
  • 网络Dissolution pore;vuggy porosity;Denudation pore
  1. 前渊凹陷带储层类型为溶孔-裂缝型,以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,原生孔隙基本消失;

    Foredeep belt was characterized by secondary pore-fracture reservoir type and dissolved pore .

  2. 其储集空间主要是原生气孔、溶蚀孔隙和裂缝;

    The reservoir space is mainly composed of primary or dissolved pores and fractures .

  3. 这不仅得益于因裂缝的贯通作用,使得碳酸盐岩中孤立无效的溶蚀孔隙变为有效孔隙,同时也因裂缝的存在大大地改善了储层的渗透能力。

    Isolated and ineffective dissolution pores become effective ones due to connection among fractures .

  4. 多级不整合面古岩溶作用形成相对早期的溶蚀孔隙和潜山内幕储层;

    Multistage unconformity karsts lead to early stage corrosion pore and buried hill inner reservoir .

  5. 浊沸石、晶间溶蚀孔隙有所增加,面孔率略有增大。

    Laumontite , intergranular corrosion porosity increased , the rate of face porosity slightly increased .

  6. 储层孔隙类型以原生粒间孔隙和次生溶蚀孔隙为主。

    The major type of pores of the reservoir were primary pores and the secondary pores .

  7. 储集空间主要为次生裂缝和各种溶蚀孔隙,其次为基质孔隙。

    Reservoir space is mainly secondary fractures and all types of corroded pores , and secondarily matrix pores .

  8. 破裂作用可以提高砂岩的储渗能力,同时也有利于砂岩中溶蚀孔隙的形成。

    Fracturing has resulted in an increase in sandstone porosity and permeability and enhanced the development of secondary pores .

  9. 四川盆地中部雷口坡组储层为中孔低渗,储集空间多以溶蚀孔隙为主,喉道与孔隙的连通性差,裂缝不发育。

    The main reservoir space is dissolved pore , poor connectivity between throat and pore , and fracture is not developed .

  10. 储集空间包括溶蚀孔隙、泄水道孔和裂缝。

    These rocks have different reservoir space ( dual porosity media ), including dissolved vugs , sluice ˉ way and fractures .

  11. 灰岩溶蚀孔隙(孔洞)型储层发育与加里东期、海西期不整合面没有密切的关系;

    The development of the dissolved pore ( pore-cavity ) limestone reservoirs didn 't relate to the Caledonian and Hercynian uncomformity surfaces ;

  12. 对声波时差异常带砂岩进行大量的铸体薄片观察,证实了本区砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙发育,凝灰质填隙物发生了强烈溶蚀。

    Cast slice of the sandstones with higher interval transit time verified that the dissolution intensity of tuff fillings took on trunk .

  13. 准噶尔盆地腹部超压顶面附近深层砂岩碳酸盐胶结作用和次生溶蚀孔隙形成机理

    Mechanism of Carbonate Cementation and Secondary Dissolution Porosity Formation in Deep-Burial Sandstones near the Top Overpressured Surface in Central Part of Junggar Basin

  14. 储集空间主要为与裂缝连通的溶蚀孔隙;

    The accumulating space is mainly solution erosion pore connected with fractures , with moderate porosity , higher capacity and thinner throat pore channels .

  15. 本文提出了利用有机酸的排放时期、排放通道及分布范围进行了溶蚀孔隙分布预测。

    By using of discharge period , discharge ventage and distribution scope of organic acids , the dissolution pore distribution predicting is first proposed .

  16. 铸体薄片和扫描电镜等资料反映,角岩中溶孔发育,裂隙次之,属溶蚀孔隙型储集岩。

    As indicated by cast thin section and ESM study , solution pores developed mainly in hornfels and fracture systems come to be the next .

  17. 上古生界储层孔隙类型包括原生孔隙、溶蚀孔隙、晶间孔隙和次生孔隙4种。

    Third , the pore type of the Upper palaeozoic group reservoir including between primary pore , corrosion pore , intercrystalline pore and secondary pore .

  18. 并认为次生溶蚀孔隙和溶蚀孔洞是储层重要的储集空间,是天然气的有效储集场所。

    The secondary solution pores and solution pores-cavities are the important reservoir rooms , so that they are the effective storage sites of natural gas ;

  19. 断裂带下盘埋深较深,压实作用强,原生孔隙所占比例明显减少,次生溶蚀孔隙相对发育。

    Because of strong compaction , the proportion of the primary pores become obviously less , and the secondary pores are the major storage space .

  20. 次生溶蚀孔隙是形成高质量储层的重要组成部分。本区的储集空间丰富多样,溶孔、溶缝和缝合线溶孔等次生溶蚀孔隙是最主要的储集空间。

    Secondary dissolution porosity plays the key role of reservoir quality . Solution pore , solution fissure and solution stylolite are the main reservoir spaces .

  21. 因本区生物碎屑白云岩的溶蚀孔隙很发育,其渗透率较高,岩石密度较小,声波速度较小,自然伽马较低。

    They are high permeability , light in density , slow acoustic speed and lower γ, because there is a higher porosity in the biocarbonate rock .

  22. 有利的储集相带为水下分流河道砂体和河口砂坝中心的溶蚀孔隙相和绿泥石胶结相。

    The favorable reservoirs are dissolution pore facies and chlorite cement facies in the sand bodies of subaqueous distributary channels and center of river mouth sandbars .

  23. 该区主要孔隙类型以粒间和粒内溶蚀孔隙和晶间微孔为主,原生孔隙基本消失。

    The main pore types of the reservoir in this area are dissolution pores between grains and in grains and intergranular micropore , and primary pores almost disappear .

  24. 在浅水台地相区,沉积旋回的顶部往往出现短期沉积间断,导致碳酸盐沉积物经历大气淡水淋滤与溶解作用,形成溶蚀孔隙。

    Frequent short-time exposure at the top of the depositional cycle resulted in the formation of vugular-pore in carbonate deposits subjected to leaching and dissolution of meteoric fresh water .

  25. 对徐深气田兴城开发区火山岩储层次生溶蚀孔隙进行研究,可为今后该气田的勘探开发工作提供依据。

    A study of the secondary dissolution pores in the volcanic reservoirs of Xingcheng development area can provide a basis for future exploration and development of the Xushen gas field .

  26. 有效砂体的形成和保存、泥岩中有机质和粘土矿物的成岩转化及砂岩不稳定组分的溶解是溶蚀孔隙产生的主要原因。

    The diagenetic evolution of organic material and clay minerals in mudstones , and dissolution of unstable components in sandstones are the main cause for the formation of the solution pores .

  27. 油层的储集空间以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,属孔隙型储集类型。储层受沉积、成岩变化控制,引起物性横向变化。

    The reservoir space of oil bearing sandstone is mainly secondary porosity and it 's a pore type reservoir and its lateral variation is governed by the depositional and diagenetic process .

  28. 低孔、低渗、低产砂泥岩薄互层是主要储集层特征,砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙为其主要储集类型。

    The low productive reservoirs are characterized with low porosity , low permeability and inter-bedded with thin shale , and the space of reservoir is mainly inter-granular solution pore-space of the sandstone .

  29. 另外,研究区内碳酸盐岩储层的储集空间以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,其次为成岩阶段和后期受构造应力影响形成的裂缝。

    Carbonate reservoirs of the study area . storage space is secondary dissolution pores . in the second cracks are formed by diagenetic stage and the latter part of the tectonic stress .

  30. 生物灰岩由富含生物碎屑、化石富集的层段组成,具有较高的孔渗性,其储集孔隙以溶蚀孔隙、生物体腔孔及骨架孔隙为主;

    The biolithite made up of stratums with biology fragment and fossils have admirable pervasion ability , in which dissolved pore , organism pore and framework pore play important roles in preserving oil and gas .