Core , Deep Sea Deposit , Loess are good carriers of the Past Global Changes ( PAGES ), which contain respectively the global environment changes information of the polar region , ocean , land ( where the mankind lived ) .

  3. 深海沉积理论发展及其在油气勘探中的意义

    A Review on Deep-Sea Sedimentation Theory : Significances to Oil-gas Exploration

  4. 我国太平洋深海沉积研究综述

    The study of deep-sea sediment of Pacific Ocean in China

  5. 深海沉积重晶石的采样、筛选和分析方法。

    Sampling and chemical analysis methods need to be improved .

  6. 快速气候变化与高分辨率的深海沉积记录

    Rapid climate change and high resolution deep-sea sedimentary records

  7. 南海深海沉积中的孢粉记录及其古环境

    PALYNOLOGICAL records on deep-sea sediments in the South China Sea and Its Paleoenvironment

  8. 15万年以来极地冰芯、黄土、深海沉积的对比研究与全球变化

    Comprehensive records of global change from polar ice cores , loess profiles and deep sea cores for last 150 000 years

  9. 第四纪研究因深海沉积、黄土和冰岩心的研究、年代学方法的应用已提高到一新水平。

    Quaternary study is based on deep-sea cores , loess and polar region ice as well as application of chronological methods .

  10. 晚中新世以后,盆地进入浅海半深海沉积环境的裂后热沉降期。

    After Late Miocene , the basin got into a post_rift thermal subsidence stage in a shallow to semi_deep sea environment .

  11. 中部为次深海沉积,为海侵和高水位体系域;

    The middle is bathyal-abyssal , which belongs to the transgression system tract ( TST ) and high system tract ( HST ) .

  12. 从而为利用深海沉积有机质碳同位素组成研究古气候变迁提供了依据。

    Such a study provides a basis for understanding palaeoclimate shifts by investigation of organic carbon isotopic composition in the deep sea sediments .

  13. 混合壳组合则代表趋于正常的深海沉积环境,反映了由强渐弱的海底水动力条件。

    The Calcareous shell assemblage was formed by turbidity flow , while the Mixed shell assemblage represented intense to weaker water dynamic condition .

  14. 并对大陆冰流次数与深海沉积所反应的冰期旋回的关系进行了探讨。

    The relationship between the frequency of continental ice flow and cycles of ice age indicated by the deposition of deep sea is also discussed in the article .

  15. 深海沉积理论的进展主要涉及“鲍玛序列”、浊流、砂质碎屑流和深海层序地层四方面。

    It has been challenged for the sedimentological theories , such as " Bouma Sequence " and " turbidite fan ", in the direction of deep-sea oil-gas exploration .

  16. 南海东部深海沉积中的孢粉研究及其古环境意义意大利中西部一古国,位于罗马东南部,毗邻第勒尼安海。

    Sporopollen Research on Deep-Sea Sediments in the Eastern South China Sea and Its Paleoenvironment an ancient region of west central Italy ( southeast of Rome ) on the Tyrrhenian Sea .

  17. 天然气水合物是自然界中天然气存在的一种特殊形式,主要分布在深海沉积层和陆域永久冻土带中。

    Natural gas hydrate is a special form of the existence of natural gas , which is mainly distributed both in the deep marine sediments and in the terrestrial permafrost regions .

  18. 论文的主要创新之处在于首次获得了区内粘土沉积物的热释光标型特征,发现它可能是深海沉积环境和物质来源的有效替代指标;

    The author investigated the typical thermoluminescence characteristics of the pelagic sediments in a creative way , and found it can be used as proxies for the sedimentary environments and mineral sources .

  19. 海底高有机碳含量沉积的发现、白垩纪中期缺氧事件的认识及深海沉积中大量缺失面的查知无疑是古海洋学研究中的重大进展。

    It is obviously a great success for paleoceanography to find out widespread deposition of high organic carbon content in the Middle Cretaceous ocean ( the understanding of anoxic event ), and to recognize numerous hiatuses in the deep-sea sediments .

  20. 然而,大多数分析技术的测试结果表明,与深海沉积环境(比如,南大洋、北太平洋等)相比,河口陆架沉积物中蛋白石质硅的含量很低,是生物硅埋藏较少的地区。

    However , small quantities of opaline silica detected by most operational analytical techniques exhibit that deltaic environments are relatively minor sites of biogenic silica burial , compared to abyssal sedimentary environments ( e.g. , the South Ocean , the northern Pacific Ocean ) .

  21. 南海深海盆地沉积柱样中的浊流沉积

    Fine-grained turbidite deposits from deep - sea basin in South China Sea

  22. 寻求深海碳酸盐沉积含量的物理标志

    Searching Physical Indicators of Carbonate Contents of Deep Sea Sediments

  23. 深海现代沉积有机质碳同位素组成变化的古气候证据

    Palaeoclimate evidence for carbon isotopic changes of organic matters in modern deep sea sediments

  24. 上新世和第四纪主要为浅海陆架及半深海充填沉积。

    There were mainly neritic shelf and bathyal filling sedimentation in the Pliocene and Quaternary .

  25. 铀系法在南海深海沉积物沉积速度研究中的应用

    Application of the uranium series method to the study on the depositional rate of DElP-SEA sediments in South China Sea

  26. 加速器质谱分析超痕量铍同位素研究深海沉积物沉积速率和多金属结核生长速率

    Beryllium Isotope Analysis by Accelerator_Mass Spectrometry and Study on Deposition Rates of Deep Sea Sediments and Growth Rates of Polymetallic Nodules

  27. 通过对沉积建造特征的分析,认为南海的下旋回大多属充填式沉积,主要由河流一湖泊相沉积组成;上旋回属超覆沉积,主要由浅海相或深海相沉积组成。

    By analyses of the sedimentary formation , we suggested that the lower cycle was mostly fill sediments , and mainly fluvial-lacustrine facies ;

  28. 深海浊流沉积具有粒径粗、分选差、峰态宽、频率曲线呈双峰态、沉积突变明显等特征。

    Deep-sea turbidite deposition is characterized by coarse grain size , poor sorting , wide kurtosis , bimodal frequency curve , and deposition mutation .

  29. 而在本组沉积晚期,水体开始变浅,大致为大陆斜坡-陆隆半深海浊流沉积环境。

    During the late period of sedimentation , however , the water depth became shallower as the environment of turbidity current in continental slope rising .

  30. 结果显示,该站位沉积物颗粒较细,为典型的半深海型沉积,颗粒大小主要为2~8μm,几乎没有大于63μm的颗粒。

    The analyses revealed that sediments at this site were fairly fine and typically semi-pelagic , with 2 ~ 8 μ m grains dominating and with scarce grains larger than 63 μ m.