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  1. ICF快点火中强流高能电子束在高密度等离子体中的输运方程组

    Transport equations for high-current relativistic Electron beam in the presence of a background overdense plasma in ICF fast ignition

  2. 琼北全新世火山区熔岩流流动速度的恢复与火山灾害性讨论

    Flow Velocity and Hazard Assessment of the Holocene Lava Flows in the Northern Hainan Island

  3. 而隧道内一旦发生火灾,不同的通风方案将对火势的发展,火烟灾流的控制产生很大影响。

    When the tunnel is on fire , the different ventilating plans effect the development of fire and controlling of the smoke much .

  4. 地狱火:释放一道火流对一个敌人造成持续伤害。

    Inferno : Unleashes a stream of fire that deals continuous damage to an enemy .