
  • 网络Clean area;cleaning area;hygienic area
  1. 结果发现10岁女小学生全部指标均显示出污染地区明显低于相对清洁区。

    These values showed that air pollution areas were significantly lower than that of relatively clean area .

  2. 方法:导管室严格区分清洁区与无菌区,有一套应急抢救设备。

    Methods : The operating room as a sterile room was strictly divided from the clean area . A system of emergency equipment was set up .

  3. 为了观察大气污染对小学生外周血淋巴细胞微核形成的影响,在太原市重污染区和相对清洁区选取五年级小学生84人,进行外周血淋巴细胞微核(MN)观察。

    To study the effects of air pollution from coal-burning on micronucleus formation in peripheral blood lymphocyte among pupils .

  4. 随着RTP温度的升高,降温速率的减小,样品清洁区宽度逐渐变宽。

    With increasing RTP temperature and decreasing cooling rate , DZ width increased .

  5. 随着RTP温度的升高,辐照样品中清洁区宽度逐渐变窄。

    With increasing RTP temperature , DZ width decreased . ( weak ) in width .

  6. 苗圃区Ci值为0.52,处于0.5&0.69之间,空气含菌量为603个/m~3,环境空气属于清洁区。

    In nursery , Ci is 0.52 , which is between 0.5 and 0.69 . The amount of bacteria is 603 / m3and the environment air clean .

  7. 研究了不同RTP条件对快中子辐照掺氮硅中体缺陷和清洁区的影响。

    The effect of RTP conditions on bulk stacking faults ( BSFs ) and denuded zone ( DZ ) was investigated .

  8. 作为研究疫苗的P3实验室,须严格执行规范及政府有关文件的要求。明确划分清洁区、半污染区、污染区;

    As for reacher epidemic disease P3 laboratory shall strict satisfy authorities publish standards and guideline and government code .

  9. 快速预热处理对大直径CZ-Si中FPDs及清洁区的影响

    Effect of Pre-Rapid Thermal Annealing on FPDs and Denuded Zones in Large-Diameter CZ-Si

  10. 通过红外吸收测量、带电粒子活化分析及腐蚀后的金相观察,证实了经三步热处理退火后的CZ硅片,表面层氧外扩散而形成清洁区,体内氧沉淀形成高密度的缺陷区。

    The variation of the state of oxygen in CZ silicon wafer and the distribution of precipitate are studied by infrared absorption measurement , charged-particle analysis and etching metallographic examination .

  11. 本文研究北京清洁区(海淀区)低空气污染条件下居民死亡率与TSP及SO2的关系。

    The present study examines the relation of air pollution ; total suspended paniculate ( TSP ) and sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) with daily mortality of residents in Beijing less polluted area ( Haidian district ) .

  12. 研究发现,当硅片在Ar气氛或N2/O2(9%)混合气氛下RTA预处理后,FPDs密度较低,随后热处理出现的氧沉淀诱生缺陷密度较高、清洁区较宽。

    After annealing in an Ar or N_2 / O_2 ( 9 % ) mixed atmosphere , the wafers exhibit low FPD density , high oxygen precipitation density , and a wide denuded zone .

  13. 本调查与攀枝花和辽宁两地区10岁女小学生部分肺通气功能进行比较,发现FVC、FEV1和PEFR值重庆相对清洁区和污染区均比两地区低。

    These values of FVC , FEV_1 and PEFR were lower in Chongqing than that of both areas Pan Zhi Hua and Liao Ning in 10 years old of girl pupils .

  14. 研究了不同气氛下快速预热处理(RTA)后,硅片中的流动图形缺陷(FPDs)密度和随后两步热处理形成的魔幻清洁区(MDZ)之间的关系。

    The relationship between flow pattern defects ( FPDs ) and the magic denuded zone ( MDZ ) in CZ silicon wafers is investigated after pre-RTA in different atmospheres .

  15. 采用综合指数法对厂区及周围大气环境进行评价分级,结果是,厂区周围500m以内为重污染区,2500m以外为清洁区。

    With the method of combined index , the environmental evaluation and classification about the atmosphere of the factory and surroundings indicate that the region within 500m around the factory is seriously polluted and the area 2500m away from the factory is clean .

  16. 经历氮气氛预处理的辐照样品中有一定宽度的清洁区形成。

    DZ formed in the sample that annealed in nitrogen atmosphere .

  17. 快速热处理对大直径直拉硅中空洞型微缺陷及清洁区的影响

    Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Void Defects and Denuded Zone in Large-Diameter CZ-Si

  18. 在隔离区和清洁区均可打印胶片和诊断报告。

    The film and diagnostic report could be printed in isolated and clear area .

  19. 消毒供应室清洁区空气含菌量控制的探讨

    Quantum of Bacteria in Air of Cleaning Section of Disinfecting Supply Division : A Surveillance

  20. 韩国访问的坟墓他们的祖先低头及清洁区,为即将到来的冬季。

    The Koreans visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter .

  21. 许多兽医不认为休息站,沿州际是一种特别清洁区为你的狗。

    Many veterinarians do not think the Rest Stations along the Interstates are a particularly sanitary area for your dog .

  22. 两试验区针叶的气孔密度比清洁区正常马尾松针叶的气孔密度(180num/mm~2)都小。

    The stomatal density was shorter in two experimental areas than that in clear area ( 180 num / mm2 ) .

  23. 结论本研究对提高消毒供应室清洁区的空气洁净度提供了可信性数据。

    CONCLUSIONS This article provides the credible data for boosting the pureness of the air of the cleaning section of disinfecting supply division .

  24. 结果表明,浙江近岸海域表层沉积物环境质量分为四个区,即清洁区、起始污染区、轻污染区和中度污染区。

    The results showed that there were four pollution levels in the Zhejiang offshore-the clean , affected , light pollution and moderate pollution .

  25. 清洁区是气态汞吸附在土壤粒子上而形成的主要以粗粒子状态存在。

    However , the mercury is coarse particle in clean region as the vapourized mercury adheres to soil particle and forms the particle mercury .

  26. 在屠宰流水线作业中,清洁区与非清洁区物理隔开并分别配置人员,避免畜体和可食用副产品的相互污染。

    In slaughter line operations , clean and unclean operations are physically separated and individually manned to avoid contamination of carcasses and edible by-products .

  27. 方法(1)病区独立设置,污染区、半污染区、清洁区分开,且安装有大功率排风扇。

    Methods 1 . Establishing independent SARS in-patient department with seperate contaminated area , semi-contaminated area , clear area . Installing exhaust fan with high power .

  28. 结果,负压病房工作区空气含菌量从清洁区-半污染区-污染区(负压病房)依次升高;

    Results : The air bacterial count of the working areas of negative-pressure ward increased in the order of clean area-semicontaminated area-contaminated area ( negative-pressure ward ) .

  29. 对采集自清洁区和污染区悬铃木的几种器官重金属含量随时间的变化模式进行了研究。

    The analysis and comparison on time-varying model of heavy metal contents in several organs of Platanus hispanica on the pollution zone and clean zone were carried out .

  30. 还可用于鸵鸟毛清洁区或机械手工作区,吸附散落的碎片和油漆飞溅,方便事后清洗和减少污染源。

    They may also be used in Feather Duster areas and Robot Zones to capture falloff and spills in order to reduce cleanup and prevent dirt seed contamination .