
chǎo ɡǔ
  • speculate in stocks;speculation
  1. 他喜欢炒股。

    He likes to speculate on the stock market .

  2. 库珀炒股发了大财。

    Cooper made / earned a fortune on the stock market .

  3. 随着Internet的普及,投资者对网上炒股要求越来越高。

    With the popularity of the Internet , it is a universal demand for investors to carry on the stock online transaction .

  4. 最后实现了手机炒股系统的增值服务菜单以及利用OTA技术对服务菜单的远程管理。

    Finally , implemented the menu of mobile stock value-added system , and remote management it with the OTA technology .

  5. 但许多操盘手表示,Twitter不仅被用于搜寻炒股贴士,他们还用它来学习其他人如何操作。

    But Twitter is not only being used to hunt for stock tips , many traders say . Instead , they want a way of picking up how other traders are trading .

  6. 根据其不稳定的特征,中国人用烹饪中的“炒”(翻炒)来形容炒股交易,该词还包含了保持股票不断买卖交易、维持股票热度的含义。keepingamistre包二奶

    Chinese used a word from cooking , " chao " ( stir-fry ) , to describe the unstable nature of the trading , which involved keeping the shares moving ( buying and selling ) to keep it hot .

  7. 本文运用Bellman的动态规划方法,给出了最优炒股问题的数学模型,并对其解进行了分析。

    This article gives out the mathematical model of the optimum stocking problem in Bellman ′ s dynamic programming way . And analyses its optimum solution .

  8. 随着WAP与电子商务的结合,移动电子商务得以实现(如手机银行、手机炒股等),用户不再受时间和地点的限制,可以方便快捷地响应市场的变化。

    With the combination of WAP and E_business ( such as Mobile Phone Bank and Mobile Phone Stock Dealing , etc ), customer could take free and quick response to the fluctuating market at any time and any place .

  9. 除了听听炒股经、或逗弄一下狗,如果杨世永还想追寻一些浪漫的情怀,他可以溜达到宜家(Ikea),那里的餐厅有一个专供老年人相亲的角落,还提供免费咖啡。

    And if Mr Yang is looking for romance rather than stock tips or canine comfort , he can nip over to Ikea , where there is a senior matchmaking corner in the cafeteria , complete with free coffee .

  10. 他在炒股,亏了不少钱。

    He 's speculating in stocks and lost a lot of money .

  11. 炒股对你的生活有什么影响?

    What 's the influence of your life that you trade stocks ?

  12. 你可以通过炒股赚大钱。

    You can make a lot of money playing the stock market .

  13. 你呢,女士,你有炒股吗?

    What about you , lady ? Are you in the market ?

  14. 伴随炒股热,上市公司成为更多利益相关者关注的焦点。

    With the stock speculation , listed companies become more stakeholders focus .

  15. 炒股:试试你的智商和运气

    Stock speculation : Test your IQ and try your luck

  16. 股城模拟炒股软件怎样操作?

    Does city imitate fry a software how to operate ?

  17. 俄罗斯人也不像美国人那样炒股。

    Russians don 't play the market like Americans do .

  18. 财经频道,我听说现在有很多人炒股。

    Finance and economics channel . I heard many people playing shares now .

  19. 你是也考虑加入这数以百万计的炒股大军?

    Are you considering becoming one of these millions ?

  20. 他炒股赚了一大笔钱。

    He made a killing in the stock market .

  21. 你对大学生炒股有什么建议?

    What 's your suggestion about students trading stocks ?

  22. 嵌入式手机炒股软件系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Embedded Mobile Stock Software System

  23. 例如最近几年,中国炒股的人很多。

    In recent years , more and more Chinese involve in the stock market .

  24. 确切地说是基金炒股,委托银行办理。

    Saying exactly is fund is fried , entrust a bank to deal with .

  25. 去年他炒股大发了一笔。

    He hit a stock jackpot last year .

  26. 你周围有多少人炒股?

    How many students trade stocks around you ?

  27. 这一次,业余炒股者可能是正确的&至少在一段时间内如此。

    This time uneducated punters may be right & at least for a while .

  28. 建立了基于微浏览器模式的手机炒股系统的体系结构和总体框架;

    Established the system frame of the mobile stock system based on wireless Internet browser ;

  29. 一些企业发现,炒股比投资购买新机器更有利可图。

    Some companies found speculating in the market more profitable than investing in new machinery .

  30. 又迈出了新的一步,炒股

    Also taken a new step , stocks