
huá tánɡ
  • Smooth bore;smoothbore
滑膛 [huá táng]
  • [smooth bore] 光滑而没有膛线的一种炮膛或枪膛,如在猎枪和迫击炮中

  1. 装备上这种步枪,爱国的神枪手们可以击中250码外的目标,是现代fbi狙击枪射程的三倍还多,是英国滑膛枪射程的两倍。

    Armed with this rifle , P atriot marksman can hit a target 250 yards away , more than three times the average distance of a modern FBI sniper shot , and twice the range of the British muskets .

  2. 方法以滑膛枪发射质量为0.25g、速度为600~800m/s钢球击中兔后肢,将致伤兔浸泡于人工海水中30~60min后出水。

    Methods A steel ball ( mass : 0.25 g , impacting velocity : 600 ~ 800 m / s ) was shot by a smooth_bore refile at the rabbit ′ s thigh , then the wound was soaked in artificial seawater for 30 mins .

  3. 我紧紧地握住我的滑膛枪,以此表示一种精神上的支持。

    I held on to my shotgun as moral support .

  4. 这种杀伤力很大的西西里土制滑膛枪,是黑帮喜爱的武器。

    The deadly Sicilian shotgun was the favorite weapon of the Mafia .

  5. 随后传来排枪齐射和滑膛枪回击、子弹呼啸而过的声音;

    the volley and the return snap of musket fire ;

  6. 滑膛枪和来复枪的枪托底座[成品或仅是毛坯]

    Butt stock for shotguns and rifles [ finished or only roughly shaped ]

  7. 因其所使用的一种名为龙骑枪的短滑膛枪而得名。

    The term derived from his weapon , a short musket called the dragoon .

  8. 我们必须趁热打铁。滑膛枪和来复枪的击铁

    We must strike while the iron is hot . percussion hammer for shotguns and rifles

  9. 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵。

    A soldier armed with a musket .

  10. 滑膛枪和来复枪的退弹器

    Ejector , for shotguns and rifles

  11. 滑膛枪和来复枪的金属铸件

    Metal casting for shotguns and rifles

  12. 滑膛枪和步枪的控制杆

    Lever for shotguns and rifles

  13. 比排水管里黑得多,但是锡兵还是那么坚定,扛着滑膛枪。

    A great deal darker than in the tunnel , but the tin soldier continued firm , shouldered his musket .

  14. 一种大口径滑膛炮轴对称两维两相流内弹道模型和计算分析

    Axisymmetric two-dimensional two-phase flow model of Interior Ballistics for a large caliber smooth bore gun and analysis of its calculation results

  15. 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵我的才智是十足火枪手,我的习性不是。

    A soldier armed with a musket . My head is made out of the musketeer , my habits are not .

  16. 瞄准时,脸要抵住枪托。滑膛枪和来复枪的枪托底座[成品或仅是毛坯]

    Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim . butt stock for shotguns and rifles [ finished or only roughly shaped ]

  17. 介绍一种大口径滑膛炮轴对称两维两相流内弹道理论模型和在此基础上发展的编码计算结果。

    This paper presents an axisymmetric , two-dimensional theoretical model for the interior ballistic two-phase flow , as well as the calculation results by computer coding based on this model , for a large-calibre smooth-bore gun .

  18. 因为,他们曾经赤手空拳。孤立无援地在蛮荒的噬人的海洋中,在地图上所找不到的。满布荆棘的岛屿的河滩边,跟那些为库克和他所有的船舶以及滑膛枪所决不敢面对的原始奇迹与恐怖苦斗过。

    For in their succorless empty-handedness , they , in the heathenish sharked waters , and by the beaches of unrecorded , javelin islands , battled with virgin wonders and terrors that Cooke with all his marines and muskets would not willingly have willingly dared .