
róng dòng
  • karst cave;water-eroded cave
溶洞 [róng dòng]
  • [water-eroded cave] 石灰岩被含有二氧化碳的流水所溶解、腐蚀而形成的天然洞穴

溶洞[róng dòng]
  1. 文中给出了该区P波反射法探测基岩界面、溶洞、断层和溶蚀带分布的应用实例。

    A case history of the application of the P-wave reflection method in that area to investigate the bedding plane of bedrock , karst cave , fault and the distribution of the dissolution belt is given .

  2. 桩端灰岩溶洞探测

    The exploration of limestone karst cave at the end of pile

  3. 桂林有溶洞。

    There are karst caves in Guilin .

  4. 由于水的不断侵蚀,日久天长就形成了一个大溶洞。

    As a result of continuous water erosion , in the course of time a huge cave was formed .

  5. 与GoApe一起探索高山、参加高海拔森林探险课程,或者深入地下参观普尔斯溶洞。

    Explore the heights with Go Ape , the high wire forest adventure course , or journey beneath the earth at Poole 's Cavern .

  6. B:真的吗?A:是的。明天我们要去参观黄龙洞。据说它是世界上最美丽的溶洞之一,吸引了很多游客。

    B : You do ? A : Yes . And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglongdong . It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves in the world and it has interested so many travellers .

  7. 利用电磁波对部分加密深孔进行CT剖切面勘查,判断溶洞边界;

    Karst cave boundary is judged by electromagnetic CT wave to the investigation section .

  8. 基于SVM的溶洞顶板安全厚度智能预测模型

    Forecasting model of safe thickness for roof of karst cave tunnel based on support vector machines

  9. TBM施工隧洞溶洞处理相关技术探讨

    Research on TBM construction techniques for tunnel with Karst

  10. 用局部半径d描述溶洞介质在大尺度上的离散程度,用溶洞面积p描述在各个溶洞分布区中溶洞介质的面积。

    Using the local radius d to describe the dispersion degree of the random cavity medium on large scale and using the cavity area p to describe the area of the cavity medium in each cavity distribution area .

  11. 采用局部半径R描述溶洞介质在大尺度上的离散程度,采用局部密度p描述溶洞介质在各溶洞分布区中的局部空间密度。

    The local radius R described the dispersion degree of the random cave medium on large scale and the local density p described the local space density of the cave medium in each cave distribution area .

  12. 作者在获得可靠地质信息的基础上,利用电测深法对宁横公路某路段地下溶洞进行探测,并利用反射系数(K)法对其ρs资料进行解释。

    On the basis of obtained reliable geological information , the authors use the resistivity sounding method to survey a section of Ning Heng highway , and explain its ρ s information using reflection cofficient ( K ) method .

  13. 研究结果表明:溶洞顶板厚度在一定范围内,当顶板跨度从B增加到4B时,地基极限承载力降低1/3;

    The results show that the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation drops 1 / 3 when the width of rock plate upper cave increases from B to 4B within the limits of depth .

  14. 通过选择局部半径R和局部密度p这两个统计特征,可以方便地产生出各种不同形式的溶洞介质,并由此灵活、准确地描述实际的复杂溶洞介质。

    Via choosing the characteristic quantities namely the local radius R and the local density p , could generate a great variety of the different cave media , and thereout arrived at the theoretical cave model that was capable of describing the practical complex cave medium smartly and accurately .

  15. 得出结论:岩溶发育带处理7m后,地基强度、变形及溶洞顶板稳定性均满足要求。

    Draw the following conclusions : After the treatment with 7m karst zone , the foundation strength , deformation and the stability of the karst cave roof meet the requirements .

  16. 在隧道穿凿的过程中常常遭遇各种不良地质体,如岩石破碎带、溶洞、突泥涌水等,瞬变电磁法(TEM)就是为了解决该问题而引入的一种隧道超前预报技术。

    During the tunneling we faced varieties of harmful geological objects frequently , such as rock fracture zones , karst caves , water outburst quick mud , then Transient Electromagnetic Method ( TEM ) is a method of advanced geological forecast of tunnel to solve the problems .

  17. 总结了用成像测井资料鉴别碳酸盐岩溶洞和裂缝的方法,根据FMI分析结果从16口井中划分出含4种储集类型的储层,描述了4种储集类型储层的常规测井响应特征。

    Summed up here are the methods for indentifying vugs and fractures in carbonate with imaging logging data . Four types of reservoir are sorted out with FMI data from 16 wells and their conventional log response characteristics are also described .

  18. 该桥集超大溶洞钻孔灌注桩、140m钢箱系杆拱、大跨度钢桥无砟轨道于一体,其工程量大、施工难度高、工艺复杂。

    It is composed with bored concrete pile in large water-eroded cave , and 140m steel box bowstring arch bridge , and big span steel bridge with ballastless track . So , it has large quantities of high difficulty , technology , complex .

  19. 岩体断层基础加固与溶洞灌浆处理中的高压灌浆技术

    High pressure grouting technique for fault stabilization treatment at karstic ground

  20. 用瞬变电磁法探测灰岩溶洞

    Detecting the limestone dissolved cavern by using the transient electromagnetic method

  21. 全充型复活溶洞&宜兴慕蠡洞洞穴发育特征

    Full-filled-reviving karst cave & the development characteristics of YiXing Muli cave

  22. 天桂山溶洞景观特征及旅游资源价值分析

    Tiangui Mountain Cave Landscape Features and Value Analysis of Tourism Resources

  23. 岩溶地区钻孔灌注桩成孔(溶洞)的设计处理

    Design Treatment of Karst Caves for Bored Piles at Karst District

  24. 浅析溶洞区灌注桩的施工处理方法

    On treatment method of cast-in-situ pile construction in dissolved cavern area

  25. 溶洞型旅游地生命周期特点的初步研究

    The Preliminary Research on the Life Cycle of Karst-cave Tourist Areas

  26. 探地雷达在高速公路桥址溶洞探测中的应用

    Application of GPR to karst cave detection at highway bridge location

  27. 溶洞与裂缝孔隙为最有效的储集空间。

    The caves and fractures are the most effective reservoir space .

  28. 椭圆形溶洞顶板挠度的简化分析方法

    Simplified Method for Analysis on the Deflection of Ellipse Cavity Roof

  29. 南昆铁路典型隧道区溶洞研究

    Research of typical solution cave in tunnel re-gion on Nanning-Kunming railway

  30. 含土洞、溶洞的机场滑行道路基稳定性评估

    Stability evaluation of airfield runway subgrade containing earth caves and karst