
  • 网络grey area;Gray Zone;The Grey Zone
  1. 第五,存在着灰色地带的政府信息。

    Fifthly , there are some government information in the grey zone .

  2. 微处理器用半导体评估板都是在灰色地带,Stanvick说。

    Semiconductor evaluation boards for microprocessors are in the gray zone , Stanvick said .

  3. 不过,如果你是处在一个灰色地带,希望获得更多的money,也已经准备好了进行努力奋斗,离开对你来说太冒险了。

    But if you are in a greyer area , wishing you had more money but prepared to struggle on , moving looks too risky .

  4. 我们担心Facebook及其同类,原因不在于它们会侵犯我们的隐私,而在于它们是规则制定者——它们可以定义灰色地带的边界,也掌握着那些决定我们以怎样的面目示人的最隐秘的计算方法。

    The reason to fear Facebook and its ilk is not that they violate our privacy . It is that they define the parameters of the grey and mostly invisible technological infrastructure that shapes our identity .

  5. VIE架构在中国法律体系中一直属于灰色地带,而中国政府更乐于从另一个角度看问题。

    The VIE structure has always been a grey area in the Chinese legal system , and the Chinese government prefers to look the other way .

  6. PMC的发展仍然持续进行,而PMC在国际人道主义法上处于一个灰色地带,因为国际法上并没有对他们有任何明确的规定。

    The development of PMC is ongoing all the time , but there is a grey zone in international humanitarian law regarding PMC since the international law provides no specific rules or regulations on it .

  7. 中国政府已正式将网约车服务合法化,包括总部位于旧金山的优步(Uber)和中国的滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),此举让这个一直在灰色地带运营的行业获得提振。

    The Chinese government has formally legalised online car-hailing services , including San Francisco-based Uber and Beijing 's Didi Chuxing , giving a boost to an industry that has operated in a grey area .

  8. 这个灰色地带是复杂和纠结的聚集地

    But the gray areas are where you find the complexity ,

  9. 有很多模糊(灰色地带)的方式,并不叫说谎。

    There are ways to obfuscate & not call it lying .

  10. 但是业务发生在上述例子之间的灰色地带。

    But business takes place in grey areas between examples .

  11. 研究发现,二者之间存在一些重大差异,在灰色地带尤其如此。

    There were some important differences , especially in the gray zone .

  12. 我想至多这只能算是灰色地带。

    I think it 's more of a gray area than that .

  13. 那么,如何避免处于灰色地带?

    So , how to avoid being in the gray ?

  14. 噢,那还是灰色地带。

    Oh , that 's kind of a gray area .

  15. 贿赂与政治交易之间,存在一个巨大的灰色地带。

    There remains a big grey area between bribery and political deal-making .

  16. 我们现在处于道德和法律的灰色地带

    We are in a very grey area ethically , legally

  17. 真实的现实是我们都处于灰色地带。

    what 's true is that we 're grey areas .

  18. 而一些律师则认为这种服务游走于灰色地带。

    But some lawyers consider these services to operate in a gray area .

  19. 在这两个极端之间,有很多灰色地带。

    Between these two extremes , there is a lot of gray area .

  20. 竞争情报灰色地带的合法性研究

    The Legality Research of Competitive Intelligence in Grey Belt

  21. 接下来的两个类别则属于灰色地带。

    The next two categories occupied the gray zone .

  22. 这一判决凸现了家具设计知识产权的一个灰色地带。

    And yet the decision highlighted a grey area in furniture design copyright .

  23. 虽然电动自行车从技术上来讲仍属于自行车,但它们却处于法律监管的灰色地带。

    Still technically bicycles , they 're operating in a legal gray zone .

  24. 当然,在所有这一切中也存在灰色地带。

    In all of this , of course , there are grey areas .

  25. 真正的生活只能处于其中的灰色地带。

    Real life only comes in shades of gray .

  26. 在恋爱关系中你不得不接受里面许多的灰色地带。

    You have to accept that there are many gray areas in relationships .

  27. 但也存在灰色地带,眼下新闻门户网站就在试水。

    But there are grey areas , and the news portals are testing the boundaries .

  28. 发光体能把那灰色地带照亮吗?

    Light grey areas can the light ?

  29. 他表示,广电业有“越来越多的灰色地带”。

    " There are more and more grey areas " in broadcasting , he said .

  30. 暗讽属于灰色地带

    Insinuation is such a grey area .