
qīnɡ jié nénɡ yuán
  • clean energy
  1. 虽然清洁能源在我们的日常生活中得到了越来越多的使用,但在二氧化碳排放量达到峰值后的几十年内,全球变暖仍将持续。

    While clean energy is increasingly used in our daily life , global warming will continue for some decades after CO2 emissions peak .

  2. 该学院还计划安装更多的太阳能电池板,并转用100%的清洁能源供应商。

    It plans to install more solar panels and switch to 100 % clean energy supplier .

  3. 清洁能源工业在信用紧缩中受害尤甚。

    The industry suffered particularly badly in the credit crunch .

  4. 政策制定者不能让能源价格走低来破坏清洁能源转型。

    Policymakers   should   not   allow   low   energy   prices   to   derail   the   clean   energy   transition .

  5. 目前化石燃料价格走低的情况必然会延缓化石燃料向清洁能源的转换。

    The   current   low   fossil   fuel   price   environment   will   thus   certainly   delay   the   energy   transition from   fossil   fuel   to   clean   energy   sources .

  6. 尽管近期在开发可再生燃料方面取得重大突破,但是化石燃料价格走低可能会阻碍更清洁能源技术的进一步创新和使用。

    Notwithstanding   important   recent   progressin   developing   renewable   fuel   sources ,   low   fossil   fuel   prices   could   discourage   further   innovation in ,   and   adoption   of ,   cleaner   energy   technologies .

  7. 如果化石燃料的价格没有依据合理的碳价格修订,化石燃料的低价则不能向市场发出准确信号,表明清洁能源的真正社会效益。

    If   not   corrected   by   the   appropriate carbon   price ,   low   fossil   fuel   prices   are   not   accurately   signaling   to   markets   the   true   social profitability   of   clean   energy .

  8. 通过高对清洁能源的相对需求,碳价格也将有助于市场因其社会回报而重新开始革新清洁能源,推动现有技术的善和新技术的发展。

    By   raising   relative   demand   for   clean energy   sources ,   a   carbon   price   would   also   help   align   the   market   return   to   clean-energy innovation   with   its   social   return ,   spurring   the   refinement   of   existing   technologies   and   the development   of   new   ones .

  9. A:我想,我们可以通过使用清洁能源来解决这个问题,过上更绿色的生活。B:真的吗?

    A : We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem , I think . B : You do ?

  10. 如果对蠢萌小动物的喜爱能转化成电力,那么全世界就能拥有一种可再生的清洁能源,所有的战争也将结束。

    If the adoration of cute baby animals could be converted into electricity , the world would finally have a clean source of renewable energy , and all war would end .

  11. 中国建成了全球最大的清洁能源系统,新能源汽车产销量连续5年居世界首位。

    China has put in place the world 's biggest clean energy system , and has led the world in the output and sales of new energy vehicles for five years running .

  12. 中国在基础设施建设和制造业领域,新西兰在农业科技、信息技术、清洁能源等领域,各自有着突出优势,两国可以取长补短、互为所用。

    With China 's strengths in infrastructure and manufacturing and New Zealand 's advantages in agricultural science and technology , IT and clean energy , the two countries have much to offer to each other and may draw upon each other 's strong points .

  13. 新能源融资(newenergyfinance)的时事通讯显示,一批私人股本基金正在亚洲积极寻找可再生及清洁能源技术领域的投资机会。

    A score of big private equity funds are actively searching for renewable and clean technology opportunities in Asia , according to the new energy finance newsletter .

  14. 其它支持来自于非政府组织,例如中美清洁能源合作组织(JointUS-ChinaCo-operationonCleanEnergy)。

    Other support is available from non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ), such as the Joint US-China Co-operation on Clean Energy ( Juccce ) .

  15. 为中国清洁能源辩护的拉斯维加斯破产律师马修·C·齐尔措(MatthewC.Zirzow)并未回复请其置评的电话。

    Matthew C. Zirzow , the Las Vegas bankruptcy lawyer for Sino Clean , did not return a telephone call seeking comment .

  16. 低碳经济所要解决的问题实质上是有关高效利用能源、开发清洁能源、追求绿色GDP的议题。

    The key issue that the low-carbon economics focus is to use the energy with high efficiency , explore clean energy and pursue green GDP .

  17. 液化天然气(LNG)作为一种新型的清洁能源,已经在世界各国的很多领域得到了广泛应用。

    Liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) as a new clean energy , has been widely used in many areas of the world .

  18. 经净化处理除去惰性组分和有害气体后,其主要成分CH4又是一种清洁能源。

    However , its cleaning treatment may remove inert and hazardous gases and refine the main constituent , methane , as one kind of clean energy .

  19. Steiner说,整体的数字显示了投资者对不断增长的国际气候担忧做出响应的能力,而且显示了清洁能源的市场是可以生存下去的。

    The overall figures indicate the ability of investors to respond to growing international climate concerns , said Steiner , and that the markets for clean energy are viable .

  20. 二甲醚(DME)作为一种新型的清洁能源和化工原料,是替代柴油和液化石油气的理想燃料。

    Dimethyl ether ( DME ) is a new chemical intermediate and ideal clean fuel which can substitute diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas for for its high cetane number and environmentally benign properties .

  21. 但如何为清洁能源的发展提供有效激励这个更大的问题,很可能成为solyndra丑闻的牺牲品。

    But the bigger question how to frame an effective incentive for the growth of clean energy may well be a casualty of the solyndra scandal .

  22. NEUP是在奥巴马政府的努力下建立的,以确保核能是我们的清洁能源结构的一部分。

    NEUP builds upon the Obama Administration 's efforts to ensure that nuclear power is a part of our clean energy mix .

  23. 当26岁的应用材料工程师XeiLina最近被问到中国将来是否会在清洁能源方面扮演重要角色时,她对这个问题感到惊讶。

    When Xie Lina , a26-year-old Applied Materials engineer here , was asked recently whether China would play a big role in clean energy in the future , she was surprised by the question .

  24. 硅橡胶膜生物反应器(SRMBR)用于连续发酵制造乙醇,在目前被认为是最具有市场开发前景的清洁能源技术之一。

    Ethanol production by a continuous fermentation in silicone rubber membrane bio-reactor ( SRMBR ) is one of the most promising technologies for clearer-energy development .

  25. 通过像NEUP这样的程序,该署现正采取行动,并重新启动了广阔的途径,创造新的清洁能源就业机会和减少二氧化碳污染。

    Through programs like NEUP , the Department is taking action to restart the nuclear industry as part of a broad approach to create new clean energy jobs and cut carbon pollution .

  26. 但他指出,美国在提高燃效和开发清洁能源方面付出了努力。

    S.efforts at increasing fuel efficiency and exploring clean energy options .

  27. 南充市清洁能源行动计划的政策分析

    Analysis on the policies of the clear energy action in Nanchong

  28. 清洁能源汽车的开发动向&燃料电池汽车

    The Developing Trend of Clean Resource Car & Fuel Cell Vehicle

  29. 在日益提倡发展清洁能源的今天,潮汐能的开发显得尤为重要。

    Now the clean energy is the essential energy for development .

  30. 其次,优化能源结构,扩大清洁能源消费。

    Next , optimize energy structure , and expand clean energy expense .