
Hú Nán Shī Fàn Dà Xué
  • Hunan Normal University;Hunan Teachers' University
  1. 湖南师范大学继续教育学院;

    College of Continuing Education , Hunan Normal University ; 2 .

  2. 湖南师范大学综合教学楼设计

    Design of the Comprehensive Teaching Building of Hunan Normal University

  3. 1983年,湖南师范大学,理学学士学位。

    1979-1983 , Bachelor of Science , Hunan Normal University .

  4. 湖南师范大学图书馆历史文献的收藏及特色

    The Historical Document Collection and the Characteristic in Hunan Normal University Library

  5. 湖南师范大学英语语言文学硕士。

    Bonny Zeng graduated from Hunan Normal University with a Master Degree .

  6. 历史追溯:湖南师范大学与岳麓书院

    Historical Background : Hunan Normal University and Yuelu Academy

  7. 用数值例子表明了动态机械能湖南师范大学2004届硕士学位论文释放率和裂纹运动速度的关系。

    Numerical example present the influence of the crack velocity on the dynamic energy release rates .

  8. 湖南师范大学化学化工学院精细催化合成研究所;

    Institute of Fine Catalysis and Synthesis , College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Hunan Normal University ;

  9. 蒋坚松,男,1942年生。湖南师范大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师。

    Born in1942 , he is now professor , doctoral supervisor of Foreign Studies School , Hunan Normal University .

  10. 湖南师范大学商学院商学院实验室是为本科模拟教学与科研实时采集数据提供服务。

    The lab of the business school is to provide the real-time data collection for the simulating education of the undergraduate courses .

  11. 湖南师范大学生命科学学院蛋白质化学与发育生物学教育部重点实验室;

    Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , University of Nebraska Medical Center ; Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences , University of Nebraska Medical Center ;

  12. 他们来自于湖南师范大学附属高中的同一个毕业班,并且他们曾经居住在一个寝室。

    They graduated in the same graduating class of the High School Affiliated with Hunan Normal University , and they used to live in the same dormitory .

  13. 为了使研究具有真实性,本研究对象选取了湖南师范大学在校学生(男女、高低年级各半)。

    In order to make the research realistic , we select several students studying at Hunan Normal University ( half of which are female and senior ) .

  14. 本课题从湖南师范大学的教学安排,内容、技法、创作途径等不同的角度,系统性的研究了水彩风景写生和创作实践。

    This paper systematically researches water color scenery-painting and creating practice on the basis of teaching arranging , content , technique , creating method of Hunan Normal University .

  15. 研究采用北京师范大学发展心理研究所陈会昌同志编写的《气质类型测验量表》,对湖南师范大学体育学院2002、2003级学生随机抽取100人进行调查研究。

    According to paper written by Comrade Chen Huichang , Institute of Psychology of Beijing Normal University , we stochastically extract 100 students in 2002 & 2003 in Sports Institute of Hunan Normal University in order to conduct the investigation and study .

  16. 我选取了湖南师范大学化学化工学院2000级化学专业的五个本科生作为研究对象,研究时间从2003年4月到2004年5月初,这个时期正是他们教学技能形成的关键时期。

    The research objects were five college students majoring in chemistry , grading four from college of chemistry and chemical engineering in Hunan Normal University . The research had been carried out from April 2003 to May 2004 . This is the main time for their teaching skill forming .

  17. 目前,湖南大学、中南大学、湖南师范大学三校馆际互借进入实质性阶段。

    At present , Hunan University , Central South University , Hunan Normal University three schools inter-library loan into a substantial stage .