
  1. 渠道成员激励中的行为因素研究

    On the Behavioral Factors in the Incentive of Channel Members

  2. 接下来的第四章研究了ACLAS公司对营销渠道成员的激励和对渠道冲突的处理。

    Next the fourth chapter deals with ACLAS ' promotion on marketing channel members and handling the channel conflict .

  3. 渠道包括三部分内容:渠道成员的选择、渠道成员的激励、渠道成员的考评。

    There are three parts of channel such as channel member selection , channel member encouragement , channel member check .

  4. 渠道管理主要是两个方面,一是加强对渠道成员的激励,二是加强对渠道绩效的评估与监控。

    The channel management concerns two aspects : one is to strengthen the encouragement of channel members , the other is to strengthen the evaluation and supervision of channel performance .

  5. 营销渠道管理包括:产品管理、定价管理、促销管理、物流管理、渠道成员的激励和绩效评价。H公司是最早进入中国大陆市场的外资蔬菜种子企业。

    Marketing channels management include , products management , pricing management , promotion management , logistic management , the motivation and evaluation of channel members . H Company is the first foreign vegetable seed company in the world which invested in Chinese mainland market .

  6. 渠道管理包括制定渠道战略、设计营销渠道、选择渠道成员、渠道管理和渠道成员激励、评估渠道等内容。

    Marketing channel management includes initiating channel strategy 、 designing marketing channel 、 selecting channel members 、 channel management 、 motivating members 、 channel conflict management and evaluation and etc.

  7. 渠道冲突管理是渠道管理的重要内容,而渠道冲突管理的核心是设计有效的渠道成员激励机制。

    The channel conflict management is an important part of channel management and effective incentive mechanism design is the core issue of channel conflict management .