
  • 网络satisfying profit;satisfied profits;satisfactory profits
  1. 忠诚的员工能给企业带来满意利润的客户群,他们是企业的巨大财富,是企业在激烈的市场竞争中生存与发展的命根子。

    Loyal staff can bring customer groups and profits to the company , they are the foundation of the company to survive and to develop in the very competitive market .

  2. 3.gainv.得到,增进,赚到这个公司仅用三个月的时间就赢得了令人满意的利润。

    It just took the company three months to gain a healthy profit .

  3. 当时,外国啤酒在英国风靡一时,但即便如此,如果没有知识产权,仍很难获得令人满意的利润。

    Foreign lagers were all the rage then in Britain , but even so it was hard to make decent returns without owning the intellectual property .

  4. 即通过回收合约的协调,使得在制造商和零售商都满意的利润分配下达到均衡状态。

    The manufacturers and retailers determine the contracts parameter through bargaining , so that all of them satisfy with the profit allocation of the supply chain network equilibrium state .

  5. 策略层次的管理目标经历了从利润最大化到满意的利润,再到谋求股东和职工双方利益的最大化;

    The managerial goal in the executive level has undergone such a course : from profit maximization to satisfying profit , then to maximizing the profit of both the stockholders and the employees .

  6. 基于核心的概念,提出了当核心存在时求解的公式以及当核心不存在时如何使得所有参与者满意的利润分配方法。

    Based on the definition of core , the author presents a formula for calculation when the core exists . When the core is an empty set , the paper also gives the method of how to get the profit distribution that can satisfy all the players .

  7. 投资企业能否获得满意的市场回报利润?

    Could the investment enterprises obtain the satisfactory market reciprocate profits ?

  8. 在许多情况下,成本的排水没有留下令人满意的保证金的利润。

    In many cases , the cost of drainage left no satisfactory margin of profit .

  9. 可以用服务利润链表示为:员工满意→顾客满意→利润回报→业主满意。

    Service Profit Chain can be expressed as : Employee Satisfaction → customer satisfaction → profit → owner satisfaction .