
  • 网络Pole;light pole;lamp-post;Lamp pole;Stem
  1. 一种规格型号:JHXZ-1600该设备专用于通讯杆、高杆灯杆、小口径电力杆直缝焊接完成后的杆体校直和端部整圆。

    With one type : JHXZ-1600 Used for leveling and reforming after welding edge for the telecom pole , street light pole , small diameter power-line steel pole .

  2. 这是兵器杆没有问题,灯杆的工艺和造型与此大不同。

    This weapon is no problem , the art and shape light pole are different from it .

  3. 那辆汽车打滑撞上了路灯杆。

    The car skidded and hit a lamp post .

  4. 两名被手铐铐在一起的囚犯试图逃跑时分别往电灯杆两边跑,结果没逃掉。

    Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamp-post while handcuffed .

  5. 因FRP材质不导电,因而灯杆用电安全性能好。

    The FRP is an insulator to electricity , so it is good in safety .

  6. 包头市体育场灯塔工程灯杆焊接变形控制

    Lighting pole welding deformation control in beacon engineering at Baotou Stadium

  7. 利用库存左侧灯杆的绳子。

    Use the ROPE in inventory on the left lamp pole .

  8. 高灯杆热浸镀温度场的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Hot-Galvanizing for High Lamp-Post

  9. 配上这支灯杆,更象面旗了。

    Cover with the lamppost , looked like a flag better .

  10. 灯杆稍微有点向西歪。

    The lamp post has a slight tip to the west .

  11. 三天前我把我的车撞到了灯杆上。

    I drove my car into a lamp-post there days ago .

  12. 小心,院子里有根灯杆。

    Be careful , there 's a lamp post in the garden .

  13. 钢制灯杆及底座,底座带电线埋藏槽。

    Base and stem in steel with epoxy powder finish .

  14. 镇流器,接线盒及灯杆高度可由用户选择;

    The ballast junction box and the high of lamp-post can be matched by users'choice ;

  15. 这个灯杆很象探测器,正好可以做题图。

    This pole like a detector , suit to be the picture for the subject .

  16. 一个路灯杆在身边飞过,我和家人迅速冲进了地下室

    After a lamppost flew by , my family and I sprinted into the basement .

  17. 灯座和灯杆采用铸铝或不锈钢材料制造;

    That lamp holder and the lamp pole adopts casts aluminium or the stainless steel material manufacturing ;

  18. 根据事实写成的小说小心,院子里有根灯杆。

    A novel founded on fact Be careful , there 's a lamp post in the garden .

  19. 该设备专用于通讯杆、高杆灯杆体端部与发兰盘自动环焊对接的焊机设备。

    Used for welding the pole edge with the bottom flange for the telecom pole , street light pole .

  20. 街道的两边有很多灯杆。他边走边看书,撞到电线杆了。

    There are many lamp-posts on both sides of the street . He walked into a lamp-post while reading .

  21. 听完朗诵会回家的路上,只见路灯杆在风的吹动下摇晃着;

    Listens to on road which recites can go home under , only sees the roadlightpost to move in the wind is swaying ;

  22. 如果灯杆不是笔直的,我就感到烦恼。我沿街跑时撞上了电灯杆。

    It annoys me if a lamppost is not bolt upright . Running down the street , I knocked up against the lamppost .

  23. 纵向角度(灯与灯杆间角度)分四种角度:0度,5度,10度,15度。

    Vertical angle ( angle between the poles and lights ) 4 angles : 0 degrees , 5 degrees , 10 degrees , 15 degrees .

  24. 比如,为什么不在交通灯杆上安装监控摄像机来防止人们闯红灯呢?

    Like if people jump the traffic lights , I don 't know why there isn 't a camera at the traffic lights to stop people doing that .

  25. 产品迎风面积小,稳定性高,有效降低了风阻,减轻灯杆的负荷,有利于抗风,安全可靠。

    Small frontal area and high stability reduce the wind resistance effectively and load of lamp pole , which is advantaged for going against the wind , make it safe and reliable .

  26. 个城市的路灯照明系统通常会有几百个控制箱、几万个灯杆,因此照明系统中会产生大量的遥测、遥信的数据。

    A city street lighting systems typically control box there will be a few hundred to tens of thousands of light poles , lighting system will produce a large number of telemetry data telesignalling .

  27. 如果我的学生正歪歪斜斜的在比赛的热身场地里,抓着缰绳象醉汉抓着路灯杆,我必须立刻做些什么保证马匹和骑手都安全。

    If my student is careening around the warm-up arena , hanging on the reins like a drunk on a lamppost , I have to do something right now to make that horse and rider safer .

  28. 太阳能路灯是太阳能应用产品的重要代表,其应用受到诸多条件的限制,如灯本身特性的限制、灯杆高度的限制、太阳电池组件安装方式的限制和环境条件的限制等。

    Solar light is an important representation of solar energy produces , but its application is restricted by many factor , example of the lamp characteristic , the light pole height , the solar module sitting mode and circumstance condition etc.

  29. 在灯杆的顶端安有风斗、蓄电池、太阳能电池板和半球形玻璃罩,灯杆内部有紫外线灯。

    The top end of a lamp post is provided with a wind scoop , a battery , a solar panel and a hemispherical glass cover ; and the inner part of the lamp post is provided with an ultraviolet lamp .