
hú ɡuǎnɡ
  • Huguang;Guangdong;Hubei;and Guangxi;province covering parts of Hunan
湖广 [hú guǎng]
  • [Hubei and Hunan provinces] 指湖北与湖南。原为明朝省名(元代的湖广还包括了两广,明代则不包括,但仍用旧名)

  1. 彰显历史、保护遗产、传承文明《重庆湖广会馆&历史与修复研究》出版

    Research on the History and Renovation of Chongqing 's Huguan Chamber Published

  2. 湖广会馆保护修复项目就是重庆对文物建筑保护进行的一次意义重大的实践。

    The conservation and restoration of Chongqing Huguan assembly hall is a significant practice .

  3. 湖广填四川与重庆

    " Hu-Guang Fills Sichuan " and Chongqing

  4. 四川移民地名与湖广填四川

    Geographic Names Relating to Immigration in Sichuan and Immigration from Hunan & Hubei to Sichuan

  5. 湖广填四川的移民浪潮,前后进行了将近200年。

    The wave of migrates " Huguang people fill Sichuan " lasted for nearly 200 years .

  6. 戊戌变法运动是中国近代史上有着深刻影响的一场社会变革运动。其间,有洋务新秀之称,并握有地方实权的湖广总督张之洞,对变法的成败曾起过举足轻重的作用。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 was a social reform with significant influence in modern Chinese history .

  7. 四川地名对明清之际的湖广填四川这一段历史有较强的反映。

    The placename in Sichuan has strongly reflected the history of immigration during Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  8. 它用中州韵、湖广音结合湘北方言为其舞台语言;

    Its stage language crasises Zhongzhou rhyme , Huguang sound and dialect of north of Hunan together .

  9. 元代云南通四川、湖广驿路的变迁

    The Changes of the Post Road from Yunnan to Sichuan and Hu Guang in the Yuan Dynasty

  10. 这就是中国城市中规模最大的古会馆建筑群&重庆湖广会馆。

    This is Huguang Guild Hall of Chongqing , the largest ancient guild hall complex in China .

  11. 在此基础上具体分析了湖广会馆保护修复的实践,揭示出此项工作对真实性原则本土化的积极探索。

    The following analysis of practice in Huguan assembly hall shows its positive influence on localization of authenticity .

  12. 可以看出重庆湖广会馆无论是在增强本地人们的归属感、提升城市形象还是在带动城市经济发展方面都具有重要的意义。

    Chongqing Huguan assembly hall has great importance to strengthen local belonging , improve city features and financial development .

  13. 如今,看戏品茶已成为湖广会馆一道重要的文化盛宴。

    Nevertheless , watching the opera and drinking tea has become an important cultural experience in Huguang Guild Hall .

  14. 重庆湖广会馆就是重庆古会馆建筑的遗存,作为历史的见证具有重要的史料价值;

    Chongqing Huguan assembly hall is one of the heritages with great historical value as a witness of the history .

  15. 重庆湖广会馆是重庆城市中心区的重要古建筑群,具有很高的文物和历史文化价值。

    Huguang Guild Hall is an important building complex at the center of the City Chongqing with high historical and cultural value .

  16. 对湖广会馆保护修复原则的确立是建立在对目前国内外保护修复理念发展认识的基础之上的。

    The establishment of principles guiding conservation and restoration is based on the study of the development of international comprehension of conservation and restoration .

  17. 文章在简析会馆源流、类型和重庆会馆发展概况的基础上,着重研究了重庆“湖广会馆”的实际内涵及其建筑艺术。

    Baaed on the beginning , style and development of the assembly hall in Chongqing , this article discusses connotation and arts of Huguang assembly hall .

  18. 湖广会馆给予我们的,既是一项瑰丽的文化宝藏,又是这座古老城市的一种记忆年轮,一种永恒的诱惑,更是一种亘古千年的历史传奇!

    To us , Huguang Guild Hall is the cultural treasure , the memory of the city , a forever temptation , and a everlasting historical legacy .

  19. 整个湖广会馆建筑群体,每个馆所都设有相当数量的石制水缸,形态各异容积颇大,或造型简单古朴、庄重厚重;或造型独特、灵动悦目。

    Inside Huguang Guild Hall , each house is equipped with stone vats with large volume of water and various shapes , simple and solemn , peculiar and flexible .

  20. 禹王宫是湖广会馆内规模最大的古建筑,设有禹王祭祀区、会议厅、客厅、客房和厨房等。

    Yu King Palace is the largest ancient architecture in Huguang Guild Hall , with sacrificing and worshiping area , meeting hall , sitting hall , guest houses and kitchen .

  21. 元代湖北的东南部和湖南、广西被划为湖广行省,清康熙六年改为湖北省,一直沿袭至今。

    The Yuan Dynasty Hubei 's southeast area with Hunan , Guangxi is divided into the Huguang province , clear Kangxi six years changes Hubei Province , have followed until now .

  22. 这种预防天花的方式出现后,主要流行于江西、湖广、安徽、江苏、浙江、福建与广东等地。

    Following the discovery that smallpox inoculation protects people from smallpox , the technique spread throughout the Jiangxi , Huguang , Anhui , Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Fujian , and Guangdong regions .

  23. 湖北是中国农业大省之一,一句湖广熟、天下足概括了湖北农业在全国举足轻重的地位。

    Hubei is a very typical agriculture province in the middle area of China ; " Huguang ripped the country is enough " summarizes the Hubei province agriculture important status in China .

  24. 随着会馆知名度日益提高,如何开发好这一珍贵的旅游资源,使其最大化地实现其经济价值也成为重庆湖广会馆管理处积极思考的问题。

    As the growing recognition of this Museum , the most important problem what the Hu Guang Museum management need to work on is how we can get the largest economy return by best developing its tourism resources .

  25. 李时珍(1518~1593),字东璧,号濒湖。湖广蕲州(今湖北蕲春)人。明代卓越的医药学家,世界文化史上伟大的自然科学家。

    Li Shizhen ( 1518 ~ 1593 ) , styled Dongbi , literary name Binhu , a native of Qizhou ( present Qichun Town , Hubei Province ) , was a prominent pharmacist in the Ming Dynasty and a great natural scientist in the cultural history of the world .