
  • 网络Channel Conflict Management
  1. 通信企业分销渠道冲突管理研究

    A Study of Channel Conflict Management in Chinese Communication Enterprise

  2. 因此,加强通信企业渠道冲突管理与控制日益显得重要。

    Thus , strengthening communication channel conflict management and control of business become increasingly more important .

  3. 第四部分为支撑策略研究,通过BDF公司与家乐福之间的渠道冲突管理案例研究,从实践中总结、归纳得到渠道冲突管理措施,用来支撑具体的渠道冲突管理策略。

    The fourth section supporting strategic research , through BDF channel between the company and the Carrefour conflict management case studies , summarized from practice , summed to obtain channel conflict management measures used to support specific channel conflict management strategies .

  4. 营销渠道冲突管理理论研究述评

    Review of Conflict Management Theory in Marketing Distribution Channel

  5. 渠道冲突管理的生命周期观&机会主义及其治理机制

    The Lifecycle Viewpoint of the Management of Channel Conflict - Opportunism and Its Governance Mechanism

  6. 多重渠道冲突管理的渠道区隔与整合策略&基于电子商务的研究框架

    Channel Segmentation and Integration in Multi-Channel Conflict Management : A Research Framework Focused on E-Business

  7. 最后论文提出了种子营销渠道冲突管理的具体策略。

    The end of thesis puts forward and solves the concrete seed marketing channel conflicts .

  8. 渠道冲突管理是营销研究的热门课题之一。

    The management of channel conflict is one of the hot top - ics of marketing research .

  9. 我国家电连锁渠道冲突管理的思考&基于渠道权力结构角度的分析

    Consideration of Channel Conflict of Home Appliance Chain in China Based on Analysis of Theory of Channel Power Structure

  10. 在思路层面,主要是建立企业渠道冲突管理的目标和基本原则。

    At the thinking level , the main business is to establish channels of conflict management objectives and basic principles .

  11. 在冲突成因分析的基础上,本文设计了包括正式机制和非正式机制的渠道冲突管理参考框架。

    Based on these conclusions , this thesis designs a reference frame for channel conflict , including formal and informal mechanisms .

  12. 第一章主要对西方渠道冲突管理理论作了系统的概括和介绍。

    This thesis includes four chapters : Chapter 1 mainly systematical introduces and generalizes the western theory of channel conflict management .

  13. 在现实操作中,很多企业在渠道冲突管理、维护渠道关系方面缺乏系统科学的处理方法和解决办法。

    In actual operation , many enterprises lack of systematic scientific approaches and solutions in the channel conflict management and maintenance of channel relations .

  14. 渠道冲突管理是渠道管理的重要内容,而渠道冲突管理的核心是设计有效的渠道成员激励机制。

    The channel conflict management is an important part of channel management and effective incentive mechanism design is the core issue of channel conflict management .

  15. 该部分对国内一家著名公司营销渠道冲突管理策略进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 is the part of positive of this thesis and it analyzes the strategy of channel conflict management of a famous company in our country .

  16. 信息不对称作为市场中普遍存在客观的现象,会导致道德风险和逆向选择等问题,本文从信息不对称角度出发,对营销渠道冲突管理问题展开讨论。

    Information asymmetry which as a common phenomenon in market could lead to moral hazard problem and adverse selection , this paper starts with information asymmetry ; discuss the management of marketing channel conflict .

  17. 文章通过博弈模型的构造和分析,提出了渠道冲突管理及优化策略,以期为广大中小企业提供一个解决冲突的切实可行的方法。

    The essay also brings up channel conflict management for the sake of a feasible measure for medium-sized and small enterprise to resolve the conflicts by means of forming and analyzing the Game Theory Model .

  18. 最后,论文提出了黑龙江省中小企业营销渠道冲突管理有效管理的保障措施,务必保证黑龙江省中小企业营销渠道管理系统的顺利完成和实施。

    Finally the thesis proposes security measures of Heilongjiang Province SMEs ' marketing channel confliction effective management , which must ensure that Heilongjiang Province SMEs ' marketing channel confliction management system complete and implement successfully .

  19. 本章对国内企业渠道冲突管理目标、在管理过程所必须把握的基本原则以及渠道冲突管理的战略步骤进行了深入的探讨,在此基础上提出了国内企业渠道冲突管理过程中可采用的基本策略。

    Chapter 3 deals with the strategy of channel conflict management of the local enterprise . It discusses the goals , the basic principles and the steps of channel conflict management of the local enterprise .

  20. 遗憾的是,文献对于渠道冲突管理的分析都是以结果为导向,忽视了对渠道冲突的前因分析,也没有树立渠道冲突管理的全程意识。

    Unfortunately , however , the management of channel conflicts is all result-oriented . Not only the management often neglects the analysis of the antecedent cause of channel conflict , but also lack the overall idea of channel governance .

  21. 首先,分析了渠道冲突管理中的系管理目标、原则及基本步骤;其次,依次分析了渠道冲突的预防与预警措施、冲突激发措施及处理措施。

    First , the author analyses the management objectives , the principles and the basic steps . Second , the author analyses the channel conflict prevention and early warning measures , the measures to stimulate the conflict and the treatment measures .

  22. PC企业的分销渠道冲突及管理

    Channel Conflict and Management of PC Producer

  23. 论制造商网络营销与传统营销渠道冲突的管理策略

    On the strategies for conflict management of Internet marketing channels and traditional marketing channels

  24. 电子商务环境下新型渠道冲突的管理

    Under Electronic Commerce Environment New Channel Conflict Management

  25. 网络环境下IT企业营销渠道冲突与管理研究

    Study on the Marketing Channel Conflict and Management of the IT Firm Based on the Internet Environment

  26. 同时,本文对国内外营销渠道冲突及管理的的相关理论进行了系统概括,并结合网络环境下IT企业营销渠道冲突的特殊性通过定性与定量的方法深入分析了网络环境下渠道冲突的成因。

    Meanwhile , this essay summarizes the theories about channel conflict and management , and studies the causes of the marketing channel conflict by a qualitative and quantitative way .

  27. 随后讨论了变革中渠道冲突协调管理的原则与目标、冲突的预防与预警方法以及协调策略、冲突协调的实施步骤与协调效果评价的方法。

    It proceeds to discuss the principle and object of channel conflict coordination management in the innovation , the conflict prevention and forewarning methods of conflict coordination management , and coordination strategy , coordination implement procedure and the evaluation method after coordination .

  28. 渠道冲突是渠道管理的重要内容。

    Channel conflict is one of the basic elements in channel management .

  29. 分销渠道冲突的控制管理

    Managing the Competition and Conflicts of Marketing Channel Beauty of Conflicts The Force of Conflicts On Managing Government

  30. 《案例》:JCL公司&销售渠道的冲突与重整管理

    JCL & Distribution Channel Conflicts and Channel Re-engineering