
  1. 本论文强调以广告载具承接消费者,并且必须注重挖掘全方位客户价值,对客户需求-价值空间的占有率由1到N进行扩张。

    The paper emphasized the " advertising vehicle " to undertake the consumer , and must tap the full range of customer value focus on the customer " requirements - the value of " share of space by the " 1 " to " N " for expansion .

  2. 在电动载具电池方面三星和博世&这个世界最大的汽车零部件供应商以及动力和引擎管理技术的创造者强强联手,组建了三星非常重视的合资公司SBLiMotive。

    In electric-vehicle batteries Samsung has joined forces with Bosch , the world 's biggest supplier of car parts and a fount of expertise on power-and engine-management .

  3. 在这个非常重要的载具中,最好的预警就是早期发现。

    In this vital organ , the best defense is early detection .

  4. 突击车是游戏里第二快速的陆军载具。

    The Raider Buggy is the2nd fastest class of vehicle in the game .

  5. 手机直接当作行动载具使用,可以减少高额的购置成本;

    Mobile phone is used as portable device to reduce high buying cost .

  6. 提出发展此种载具的(具成本效益)策略。

    Propose ( cost-effective ) strategies for the development of such a vehicle .

  7. 一些药物如今可以通过“纳米载具”输送。

    Some drugs can now be delivered through'nanovehicles ' .

  8. 通常镭射载具或建筑,标记好像“贴齐”在目标上。

    Commonly with vehicles or buildings , the lase will seem to'snap to'the object .

  9. 研究未来美国太空总署/美国空军对于此种载具共同的潜在需求度。

    Study the potential NASA / Air Force joint requirements for such a vehicle .

  10. 政府公报是政府机关将资讯主动公开的一种载具。

    Government Gazette is an instrument used by the government to disclose the information .

  11. 评估国际合作发展这种载具的可行性。

    Assess the possibilities for international cooperation in the development of such a vehicle .

  12. 它是一种水路两栖载具,所以配备有绞盘和水炮。

    It 's an amphibious vehicle , which has a winch and a water cannon .

  13. 更要紧的是他们修复你受伤的载具。

    However , the main feature of a Rig is to repair your injured units .

  14. 敌人那粗制滥造的载具来了。

    The enemy 's crude vehicles approach .

  15. 邪能共效:这个天赋将不再治疗术士正在使用的载具。

    Fel Synergy : This talent will no longer heal vehicles the warlock is riding .

  16. 灵魂载具的功能被降低或缩减到能调和相称地共感,以使这族类能感知到灵魂?

    The soul carrier function is muted or diminished in proportional sympathy to the species'perception of soul .

  17. 然而,在你们幻象上的过去时期,我们曾经使用水晶及钟型的载具。

    However , we have used crystals and the bell shape in the past of your illusion .

  18. 文化商品为文化产业的发展创造经济价值,同时文化商品也是传递文化内涵的主要载具。

    Cultural commodity creates economic value for cultural industry , meanwhile , cultural commodity contains and deliver culture connotation .

  19. 发问者:你们在多久以前曾使用钟型的载具来到地球?

    Questioner : How many years in the past did you use the bell-shaped craft to come to earth ?

  20. 该电瓶载具智能防盗系统还可设置防盗电瓶和唯一识别码充电器。

    The electromobile intelligent burglary-resisting system is also provided with a burglary-resisting battery jar and a unique identifier charger .

  21. 在文章的最后,对广告新媒体载具的运作策略提出了自己的一些建议。

    At the end of the advertisement contains new media strategy with the operation of some of my own proposals .

  22. 我是拉。由于你们的照顾,器皿目前是平衡的。然而,她的肉体载具有些僵硬了。

    Ra : The instrument is balanced due to your care . However , her physical vehicle is growing stiff .

  23. 牺牲之擧不再让清洁术移除圣骑士所乘坐的载具的减速效果。

    Act of Sacrifice will no longer cause Cleanse to remove movement impairing effects from vehicles the paladin is riding .

  24. 本研究提出的演算法在使用两个地标台于行动载具的导航定位有更精确的估计。

    Simulation results of proposed algorithm show that the two landmarks may influence the estimating accuracies of mobile vehicle navigation .

  25. 举个例,载具上搭载资讯分享功能。允许在同一载具之内的玩家可以获得双重的雷达侦测系统。

    For one , vehicles use a shared-targeting system that allows players within the same vehicle to have double the radar-awareness .

  26. 他们可以医疗友军单位并伤害敌人,同时他们搭载的飞弹发射器可有效对付载具。

    Their deaths heal friendly units and damage enemies , and they are armed with a Missile Launcher that is effective against vehicles .

  27. 许多人呼吁美国太空总署研发一种新型的可回收发射载具,以便充分地压低发射器飞行成本。

    Many have called for NASA to develop a new reusable launch vehicle that will substantially reduce the cost of launch to orbit .

  28. 一名观察手必须等到载具停下时他才可以保证镭射标定可以黏住目标。

    A spotter should wait for the vehicle to come to a stop so he can assure the laser is stuck to it .

  29. 如果敌人有载具,他们可能偶然地撞倒树、灌木丛和其他的障碍物,结果泄漏了他们的行踪。

    If the enemy has vehicles they may accidentally run down trees , bushes , orother obstacles and give away where they 've been .

  30. 现在当玩家进入载具并想在位置切换界面利用鼠标滚轮切换位置时,鼠标滚轮能够正确的响应玩家的操作。

    The mouse wheel will now respond to the input control if the player enters a vehicle and continues to switch positions using mouse wheel .