
  • 网络lake area
  1. 卫星遥感监测是快速获取湖泊面积信息的有效手段之一。

    Satellite remote sensing monitoring is quick access to the lake area effective means of information .

  2. 该地区气候的变化对湖区生态变化起着重要的作用,人类影响相对较弱,认为温度和降水是影响研究区湖泊面积和水位的主导因素。

    The climatic variety play an important role in ecological charge , the temperature and precipitation was regarded as predominant factor that influence lake area and water level .

  3. 东太湖湖泊面积及网围养殖动态变化的遥感监测

    RS-based Dynamic Monitoring of Lake Area and Enclosure Culture in East Taihu Lake

  4. 由于江湖关系演变和人类活动的影响,湖泊面积变化迅速,尤以20世纪为甚。

    As the River-Lake relationship changed and human activities increased , the area of lakes changed quickly and especially in the twentieth century .

  5. 该湖泊面积为1平方公里,是青海省青海湖湖区的一部分,与青海湖之间隔有一块狭长沙地。

    The one-square-km lake is part of Qinghai Lake complex in Qinghai province . It is separated from the main lake by a sand strip .

  6. 大量构筑圩田,使湖泊面积大为缩小,影响其调节水量的功能,破坏了本地区的生态条件,致使灾害频频发生。

    The great shrinking of lake areas because of too much reclamation affects the function of lakes in adjusting water volume and destroys ecological conditions of the area , leads to frequent disasters .

  7. 确定博斯腾湖水环境承载力对于制定合理的经济发展战略,保护湖泊面积不再萎缩、湖泊不发生富营养化、保护湖泊周围湿地及野生生物栖息地,发挥湖泊良好的生态作用具有重要意义。

    It has important significance for making reasonable economy development strategy , protecting the lake area from shrinking , preventing eutrophication , protecting lakeshore wetland and habitat of wild animals and developing perfect ecological effect of lake .

  8. 举例来说,你可以到陶波湖去,这个湖泊的面积和新加坡一样大,被群山以及胡卡瀑布环绕。

    At Taupo , for instance ; a lake the size of Singapore , surrounded by mountains , and the Huka Falls .

  9. 澜沧江源区只有1个湖泊,面积仅有1.0km2,以淡水湖为主。

    There is only one lake in Lancang River source , whose area is only 1 km 2 , mainly composed of the fresh water .

  10. 泸沽湖位于云南宁蒗县与四川盐源县交界处,据宁蒗县城75千米,是由断层陷落而形成的高原湖泊,面积约50余平方公里,在云南的湖泊中,深度仅次子抚仙湖。

    Lugu Lake is located on the crossing point between Ninglang County of Yunnan Province and Yanyuan County of Sichuan Province , about 75 kilometers away from Ninglang county town .

  11. 大明湖是一个由城内众泉汇流而成的天然湖泊,面积甚大,几乎占了旧城的四分之一。

    Daming lake is a natural lake that is the confluence of several springs in Jinan , the area of it is very large that covers one-quarter of the old town .

  12. 注:全市土地面积中含太湖、阳澄湖、淀山湖等大型湖泊水域面积,有关县级市土地面积中未包括。

    Note : The land area of the whole municipality includes water area of Taihu Lake , Yangcheng Lake and Dianshan Lake , while those of county level cities do not .

  13. 近几年资料显示滇池湖泊单位面积磷负荷达1.52g/m2·a,超过总磷公认允许负荷量中危险值的11.7倍,滇池已成为富营养型湖泊。

    According to newly data , the phosphorus burden of unit area in the lake has reached 1.52g / m2 , 11.7 times more than acceptable limit , meaning that Dianchi has become a richly nutrient lake .

  14. 泸沽湖是高原湖泊,湖水面积52平方公里,水面海拔2685米。

    It is a plateau lake with a total area of52 square kilometers , 2685 meters above sea level .

  15. 洞庭湖区航道整治工程对防洪的影响分析退田之后,洞庭湖、鄱阳湖等天然湖泊新增蓄洪面积1400多平方公里。

    Thanks to the project of returning farmland to lakes , more than 1,400 km of flood storage area has been added to Dongting , Poyang and other natural lakes .

  16. 要实施重大生态修复工程,增强生态产品生产能力,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,扩大森林、湖泊、湿地面积,保护生物多样性。

    We should launch major projects for restoring the ecosystem , increase our capacity for producing ecological products , take integrated steps to control desertification , stony deserts and soil erosion , enlarge forests , lakes and wetlands , and protect biodiversity .

  17. 我国咸水湖泊占总湖泊面积的一半,其中部分已呈现富营养化状态。

    Saline lakes covered half of the total lake area in China and some of them were already in the state of eutrophication .

  18. 由于其处于高原寒旱区,湖泊的形状、面积、水质随着气候变迁而相应的变化。

    Because of its location in plateau of cold and arid region , the shape , area and water quality of the lake suffer from negative influence due to the climate changes .

  19. 然而近年来强烈的人类活动对河流水系产生了较大的影响,使得河流、湖泊的长度、面积、等级均发生了改变,进而造成水系结构的变化。

    However , the activities of human are strongly affecting the river system in recent years . The length and area of rivers and lakes are changed , and then the pattern of river system changed as well .

  20. 由于在长期城市化影响下,武汉市城市湖泊湿地表现出湖泊面积萎缩、水体污染、富营养化、水陆交界面人为干扰严重等问题。

    Due to the influence of long-term urbanization , urban lake wetlands in Wuhan are faced serious problems , such as areas reduced , pollution , eutrophication , man-made interference the interface of water and land .

  21. 近几十年来,青海高原湿地出现湖泊水位下降、湖泊面积萎缩、河流出现断流以及沼泽湿地退化等方面的明显变化。

    In recent tens years , wetlands in the plateau have a visible change , such as lake water level lowering , lake shrinking , dry of rivers or streams , degradation of swamp wetland , and so on .

  22. 摘要:我国是一个湖泊众多的国家,湖泊总面积约占全国陆地总面积的0.8%。

    Abstract : There are many lakes in china . The total area of lakes accounts for 0.8 % of the total land area .

  23. 武汉市75个湖泊的功能连通性呈现岛屿状,湖泊湿地面积比重大、植被分布相对集中的区域容易形成高度功能连通的区域中心,但这些区域被高热区或地形因素分割。

    The functional connectivity of 75 lake wetlands presented a island model , the high functional connectivity composed by lake wetlands of high area proportion and vegetation distributed relatively concentrated , but these areas were divided by high temperature areas or the terrain factors .

  24. 调查湖泊内目标种发生率、种群稳定性均与湖泊面积呈正相关关系,而与湖泊隔离系数呈负相关关系;

    Further analysis showed that both the IO and population stability of this species related positively to the water area index but negatively to the isolation index of the lakes studied .

  25. 其中,面积大于100km2的湖泊有346个,占两省(区)湖泊总面积的952%。

    And the number of lakes of more than 10 square kilometers in area is 346 , which is 95.2 % of total area of lakes in the region .

  26. 将大格林河的水引入湖泊周围盆地的新规划,甚至还会扩大这一湖泊的现有面积。

    Current plans for diverting the large Green River into the basin around the lake may even increase the lake 's present size .

  27. 分析了江汉湖群调蓄能力及效益、影响湖泊调蓄的主要因素。究其原因,主要是因为盲目的围湖造田,泥沙淤积,造成湖泊调蓄洪水面积减小,湖泊生态环境恶化,从而影响行洪能力。

    The paper analyses the ability and effect of flood adjusting of the Jianghan Lakes aswell as the factors affecting their adjusting . Such move has resulted in degradation of lake environment and poor buffer capacity for flood prevention .