
  • 网络Staff;cast member;Cast
  1. 经粗略统计,大部分学员选择了演职人员、青年、学生是男性性接触人群。

    After a rough statistics , most of the students chose his staff , youth , students and men access to the crowd .

  2. 她总是人们关注的焦点,其他演职人员对此已经习以为常。

    The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention

  3. 演职人员字幕持续的时间几乎与这部电影一样长!

    The credits seemed to last almost as long as the film !

  4. 全体演职人员以一种真正的专业精神,从容不迫地开始了影片的制作。

    The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb .

  5. 他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。

    They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit .

  6. 西佛吉尼亚州政府表示,MTV真人秀“Buckwild”节目一名演职人员在一处郊区被发现死亡。

    Authorities in West Virginia say a cast member of the MTV reality show " Buckwild " has been found dead in a rural part of the state .

  7. 最后我想说说关于演职人员之间的分歧,其中有传言说你和Ron在最后两季中关系有点僵?

    Rachael : Finally , there has been a lot of talk about disagreements between specific cast members , and you and Ron , which are rumoured to have soured the last couple of seasons .

  8. 几乎很少有女性演职人员。

    There are too few female presenters .

  9. 导演指导戏剧制作或电影创作方面和指挥演员和全体演职人员的人。

    A person who supervises the creative aspects of a dramatic production or film and instructs the actors and crew .

  10. 《行尸走肉》电视剧的演职人员有1000人左右,是个大制作。

    It 's a 1000 or so people who are working on The Walking Dead show , so it 's a huge operation .

  11. 如果在表演过程中,你不行没有看到哪位演职人员,你可以在表演结束后的见面或答谢会上见到他们。

    And if the cast happened to miss one , you could always catch up with them after the show at the meet and greet .

  12. 有趣的是,即使屏幕上出现演职人员字幕之后,还有一些观众仍坚持认为,这个构思精巧的故事是真实的。

    Interestingly , a few moviegoers persist in believing , even after the final cast and credit roll , that this clever fiction is for real .

  13. 《娱乐周刊》日前对话《西部世界》演职人员和幕后团队,了解接下来我们将会在扭曲现实的西部世界中看到什么。

    Entertainment Weekly spoke with the cast of Westworld and some of the people behind the scenes about what we can expect in the reality-bending Westworld and beyond .

  14. 经教育、体育、文化三个主管部局审查批准的综合表演团体,本表演团需招收一批演职人员及关门弟子。

    As we are muti-task group which has also been approved by National department of Educational , Sport and culture , we are in need of correlated performer and students .

  15. 我们小时候,我特别喜欢和他一起到他父亲的咖啡店去,特别是在游艺团来城里演出时,因为所有演职人员都在这里吃饭。

    When we were boys , I loved to go with him to his dad 's caf é, especially when the carnival was in town , because all the carnies ate there .

  16. 狮门影业曾于上月宣布,该片的演职人员将于11月1日前往北京启动全球媒体巡回推介会,但这项活动后来取消了。

    Last month , Lionsgate announced that members of the film 's cast and crew would travel to Beijing on Nov. 1 to start a world media tour , but that event was canceled .

  17. 演出时长70分钟,将是本地区绝无仅有的,预计会吸引120万新增游客。演职人员预计达500人,其中包括200名演员。

    The only one in the region , the 70-minute show is expected to include a cast of 500 employees , inclusive of 200 performers , and is expected to attract 1.2 million new tourists .

  18. 它是用来让演员扮演某个角色以展现演员天分的过程,换句话说,也就是对演职人员进行的工作面试。

    It is used in the casting process to demonstrate the level and range of a performer 's talent and functions as a , well , let 's put it this way a job interview for the performing arts .

  19. 我演砸了是因为没有事先为每位观众、每位后台的工作人员祈福,或是在电视台、广播电台、摄影棚拍电影时没有为我的搭档、导演、技师等每位演职人员祈福。

    I have failed if I haven 't beforehand blessed everyone in my audience , everyone backstage , and , when I 'm working in television , radio or motion pictures , everyone in the studio - my fellow actors and the director and technicians .

  20. 我没有考虑过减少角色或者用新人替换这是我和全体演职人员真正想要做的,我们不想拍一部学生高中一上就是8年的剧。

    That is true . I don 't think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing . * The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do , we didn 't want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years .