
yuān sǒu
  • den;gathering place of fish or beasts;haunt
渊薮 [yuān sǒu]
  • [gathering place of fish or beasts] 渊:深水,鱼住的地方;薮:水边的草地,兽住的地方。比喻人或事物集中的地方

  • 为天下逋逃主萃渊薮。--《书.武成》

  • 宛为大都,士之渊薮。--《后汉书.梁冀传》

  • 婢子向闻天朝为人文渊薮,人才之广,自古皆然。--《镜花缘》

  1. 哈萨辛大师行会是狞笑和死亡的渊薮。

    The Master Hashashim 's'Guild house is a den of delights and death .

  2. 古代中医药发展的文化渊薮

    Cultural Den of Ancient Chinese Medicine Development

  3. 摧毁这个无知窟窖,那罪恶渊薮也就毁灭掉了。

    Destroy the cavern Ignorance and you destroy the lair Crime .

  4. 这地方是罪恶的渊薮。

    The place gave off a strong emanation of evil .

  5. 19世纪的文学是游记名篇的渊薮。

    The literature of the19th century is rich with great travel writing .

  6. 中国传统珠宝玉石文化的渊薮

    Source of the culture of Chinese Jewelry & Jade

  7. 而如今,乌克兰成为波兰眼中的贪腐之渊薮。

    Now Ukraine has become , in polish eyes , a sump of corruption .

  8. 文献的瑰宝史料的渊薮

    The Treasure of Literature and Historical Materials

  9. 中世纪商人法是近、现代商事立法的源头和渊薮。

    The Merchant Law of Middle Ages is the headstream of classic and modern eras .

  10. 那是罪恶的渊薮。

    It was a sink of iniquity .

  11. 朝那湫,是固原秦汉时期道教文化发展的渊薮;

    The Chaonaqiu was also the origin of Taoism Culture during the Qin & Han Dynasties .

  12. 海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。

    The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned .

  13. 然而日本罪恶的势力并未动容丝毫,将整个国家再次推入灾难的渊薮。

    How the evil force did not change little , and pushed its nation into abyss again .

  14. 高等数学:辩证法的渊薮(续)&例谈高等数学中的普遍联系

    Higher Mathematics : the Sink of Dialectics ( Continued ) & Some Examples of the Universal Relations in Higher Mathematics

  15. 从汉语词汇史角度看,其中词语关涉政治经济、司法刑狱、礼仪习俗等方面,乃法律用语之渊薮。

    From the perspective of the history of Chinese words , its word is a breeding ground of legal language .

  16. 盗贼行会并非鸡鸣狗盗之徒的渊薮,而是致力培养情报和安全人员的训练中心。

    Thieves'Guild house is more of a training centre devoted to the practice of security and intelligence rather than a criminal collective .

  17. 这是导致个体存在困境的渊薮,也是摆脱这种困境个体必须直面的人性本真。

    This leads to the dilemma of the individual , but it is the human nature the individual in trouble has to face .

  18. 因为他没有具备在阴谋和权力斗争的渊薮中生存下来所必需的本领。

    For he did not have the qualities necessary for survival in the midst of a swamp of intrigues and struggles for power .

  19. 华美的公馆被作家设定为陪都上层社会享乐、堕落的空间,是藏污纳垢的渊薮。

    The magnificent residence is set up by the writers as the The upper social pleasure , fallen space is the symbol of evil .

  20. 荒野不仅是罪恶与危险的渊薮,也是爱欲的伊甸园,那里绽开着文明之花。

    Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers , but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom .

  21. 北京古城既是历代都城规划建设的高度总结,也是东方文化的渊薮。

    The ancient city of Beijing is not only a high summation of capital planning in China 's history , but also the origin of oriental culture .

  22. 魏晋南北朝文学具有鲜明的城市化特征,城市是文学创作的渊薮,城市除了深刻影响文学的生产,也深刻影响着文学的消费或传播。

    Thus literature of this period had its urban characteristic which displayed that the production and spreading of literature resulted from the deep influence of cities as sources of literature .

  23. 除了北京、上海等中心城市外,上海西南的浙江省、毗邻香港的广东省同样是私人企业家之渊薮。

    Beyond the obvious centres , such as Beijing and Shanghai , there are the heartlands of private sector entrepreneurs Zhejiang Province , south-west of Shanghai , and Guangdong Province just over the border from Hong Kong .

  24. 这些少年无一不深陷在暴力、孤独的渊薮中不可自拔,面对青春期性意识的朦胧觉醒又显得无所适从,他们的成长是一无所获的。

    These youth are all mired in violence and can not extricate themselves from it . Dim awareness of the face of adolescent sexual awakening makes them at a loss . Their physical growth gains nothing for them .

  25. 以殷墟甲骨文为代表的殷商文化是中华民族优秀传统文化的渊薮,是世界古代文化格局中自始至终繁衍不息、影响至今的先进文化的代表。

    Yin and Shang Culture , with inscriptions on oracle bones as its representative , is one of the treasures of ancient Chinese culture . It is also representative of advanced culture with its influence , productivity and continuity .

  26. 作为公共空间的晚清报刊是晚清散文的重要渊薮,对晚清散文新文体的形成起到了促进作用。

    As public spaces , newspapers and periodicals are the important places of issuing the proses of the late Qing Dynasty , which had given a promotion in forming the new style of prose of the late Qing Dynasty .

  27. 而《侠剑传》和《续侠剑传》两部文言短篇侠义小说集,则是研究古代侠义小说的渊薮,在中国小说史上具有不可磨灭的价值。

    Knight-Errants ' Stories and Sequel of Knight-Errants ' Stories , two collections of short novels on knight-errantry in classical Chinese , are the gathering place for the research of China 's ancient novels , and of indelible value in the history of China 's novels .

  28. 经济发展并不必然带来道德进步,离开了道德教化,经济发展就有可能成为新一轮道德堕落的罪恶渊薮,只有社会主义制度才能将经济与道德统一起来;

    The development of economy will not necessarily bring about the progress of morality , instead , without moral influences , the development of economy has the possibility of becoming the trap of moral corruption , socialist system is the only possible power that can unite economy and morality ;

  29. 宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。

    Song Yu 's Dui Chu Wang Wen , a representative of the dialog style , set a stylistic model for the contents of a dialog , crystallizing the Northern culture and the Chu State culture and serving as a direct source for the " Bing Fu " style .