
  • 网络Carrier Power
  1. 载波功率输出额定值

    Carrier power output rating

  2. 多频带宽传输能降低误差概率,但其代价是速度及载波功率至少增加一倍。

    Multiband transmission permits a reduction in error probability in exchange for at least a twofold increase in bandwidth and carrier power .

  3. 本论文利用凸优化理论,给出了RelayOFDM系统中的子载波功率分配算法,以使得系统容量最大化。

    The convex optimization theory is utilized to achieve the optimal power allocation in Relay OFDM system in order to maximize the system capacity .

  4. OFDM系统子载波和功率分配理论研究及算法实现

    Theoretical Research and Algorithm Realization of Subcarrier and Power Allocation in OFDM Systems

  5. 一种上行MIMO-OFDM系统的载波和功率分配算法

    Subcarrier and power allocation algorithm for uplink MIMO-OFDM systems

  6. MC-CDMA系统的动态子载波和功率分配算法

    Performance of the MC-CDMA System with Dynamic Subcarrier and Power Control

  7. 针对OFDMA系统自适应资源分配问题,提出一种具有QoS保证的自适应子载波和功率分配算法。

    For the OFDMA resource allocation problem , a QoS guaranteed adaptive subcarrier and power allocation algorithm is proposed .

  8. 主要以GPS接收机的载波噪声功率密度比(C/N0)为基础,分析压制干扰对GPS接收机载波相位测量精度的影响。

    On the basis of carrier noise power density rate ( C / N0 ) of GPS receiver , it analyzed the influence of suppressed jamming to carrier phase measuring accuracy of GPS receiver .

  9. 本文根据GPS接收机伪距测量的原理,以GPS接收机的载波噪声功率密度比(C/N0)为基础,分析压制干扰对GPS接收机伪距测量精度的影响。

    The influence of jamming to pseudo-range measurement precision of GPS receiver is analyzed on the basis of density ratio of carrier noise power of GPS receiver according to the theory of GPS receiver pseudo-range measurement .

  10. 本文所讨论的问题即在以正交分频多工(OFDM)上行传输的感知无线电系统中,提出如何配置子载波与功率给次使用者以达最大传输率的方法。

    A problem to maximize the transmission capacity of the secondary users subject to the power and mutual interference constraints in multiuser OFDM-based CR uplink systems is discussed in this thesis .

  11. 多天线OFDMA系统的动态子载波与功率分配方法基于预期容量损失的OFDMA子载波分配算法

    A Dynamic Subcarrier and Power Allocation Method for Multi-antenna OFDMA System An OFDMA subcarrier allocation algorithm based on estimated difference value

  12. 结合了OFDM技术的无线中继系统中的资源优化分配问题变得更加复杂,需要把子载波和功率资源联合地分配给系统中的各跳节点,以求最大限度地提高系统吞吐量。

    The problem of resource optimization becomes more complicated in OFDM based wireless relay system where the subcarrier and power resources are required to be jointly allocated to each hop for the maximization of system throughput .

  13. 在多小区OFDMA系统中,基于集中式资源管理,考虑本小区对其它小区的干扰情况,对各个小区的子载波和功率分配进行调整,从而达到最小化总功率的目的。

    Considering the interference from other cells , the total power is minimized in OFDMA cellular systems by adjusting the subcarriers and power allocation with a central allocation approach .

  14. SC-FDMA是近年来国际上提出来的一种既具备单载波系统功率峰均比,又具备多载波通信实现简单和资源调度灵活特性的新型频分多址通信系统。

    SC-FDMA is a new kind of FDMA system which was submitted in recent years . It has the same PAPR property as single carrier system and its resource scheduling is as flexible as multi-carrier system .

  15. OFDMA是下一代无线通信系统中在下行链路上实现大容量通信的一种有前途的技术,其中的关键技术之一是在共享信道的用户间公平合理地分配子载波和功率。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) is a promising technique for achieving high downlink capacities in next generation wireless communication system . A key issue in OFDMA is the allocation of the sub-carriers and power among users sharing the channel .

  16. 结果表明设计良好的对消系统能有效地抵消载波泄漏功率达30~60dB,为进一步作实验研究提供了理论基础。

    The simulation and the theoretical analysis both demonstrate that a well designed nulling system is capable to cut down the feed-through power by 30 ~ 60dB . All these provide theoretical basis for further experimental studies .

  17. 本文提出一种线性化射频多载波高功率放大器的自适应射频预失真器。

    This paper presents an adaptive RF predistorter to linearize multi-carriers power amplifiers .

  18. 多跳中继系统中子载波与功率的分配

    Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Multihop Relay System

  19. 射频功率放大器增加了调变载波的功率。调制器载(波)频(率)

    The power of the modulated carrier wave is increased by the RF power amplifier .

  20. 对于非实时用户,按照数据率比例公平的要求,子载波和功率分配分离进行。

    Subcarrier and power allocation is performed separately for non-real time users with the proportional rate constraints .

  21. 在初始阶段里提出一参数用来决定分配子载波与功率给次使用者的顺序,此参数是由功率与干扰量所组合而成。

    The initial allocation strategy is to assign subcarriers to users and allocate power to subcarriers by using a proposed indicator .

  22. 讨论了调制系数、色散光纤距离和载波抑制功率等因素对毫米波信号及各次谐波传输性能的影响。

    The effect of three parameters such as modulation index , dispersion distance and optical carrier suppression ratio is also discussed .

  23. 在该博弈中,各蜂窝内的基站通过独立控制子载波和功率分配,实现自身的效用达到最大。

    In this game , the base stations in each cell realize their own utility maximization by controlling sub-carriers and power allocation , respectively .

  24. 在尽量减少计算复杂度的前提下,提出了分别对应两个目标函数的次优子载波及功率分配策略。

    To reduce calculation complexity , two sub-optimal resource allocation schemes both containing subcarrier allocation and power allocation are proposed respectively in accordance to those two previous optimization functions .

  25. 在子载波与功率分配过程中,是以用户在调度后的数据速率和信道增益为依据进行分配。

    In the subcarrier and power allocation process , the allocation is based on both the data rate which is the result of scheduling , and the channel gains .

  26. 多用户资源分配较为复杂,需要子载波与功率和比特的联合分配才能获得最优解。

    The problem of resource allocation in multi-user scenario becomes complicated . In order to achieve the optimal solution , the joint optimal algorithm for sub-carriers and power / bits allocation is implemented .

  27. 基于此表达式,通过采用对偶函数分解法以及次梯度算法,本文得到在载波和功率联合分配条件下的最优系统可达速率。

    Based on this expression , the near-optimal solution of the achievable rate is obtained in the joint power and subcarrier allocation according to the dual problem decomposition approach and the subgradient method .

  28. 运用有效容量与凸优化理论等工具,针对连续和离散情况分别建立了最优资源分配的数学模型,并相应提出了渐近最优的子载波和功率分配算法。

    With effective capacity and convex optimization tools , two optimization problems are formulated in continuous and discrete scenarios , and the asymptotically optimal subcarrier and power allocation schemes are proposed . 2 .

  29. 仿真结果表明,循环前缀的插入提高了眼图的性能、改善了色散容限;针对不同子载波进行功率均衡能够有效减小信道间的性能差异。

    Results show that the circle prefix which has arbitrary length can increase the quality of received eye diagram and improve the dispersion tolerance . The power equalization has been used to eliminate the performance differences of channels .

  30. 在快速拓扑切换条件下,理论分析表明,一般功率驱动移动智能体网络的同步实现由载波发射功率密度决定,而与网络规模、载波发射功率分布无关。

    Under the constraint of fast-switching , we theoretically and numerically show that synchronization of the agent network is determined by the power density which is independent of both the power distribution and the size of network . 2 .