
xī liú
  • Stream;brook;rivulet;water course;burn;ravine stream;pill
溪流 [xī liú]
  • [brook;rivulet] 山间的小股水流;溪水

溪流[xī liú]
  1. 溪流相气力输送技术在CFB锅炉底渣处理中的应用分析

    Application of Brook Streaming phase Pneumatic Conveying Technology on Bottom Slag Handling of CFB Boilers

  2. 溪流是天然的水道,比河小。

    A brook is a natural waterway smaller than a river .

  3. 他们打算花些时间在溪流里放船模。。

    They 'll spend some time floating boats in the creek .

  4. 涓涓溪流在阳光下闪闪发亮。

    The trickling stream glistened in the sunlight .

  5. 溪流横贯、两侧山势陡峭的山谷

    a steep-sided valley traversed by streams .

  6. 鸟儿掠过溪流。

    A bird skimmed over the stream .

  7. 我们将只得用这些木板来渡过这条溪流。

    We shall have to bridge over the stream with these boards of wood .

  8. 黄金蕴藏在岩石与溪流中。

    Gold is found in rock and streams .

  9. 溪流把石头都磨光滑了。

    The stream wore the stones smooth .

  10. 溪流被坝截断了。

    A stream was dammed up .

  11. 当水位较高时,所有的泻湖就会连接起来,鱼就必须退回它们的溪流避难所,否则就会死掉。

    " All the lagoons join when the lake is high and fish must retreat to their stream refuges or die . "

  12. “鱼在溪流中有一个避难所,当水位较低并且泻湖各自分开时,它们就可以游进泻湖,”哈珀说道。

    " Fish have a refuge in the streams and can expand into the lagoons when the lake is low and the lagoons are separate , " Harper said .

  13. 小溪流的回声在巨大而突出的凹壁中回荡

    Tiny streams echo in enormous overhanging alcoves .

  14. 矿区位于两条溪流之间

    The prospect lies between two creeks .

  15. 来听两个例句。(鲑鱼逆流而上,游回到出生时所在的溪流,从而在那里繁殖。)

    Salmon swim against the current to return to their birth stream so they can breed there .

  16. 污水处理溪流式生物接触氧化法研究ⅡCOD降解过程理论和数学模拟研究

    Studies on canal biological contact oxidation process of sewage treatment ⅱ degradation process of COD

  17. 桌布在食物溢出的地方被弄脏了。n.溪流;

    The tablecloth is stained where food has been spilled .

  18. 对法国阿尔卑斯山(Mt.Alps,France)6个溪流型喀斯特瀑布水生苔藓植物群落进行了研究。

    An ecological survey was conducted at six stream karst waterfalls in Alps , France in 2000 , about 14 aquatic bryophyte communities were recorded .

  19. 溪流相邻高地通过地下径流向溪流中N素的输入,主要是以硝态氮的形态通过土壤水的输入;

    N in the main form of nitrate through the subsurface runoff was put into the stream , the vegetation-covered riparian had high on the nutrient in the soil water .

  20. 《决战终点线》是由导演罗恩·霍华德(RonHoward)首部独立执导的影片,出资方为美国公司ExclusiveMedia和十字溪流影业(CrossCreekPictures),出资额为3800万美元。

    Rush ' was director Ron Howard 's first independent movie and was financed by Exclusive Media and Cross Creek Pictures for $ 38 million .

  21. 但森林溪流的PO4~(3-)-P、TP浓度相对偏高,并且在夏季达到显著水平;DO偏低。

    But the concentration of PO_4 ~ 3 & Pn TP were relatively high , even significant high in the summer , and DO was relatively low .

  22. 溪流倒木是指在河流中长度大于1m、直径大于10cm的死木。

    In_stream wood is defined as dead wood ( > 10 cm diameter and > 1 m length ) in the stream channel .

  23. 2级溪流的水质较好,pH值、浑浊度、温度均低于其它溪流,其它指标介于其它级别溪流之间。

    The water quality of 1st , 2nd order stream was better , pH value , DO , turbidity , temperature were lower than those of other order streams , other indexes were in the middle of those of other order streams .

  24. 每个样点测量11个与底栖动物分布密切相关的环境因子:溪流的宽度,深度,流速,电导率,溶氧,pH,温度,海拔,经度,纬度和底质。

    Eleven environmental variable that related to the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate : stream wet width , depth , velocity , conductivity , DO , pH , water temperature , altitude , longitude , latitude and substratum were measured at each sampling site .

  25. w(Zn)9.97×10~(-6)~72.67×10~(-6)。土壤中重金属Pb、Zn的有效性程度明显高于溪流沉积物,对生态环境的潜在危害更大。

    While Zn from 9 . 97 × 10-6 to 72 . 67 × 10-6 . The bioavailability of Pb and Zn in soils is obviously higher than in sediments , indicating a more potential toxicity to the eco-environment .

  26. 本文概略地介绍了通过使数据合理化和溪流顺序排列的软件的研制,把某些结构引入TIS已拥有的河流数据里所进行的工作。

    This paper outlines an undertaking to introduce some structure to the drainage network data held by TIS , by the development of " rationalisation " and stream ordering software .

  27. 地表溪流的DIC种类之间达到同位素平衡,在不同观测点发现的δ13CDIC变化主要是由于从水中释放出的CO2的程度不同引起的。

    The DIC species in the surface streams are in isotopic equilibrium ; variations in δ ~ ( 13 ) C_ ( DIC ) found at different sites are mainly due to differences in the degree of CO_2 degassing from the water .

  28. 凯文·达菲(上图),AvistaUtilities的一位渔业技术员监测弗米利恩河没有完成返回它们出生溪流的两条鱼。

    Kevin Duffy ( above ), a fisheries technician with Avista Utilities , monitors two fish in the Vermillion River that didn 't complete the journey to their natal streams .

  29. “深深的溪流&高高的山脉”还要离谱:蒂娜为主唱,费尔•斯百科特(PhilSpector)制作瀑布的水流声音,而特纳竟被从录音现场给剔除了。

    With " River Deep & Mountain High ", it had been worse : Tina sang , Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound , and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions .

  30. 12m宽的草地河岸带或14.5m宽的森林河岸带能够有效的截留转化来自农田土壤水中的硝态氮,对溪流水质的起到很好的保护作用。

    The 12m wide grass riparian and 14.5m wide forest riparian could attenuate the nitrate in the soil water from the agricultural land to protect the water quality .