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  • ski slope
  1. 有位经营者还提议,向迪拜(Dubai)学习,建一个室内滑雪场。

    One suggests Sanya take a cue from Dubai and build an indoor ski slope .

  2. 我告诉你我在滑雪场穿得都比这少

    I 'm telling you , I wear less than this on a ski slope .

  3. 该省内遍布着许多小型滑雪场。

    There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province .

  4. 如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。

    If there 's good skiing , breathtaking scenery and you don 't need to catch a plane , all the better !

  5. 比方说,您可以创建这样一个Web应用程序,它能综合各种气象服务的信息来给出几个滑雪场的天气信息。

    As an example , you might create a Web application that combines information on ski resorts with information about weather that is available from various weather services .

  6. “星耀五洲”的设计意图是容纳10万居民,提供一个室内滑雪场、一座旧金山金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的复制品,以及一家七星级酒店。

    The World was designed to house 100000 people , an indoor ski dome , a replica of San Francisco 's Golden Gate Bridge and a seven-star hotel .

  7. JiminyPeak说它是美国北方唯一的一家自己利用风能发电的滑雪场。

    Jiminy Peak says it is the only mountain resort in North America to produce its own power using wind energy .

  8. 到了冬天,鲍勃会和朋友一起去征服威尔的陡坡或到比弗克里克(BeaverCreek)滑雪场锻炼,这样的活动每周会进行两次。

    In the winter , Mr. Linn hits the slopes of Vail or Beaver Creek ski area twice a week with friends .

  9. 该公司设计了飞机的马达,并与海港航空公司(HarbourAir)合作,后者每年要运送50万名乘客往返于温哥华、惠斯勒滑雪场及附近的岛屿和沿海的社群。

    The company designed the plane 's motor and worked in partnership with Harbour Air , which ferries half a million passengers a year between Vancouver , Whistler ski resort and nearby islands and coastal communities .

  10. 其他北方的滑雪场,马萨诸塞州的JiminyPeak山滑雪场已经修建了风力发电机来生产能量。

    Another ski area in the Northeast , the Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort in Massachusetts , has built a wind turbine to produce energy .

  11. 2012年,卡洛琳夫妇在瑞士的某个滑雪场举行了订婚仪式,上周六,他们又在西苏塞克斯郡,威斯布罗格格林市(WisboroughGreen)的圣彼得维克拉(StPeteradVincula)教堂举行了婚礼,双方亲友均出席。

    After getting engaged on the snowy ski slopes in Switzerland in 2012 , the couple and their family and friends gathered at the parish church of St Peter ad Vincula in Wisborough Green , West Sussex last Saturday for the nuptials .

  12. MUJU旅游区及滑雪场规划,韩国

    Planning of MUJU Resort and Ski Area , Korea

  13. TrewGear公司的大拇指标识已开始在越来越多的西海岸滑雪场出现。

    TrewGear 's big thumb logo is starting to show up a lot more at ski resorts on the West Coast .

  14. 经营滑雪场的主要困难是什么?

    What is the main problem in running a ski resort ?

  15. 迪拜也因拥有中东首家室内滑雪场而颇为自豪。

    Dubai also boasts the Middle East 's first indoor ski-slope .

  16. 滑雪场景观规划设计初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Ski Area Landscape Planning and Desing

  17. 你能在阿尔卑斯室内滑雪场里滑雪;

    You can go skiing in the Alps Indoor Skiing Park .

  18. 因此,我认为没有理由推迟滑雪场的建造。

    As a result , I see no reason to delay .

  19. 关于北京市滑雪场水资源影响的研究&兼与王富德先生商榷

    Study on Beijing Ski Resorts ' impacts on water resource

  20. 敏感地段的景观安全格局设计及地理信息系统应用&以北京香山滑雪场为例

    Landscape Security Approach in Planning of Very Sensitive Site and GIS Application

  21. 滑雪场就坐落在市郊。

    The ski slop was situated just outside the town .

  22. 有景色漂亮的滑雪场吗?

    Is there a skiing ground with a nice view ?

  23. 推荐理由:中国最大的滑雪场。

    What ` s cool : The largest ski resort in China .

  24. 同时还有一些高山滑雪场坐落在离明斯克30公里的地域。

    There are also skiing resorts situated 30km from Minsk for mountain skiing .

  25. 滑雪场新型人造雪装置

    A New Type Snow Making Equipment for Ski Field

  26. 游客们在滑雪场里经常能够看到野生动物的身影。

    Wild animals are frequently spotted on the site .

  27. 这附近有一个好的滑雪场吗?

    Is there a good skiing area near here ?

  28. 我们可以坐缆车到滑雪场上。

    We can ride the cable car to get to the ski resort .

  29. 论滑雪场及周边城镇建设与房地产开发的互动关系

    On Interaction of Ski ground and Satellite Towns Construction With Real Estate Development

  30. 在过去5年里,美国的滑雪场有500个左右,其中大多数属于家庭经营或私人经营。

    Most are owned by families or private corporations .