
  • 网络Channel Collaboration
  1. 本文详细描述了系统的设计过程,包括系统类结构设计和数据库设计,从各个层面展现渠道协同系统的开发研究过程。

    This paper describes the design process of the system in detail , including the design of system class structure and the database design .

  2. 该支撑平台采用分层设计的理念以及B/S架构技术实现电子渠道协同的相关应用。

    The supporting platform is based on the concept of hierarchical design and B / S architecture technology for electronic channels to achieve the cooperative application .

  3. 中国移动渠道协同系统是中国移动客服系统的组成部分,客服系统旨在提高客户服务的效率和用户的满意度,渠道协同系统的服务宗旨也在于此。

    China Mobile channels collaboration system is an integral part of China Mobile customer service system , which is designed to improve customer service efficiency and satisfaction , which is also the purpose of Channels Collaboration system .

  4. 它说明,渠道协同和渠道职能是渠道结构实施过程中的关键环节,忽视渠道协同和渠道职能两者中的任何一个环节,都不能实现其提升渠道绩效的目的。

    It shows that the channel synergies and channel function is the key links and taches . If ignore either channel synergies or channel functions , we fail to achieve its aim of enhancing the channel performance .

  5. 希冀能加强中国移动营销渠道间协同联动,提高业务办理的效率,为真正实现电信行业低成本、高效率、易推广的渠道协同机制提供一定的借鉴意义。

    It hopes that could reinforce the collaboration and interaction among China Mobile marketing channels , improve the efficiency of conducting business , and provide some references for Telecom industry to realize truly ' low cost , high efficiency , easy promotion ' of channel collaboration mechanism .

  6. 本文提出的渠道转型和协同策略已在广东联通部分地市进行实施,对渠道综合效能提升显著。本文的研究成果对处于电信业务转型期中的广东联通的渠道运营管理具有重要的指导意义。

    The results of this study have significance on channel management of China Unicorn Guangdong Branch which is in te period of business transition .

  7. 渠道互补就是两种销售渠道协同为顾客创造价值的程度。

    Channel complementarity is defined as the degree to which duple retail channels work synergistically to create value .

  8. 第三、形成统一的电子渠道维护界面,实现渠道之间的协同。

    Third , forming a unified electronic channel maintenance interface , and achieving synergy between channels .

  9. 此外,除了产品创新,企业管理者需要探索创新其他渠道,并努力发挥多种渠道的协同效应。

    Moreover , in addition to product innovation , managers need to explore other channels of innovation , and seek to exert a synergy effect among them .

  10. 因此,不论是政府还是企业在建设农产品营销渠道时,不仅仅要重视渠道结构的优化,也要注重渠道成员的协同及职能的履行,只有这样才能有效的提高农产品营销渠道的绩效。

    Thus in order to improve the performance of agricultural products channel , governments and enterprises must optimize channel synergies and channel functions , as well as channel structure .

  11. 本文致力于企业传统分销渠道与网络分销渠道间的冲突与风险研究,旨在能够发现这两种渠道不协同的起因以及由此导致的对企业的危害,寻找科学的治理与控制途径。

    This paper emphasizes on the study of conflicts and risks between the traditional distribution channels and network distribution channels , which aims to find out the causes and the danger of the coordination between these two channels , and to find out a scientific management and controllable approach .

  12. 本文创新性地提出了适合电子渠道的五力分析模型:产品与渠道的适配性、客户对电子渠道的影响、潜在的新型渠道类型、渠道竞争与协同,及运营商间电子渠道的竞争。

    This paper put forward innovative on " Five Forces " model of electronic channels : the adaptation of products and channels , the impact of electronic channels by customers , potential new channel type , channel competition and coordination , and inter-operator competition on electronic channels .