
  • 网络potential entrant;Potential new entrants
  1. 但是,由于存在潜在进入者威胁和行业内竞争较为激烈,DS公司目前面临着较大的竞争压力。

    However , because of the threat of potential entrants and intense competition of industry , DS Corporation is facing big competition pressures .

  2. 医药知识产权(专利)保护现状、影响因素及对策在位创新厂商对潜在进入者的专利许可研究

    Study on the Condition Influence and Suggestions of Intellectual Property in Medical Field Technology Licensing to Potential Entrants by Incumbent Firms

  3. 根据3G潜在进入者的特点,研究其3G准备策略的制定和实施。

    The establishment and implementation of 3G preparative strategy of entrant are brought forward according to the characteristics of 3G entrant .

  4. 第三部分对H省互联网市场的分析,四大通信运营商的现状、优势和劣势的分析和潜在进入者的分析。

    The PEST analyses to the Internet market in H province , the analyses to the present situation , the superiority and inferiority and to the latent invaders were in part III.

  5. 然后,运用五力模型对WX电器成都分公司的行业竞争环境从替代品、供应商、潜在进入者、现在竞争者和顾客五个维度进行了分析。

    Thirdly , analyzing the competitive environment of the company from five sides substitutes , suppliers , potential competitors , present competitors and customer with Five Powers Model .

  6. 第二部分对JX企业外部环境进行了分析,在这部分主要以波特五种竞争力模型为基础,分析了潜在进入者、供应商、替代品、客户的情况,并分析了竞争对手的情况。

    The main contests of the second section is to analyze the environment outside of JX Coal Company on the basis of Potter five & power competition map .

  7. 行业的潜在进入者。

    B.The potential for entry into an industry .

  8. 但同时要最小化针对较小竞争对手和潜在进入者的歧视。

    But do so in a way that minimises discrimination against smaller rivals and potential entrants .

  9. 政府在制定反垄断政策时应重点考虑怎样减少潜在进入者的沉没成本;

    We should strive to reduce sunk costs of potential competitors while drawing up the anti-monopoly policies !

  10. 即便有了财力雄厚政府的支持,潜在进入者想要进入市场,壁垒还指不胜屈。

    Even for challengers with deep-pocketed governments to support them , that is quite some barrier to entry .

  11. 两个潜在进入者开发替代技术的结局可能是都不成功、只有一个成功或都成功。

    The outcome of the two potential entrants developing substitute technology is that none , only one or both of them succeed .

  12. 可能的情况是,工作时长和高压力环境以及风险性让潜在进入者失去了兴趣。

    It could be that potential entrants are put off by the working hours and high-pressure environment as well as the riskiness .

  13. 潜在进入者可以开发出劣等的替代技术而与在位企业进行竞争。

    The potential entrants can enter the market and compete with the incumbent by developing an alternative , but inferior , technology .

  14. 中国快递市场丰厚的利润回报率、庞大的市场潜力以及较低的市场进入壁垒,吸引了国内外众多同产业企业和产业外潜在进入者的目光。

    Fat profit return , huge potential as well as lower market entry barriers attract enterprises within the same industry and the outside ones .

  15. 再加上潜在进入者的威胁和来自国外企业的竞争,使得行业内各企业都面临着严峻的考验。

    But the competition of aluminum foil industry is very fierce , and other latent competitors and foreign companies are entering into this industry .

  16. 相对于大型知名机构,利率几个基点的变化对于潜在进入者或小型竞争对手的影响更大。

    A few points of interest rates matter more to a potential entrant or a tiny competitor than to a large , established institution .

  17. 也就是说进入壁垒泛指一切可以阻止或限制潜在进入者成功进入一个产业的因素。

    Barriers to entry that refers to all those who can prevent or limit the success of potential entrants to enter an industry factor .

  18. 市场上存在一个在位企业和两个潜在进入者,潜在进入者可以通过开发劣于在位企业已有技术的替代技术进入市场。

    Consider an incumbent monopolist faced with two potential competitors who can enter the market by developing some substitute , but inferior , production technology .

  19. 第四章应用耐用品理论研究了面临进入威胁的耐用品垄断商和潜在进入者的销售策略和定价策略,市场进入策略和产品创新策略。

    In chapter 4 I investigate the sales strategy and pricing strategy , market entry strategy and product innovation strategy when there is entry threat .

  20. 同时也存在国家限制房产投资、技术壁垒、劳动力成本上升、现有竞争者竞争激烈、潜在进入者进入壁垒较低,苗木等供应商侃价能力强等不少威胁。

    The current furious competition ; the lower bulwark which the potential competitor entering ; the stronger bargaining ability of the vegetation supplier and so on .

  21. 然后运用斯塔尔博格模型,采用跨期分析,指出了流通企业选择合适的投资水平可以阻止潜在进入者,避免过度竞争的发生。

    Then using Stackelberg model and step analysis , this article points out that suitable investment level can prevent the potential entrants and avoid the emergence of excessive competition .

  22. 如果固定成本的支出超出这一范围,考虑到阻止潜在进入者进入的成本过大,在位企业可能会容纳潜在进入者的进入。

    If the fixed cost is beyond the scope , because of the huge cost of preventing the potential entrants , the reigning enterprises may allow the potential competitor to enter .

  23. 而本文从质量选择的角度,讨论了潜在进入者如何选择进入质量进入市场,并给出了质量选择的定量关系。

    But this text angle chooses from the quality , discusses how the latent entrant chooses to the quality into the market , and gives the quantitative relation of the quality choice .

  24. 而且这样做企业还会面临一个风险,其产品一旦上市,市面上现有品牌或许会降价,展开掠夺性竞争,这一可能性会阻止潜在进入者。

    Anyone taking that path would face the risk that , when their product appeared , the incumbent might reduce their price in predatory competition , and this knowledge may deter prospective entrants .

  25. 通过对潜在进入者的分析,叙述了造纸工业是资金密集型行业,具有较高的进入壁垒,在一定程度上阻碍了行业外资金投向造纸业。

    Through analyzing potential newcomers , we can find out that Paper-making industry is with a high fund-density threshold , which will keep other industries ' funds from floating into to some extent .

  26. 可竞争的市场:是一个企业经营但有进入或推出自由的时常,这个市场上的企业面临潜在进入者的竞争。

    Contestable market : is a market in which firms can enter and leave so easily that firms in the market face competition from potential entrants & firms play a sequential entry game .

  27. 农产品批发市场具有良好的竞争力,主要表现在:行业内竞争力强、上游供应商竞争能力中等、下游购买者的竞争能力中等、潜在进入者竞争能力弱和替代产品竞争力中等。

    Agricultural products wholesale market has good competitiveness , because of high competitiveness in the industry , middle competitiveness from suppliers and buyers , weak competitiveness from emerging competitors and middle competitiveness from substitutes .

  28. 并运用五力模型从潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、买方讨价还价能力、替代品威胁、现有竞争者五个角度对竞争环境进行了分析。

    And the article used five forces model threats , analyzed from five competitors as threat of potential entrants , the bargaining power of suppliers , bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the existing competitors .

  29. 因此,潜在进入者就有意愿通过并购等方式实现进入,并愿意为此付出溢价,且进入越早,越能分享垄断的高利润,当然,进入越早,需要支付的溢价水平也越高。

    Therefore , the potential entrants had motive to enter through M & A way and were willing to pay the premium for this . Certainly , entered more early , paid the premium level was also higher .

  30. 在可竞争的市场当中,即使有时厂商数量有限,潜在进入者的威胁也能够迫使在位厂商按照竞争行为进行经营;

    Even there are a small amount of firms in a certain market , as long as the market is contestable , the potential entrants ' threaten makes the incumbents operate just as they are in perfectly competing circumstances .