
  • 网络Fire Island;Burning Island
  1. 是真的腹股沟拉伤,不是什么火烧岛上的派对。

    An actual groin pull , not the party on fire island .

  2. 1850年,玛格丽特·福勒及其家人在火烧岛海难中罹难,爱默生派梭罗去搜寻遗体,这些稍后被记述在梭罗的《科德角》一书中。

    When Margaret Fuller and her family died in an1850 shipwreck off Fire Island , Emerson sent Thoreau there to search for remains , later described in his book Cape Cod .

  3. 他们把这地方称做火烧岛,中午前就开走了。

    They called that land Burnt Island , and sailed away before noon .