
shī tǔ
  • wet soil
湿土[shī tǔ]
  1. 土壤样品(干土或湿土,湿土含水量为50%田间持水量)中6种PAHs的方法回收率均高于85%,RSD则低于3.1%;

    As to the soil samples including the dry soil ( DS ) and wet soil ( WS , 50 % of the field holding capacity ), the recoveries of these PAHs were always larger than 85 % with RSD smaller than 3.1 % .

  2. 湿土微波介电性质的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Microwave Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil

  3. 公路过湿土路基NCS固化材料

    NCS Solidifying Material for Overwet Earth Bed of Highway

  4. 生石灰粉与NCS处治过湿土的对比试验研究

    Study of Comparative Test for Treating Super Humid Soil with Lime Powder and NCS

  5. 并通过一系列试验数据,阐述了过湿土CBR值与含水量、击实功的关系。

    Through a series of testing data , the relationship of CBR with moisture content and compaction work is offered for the over-wet soil .

  6. 针对图像中湿润土壤对提取黄色像素值的干扰,提出结合HSL颜色空间S分量消除湿土颜色。

    For wet soil on the extraction of the interference of the yellow pixel value in pictures , proposed combining S value of HSL color space to eliminate the color of wet soil .

  7. 粘土路基施工中过湿土的处理

    Countermeasures to the Waterish Earth in the Clay Subgrade Construction

  8. 这片湿土疏于之后大部分制成了砖块。

    The clay was drained and much of it turned into bricks .

  9. 生石灰改良过湿土的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Improvement of super-wet soil by use of quicklime

  10. 利用粉煤灰处理过湿土的可行性试验

    Feasibility test of the application of fly ash in over-wet soil treatment

  11. 石灰改良过湿土的施工工艺和力学性质

    Construction technology and mechanical properties of lime-stabilized over wet soil

  12. HAS固化剂在路基过湿土固化中的应用

    Application of HAS Curing Agent in the Hardening of Overwet Earth Subgrade

  13. 受载荷的湿土结冰温度变化规律的研究

    A Study on the Relation Between Freezing Point and Load of Wet Soil

  14. 六盘山地区过湿土路基压实控制指标研究

    Study on Compaction Control Indices of Overwet Soil Roadbed in Liupan Mountain Area

  15. 浅谈过湿土在高速公路工程中的应用

    The application of over - wet soil in expressway

  16. 湿土冻结温度及其测定

    Freezing Points of Wet Soil and its Measurement

  17. 浅谈加强软土路基中湿土填筑的施工工艺

    The construction technology of strengthening watery soil fill - up in soft soil subgrade

  18. 混合土法处治过湿土的土质条件及评价方法探讨

    Discussion About Soil Conditions of Excessive-Water Soil Treated by Mixed Soil Method and Appraisement Method

  19. 成吨成吨的湿土和大岩石开始从山坡两侧滚落下来。

    Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain .

  20. 厚表土层湿土结冰温度与冻结壁厚度确定的研究

    Study on Freezing Point of Wet Soil and Thickness Determining of Freezing Wall in Deep Alluvium

  21. 湿土介电常数模型在地表微波比辐射率模式中的应用初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Application of Wet Soil Permittivity Model in Microwave Emissivity Model for Land Surface

  22. 本文主要研究了不同磁场强度对风干土和湿土脲酶活性的影响。

    The results show that the soil 's urease activity is strongly affected by magnetic field of certain intensities .

  23. 还简要介绍了袋装砂井在过湿土地基处理中的应用。

    In addition , the application of fabric - enclosed sand drain in treatment of overwet foundation of road embankment was also introduced .

  24. 一般说,混凝土或湿土是护防中子和γ射线的相当满意的防护体。

    In general , concrete or damp earth would represent a fair compromise for neutron , as well as for gamma-ray , shielding .

  25. 雨中的湿土的气息,就响从渺小的无声的群众那里来的一阵巨大的赞美歌声。

    The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant .

  26. 自从雨季后,我曾趁著地湿土软时拔过一次,那是相当辛苦的工作。

    I had cleared the weeds once earlier this year , when the soil was still soft after the rainy season , and it was a tough job .

  27. 通过对改良过湿土的含水量损失、最大干密度和最优含水量的分析,确定出改良过湿土的可用配合比。

    Through the analysis of the water losing , the maximum dry density and the optimal water content , the reasonable proportion of the improving super-wet soil was determined .

  28. 运用数理统计分析、数学建模及计算机优化方法,建立了在湿土和干土两种条件下的影响因素与甘蔗破头率之间的数学模型;

    Then , by means of the statistical analysis , mathematical model establishment and computer optimization technique to establish the mathematical model between affecting factors and the rate of broken sugarcane .

  29. 热季各种表面温度由高到低排列顺序为:干土、水泥路面、砖墙、花岗石、裸土、空气温度、植物表面、湿土、水面;

    In the summer , surface temperatures rank from high to low as follows : dry ground > cement road surface > brick wall > stone > naked soil > air > plant surface > humid soil > water .

  30. 鲁西北平原地区缺乏理想的路基填筑材料,过湿土填料难以直接压实;由于地下水位高,路基承载力较低,影响了路面使用性能。

    Ideal roadbed filling materials are lacks of northwest of Shangdong province . Because of the high level of ground water , the bearing capacity of the embankment is low , the negative impact on the pavement performance is obvious .