
shēn lán
  • Dark Blue;deongaree;cyan-, cyano-
深蓝[shēn lán]
  1. 他身穿一套件价格不菲的深蓝色细条纹西装。

    He wore an expensive , dark blue pinstripe suit .

  2. Cr(Ⅵ)氧化直接深蓝的褪色反应及其应用

    Fading Reaction of Direct Dark Blue with Cr (ⅵ) Oxidation and Application thereof

  3. 20世纪90年代,当IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”击败国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫时,它登上了媒体头条。

    In the 1990s , it got headlines when deep blue beat world champion Gary Kasparov at chess .

  4. 像IBM的深蓝计算机那样可以击败国际象棋大师的电脑不是专家。

    A computer such as IBM 's Deep Blue that can beat a world grandmaster is not an expert .

  5. 而且我觉得IBM的深蓝和在座的任何一位对战,应该每次都会赢。

    And I think if IBM 's Deep Blue played anyone in this room , it would win every time .

  6. 对还原深蓝BO进行磺化改性处理引入磺酸基,使其成为双亲性化合物。

    Modified processes were performed on vat dark blue BO .

  7. 羟基铝蒙脱石去除染料弱酸性深蓝GR的研究

    Adsorption of Weak Deep Blue GR on Hydroxy-Alumium Montmorillonite

  8. 1997年,IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)超级计算机击败了当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    In 1997 , IBM 's Deep Blue supercomputer beat Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion .

  9. 在1996年,IBM的“深蓝”计算机成为有史以来成为赢过卫冕世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫一盘棋的首部计算机。

    In1996 , IBM 's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion , Garry Kasparov .

  10. 当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)被IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)击败。

    Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion , was beaten by IBM 's supercomputer , Deep Blue .

  11. 现在卡斯帕罗夫想进行第三次比赛来看谁才是最好的棋手,而ibm说“深蓝”已经退休了。

    Now Kasparov wants to play a third match to decide who is the best player , but IBM says that deep blue has " retired " ?

  12. IBM在19年前就创造了这种炒作模式。当时,该公司的深蓝(DeepBlue)国际象棋计算机打败了世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    IBM set the pattern 19 years ago , when it 's Deep Blue chess-playing computer beat world champion Garry Kasparov .

  13. 瞬间,twitter看上去黯淡了,而Facebook嘛,还是深蓝比较好看。

    All of the sudden twitter looks so gloomy and let ` s just say that Facebook looks better in dark blue , period .

  14. 由于摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)不可阻挡的前进步伐为计算能力带来了指数式增长,深蓝在人机大战中最终大获全胜几乎是定局——这只是个时间问题。

    Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore 's law - bringing exponential increases in computing capacity - it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end : it was just a matter of time .

  15. 负载型TiO2膜太阳光光催化降解活性深蓝K-R的研究

    Solar photocatalytic degradation of reactive deep blue K-R by immobilized TiO_2-film catalyst

  16. CibacronHW型活性深蓝代替硫化深蓝灯芯绒染色的实践

    Dyeing Corduroy with Cibacron HW Reactive Navy Blue in Replace of Sulphur Blue

  17. 如果大家趁国际象棋冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫还没进监狱的时候,把他请来与IBM的深蓝对战,深蓝有时会赢。

    If you pit Garry Kasparov here , when he 's not in jail , against IBM 's Deep Blue , well the answer is IBM 's Deep Blue will occasionally win .

  18. 1997年IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)击败国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov),2011年,该公司的“沃森”(Watson)赢得美国电视智力竞赛节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy)。

    IBM 's Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997 , and the company 's Watson won the US television quiz show Jeopardy ! in 2011 .

  19. 酸性深蓝5R的极谱分析方法及其与环糊精的超分子体系研究

    Polarographic Method of Acid Cyanine 5R and the Supramolecular System of Acid Cyanine 5R with Cyclodextrins by Polarography

  20. 本人穿的就是Hackett的深蓝色细条灯心绒面料西装,此外我还一直觊觎博柏利(Burberry)的一款深绿色西服。

    My own is a dark navy needlecord from Hackett , and there 's a bottle-green Burberry number that I covet .

  21. 围棋的巨大复杂性超出了IBM深蓝(DeepBlue)国际象棋计算机“蛮力”方法的处理能力。1997年,每秒评估2亿步的深蓝战胜了加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    Go 's huge complexity rules out the " brute force " approach of IBM 's Deep Blue chess computer , which beat Garry Kasparov in 1997 by evaluating 200m positions per second .

  22. 1997年,沃森电脑的前辈、IBM公司的深蓝电脑在一场著名的人机大赛中击败了当时的国际象棋大师加里·卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    In 1997 , Watson 's precursor , IBM 's Deep Blue , beat the reigning chess grand master Garry Kasparov in a famous man-versus-machine match .

  23. 用D301树脂对活性深蓝K-R的吸附特征进行了研究。

    The adsorption property of reactive deep blue K-R on D301 resin is studied .

  24. IBM的一位高管在最近的一次会议上表示,1997年超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)与加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)进行国际象棋比赛,在对弈到一半时,“深蓝”由于软件故障走了一步闲棋。

    An IBM executive told a recent conference that when supercomputer Deep Blue was halfway through its 1997 chess match with Garry Kasparov , it made a random move , due to a software bug .

  25. 哈萨比斯说,尽管IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)在1997年击败了国际象棋大师加里愠斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov),但围棋的复杂程度要远远超过国际象棋。哈萨比斯是一名非常热衷于围棋和国际象棋的选手。

    Although IBM 's Deep Blue computer famously beat Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997 , Go has a complexity far exceeding that of chess , said Mr Hassabis who is a keen player of both games .

  26. 与“深蓝”一样,从某种程度上来说,AlphaGo玩的是不同的游戏。

    Like Deep Blue , AlphaGo was in a sense playing a different game .

  27. 分散深蓝HGL(C.I.分散蓝79)染料在高温染色过程中化学稳定性的研究

    The chemical stability of Disperse Navy Blue HGL ( C. I. Disperse Blue 79 ) during the high-temperature dyeing process

  28. N.Y.Campbell没有参与此次新研究,但他助力开发了一款叫做深蓝的计算机,并于1997年战胜了国际象棋冠军GarryKasparov。

    He did , however , help develop a computer called Deep Blue . In 1997 , it defeated world champion Garry Kasparov at chess .

  29. Aqua-MODIS深蓝算法反演的AOD数据较好给出了我国西北荒漠地区亮地表AOD的季节分布特征。

    Aqua-MODIS deep blue of the AOD data was given a desert region in northwest China on the surface of the AOD season distribution characteristics .

  30. 用红外光谱对改性后的还原深蓝BO分子的结构进行表征,用偏光显微镜、紫外可见分光光度计研究其水溶液及其固态偏振薄膜的性质。

    The molecular structure of modified vat dark blue BO was characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) . The property of its aqueous solutions and solid polarizing film was investigated by micropolariscope and UV-vis spectrophotometer .