
pù bù
  • waterfall;falls;cataract;sault
瀑布 [pù bù]
  • [waterfall] 从山崖上直流下来像悬挂着的布匹似的水

  • 直至源流之处,乃是一股瀑布飞泉。--《西游记》

瀑布[pù bù]
瀑布[pù bù]
  1. 一处瀑布从身后山崖上飞流直下。

    A waterfall cascades down the cliff from the hills behind .

  2. 月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。

    The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall

  3. 她的长发瀑布般地倾泻在后背上。

    Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back .

  4. 上游瀑布一带盛产鲑鱼。

    The falls upstream are full of salmon .

  5. 她的金发像瀑布似的披落在肩头。

    Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders .

  6. 维多利亚瀑布今年的降雨量超过了平均水平。

    Victoria Falls has had above average levels of rainfall this year

  7. 历史上记载他们曾意外地发现了一处壮观的瀑布。

    History relates that they stumbled on a magnificent waterfall .

  8. 一直往下走,最终你会突然看到那条隐秘的瀑布。

    As you descend , suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall .

  9. 水流将木筏拽向瀑布,木筏的速度越来越快。

    The raft gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls .

  10. 溢出的湖水倾泻而下,形成了一座日式水景花园的瀑布。

    The loch 's overflow cascades into the waterfalls of a Japanese water garden .

  11. 内拉河和韦利诺河的汇合处是落差达160米的瀑布,景象十分壮观。

    The 160-metre falls mark the dramatic confluence of the rivers Nera and Velino .

  12. 那些女子拥有瀑布般乌黑亮泽的秀发。

    The women have lustrous cascades of black hair

  13. 瀑布飞流直溅,冲刷着岩石。

    Waterfalls crash and tumble over rocks .

  14. 传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

    The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing , with a raised pool and waterfall .

  15. 当他在瀑布边缘小心攀爬时,水就在他左边奔腾。

    The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall .

  16. 雨水像瀑布般地从房顶上倾泻而下。

    Rainwater cascaded down the roof of the house .

  17. 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。

    The firework went off in a cascade of colour .

  18. 河水从高原上下落时,形成了巨大的瀑布。

    As the river drops from the plateau , it forms great waterfalls .

  19. 尼亚加拉瀑布是世界天然奇景之一。

    The Niagara Falls is one of the natural wonders of the world .

  20. 瀑布奔泻,发出巨大的声响。

    The waterfall came down with a rush and a roar .

  21. 瀑布鸟舍拥有世界最高的人造瀑布。

    Waterfall aviary has the highest man-made waterfall in the world .

  22. 我们看见一条大马哈鱼在那边瀑布中跳跃。

    We saw a salmon jumping in the waterfall there .

  23. 他的话就像长时间被截住的瀑布似的,在开始倾泻。

    His words , like a cataract long damned , began Tambling out .

  24. 我们利用瀑布发电。

    We utilize waterfalls for producing electric power .

  25. 那瀑布有30英尺高。

    The falls are thirty feet high .

  26. 我们寻声向东望去,只见一片瀑布从半山腰里倾泻而下。

    Following the noise , we looked towards the East and saw a waterfall tumbling down from halfway up the mountain .

  27. 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。(张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》)

    The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight , | of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall 's headlong flight .

  28. 爬这个小瀑布小意思啦。

    Climbing such a small waterfall was a piece of cake .

  29. 她的卷发像瀑布一样垂在肩上

    Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls .

  30. 从很早时候起,瀑布就是画家所喜爱的题材

    Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter .