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làn màn
  • brilliant;naive;bright-colored;unaffected;bright-coloured
烂漫 [làn màn]
  • (1) [bright-colored]∶色彩鲜丽

  • 山花烂漫

  • (2) [naive;unaffected]∶坦荡,无做作

  • 天真烂漫

烂漫[làn màn]
  1. 看看在孩子们玩耍的空气上开得烂漫的小花儿吧,它们的色彩如此明艳,结构如此精美

    Look at the brilliant colors and intricate patterns of tiny flowers that cover playing fields

  2. 以美式乡村为设计风格的设计,使生活空间变得天真、烂漫。

    It is the design that designs a style with beautiful type countryside , make life space becomes innocent , brilliant .

  3. 每年深秋,北京香山红叶烂漫,游人如织。

    The Fragrant Hills in beijing , ablaze with red maple leaves in late autumn , attract throngs of visitors .

  4. 我便带你去山野烂漫处。

    I 'll take you to where the real flowers grow .

  5. 花枝烂漫,即便一人独自徜徉未觉寂寞。

    I never felt lonely while walked under the flower trees alone .

  6. 可是机会真实存在并且人生自由烂漫。

    But opportunity is real , and life is free .

  7. 会带我来山野烂漫处。

    You 'd bring me to where real flowers grow .

  8. 我很高兴能在这儿见证这个烂漫的时刻。

    I 'm so giad I was here for this interesting deveiopment .

  9. 由十二个可爱的生肖动物组合而成的时尚时钟烂漫演绎。

    By twelve zodiac lovely animals combination of a fashion clock flourishes deduce .

  10. 第一,从精神依附到精神叛逆。茜莉原本是个天真、烂漫的女孩。

    Firstly , from spiritual attachment to spiritual abnegation .

  11. 午夜时分,日光烂漫。

    It 's the middle of the night . The sun is shining .

  12. 灌木丛中花团烂漫。玫瑰花绕着窗子丛生。

    All the shrubs are in blossom . Roses cluster round the window .

  13. 待到上花烂漫时,人已不再是少年。

    When the bloson comes bloom , the little log will be no mere .

  14. 灌木丛中花团烂漫。这种灌木春天开花。

    All the shrubs are in blossom . This bush flowers in the spring .

  15. 不要把看成悲剧,把它看成烂漫的喜剧。

    See your life not as a distraught drama but as a romantic comedy .

  16. 每年春花的烂漫总让我惊讶不已。

    Each year I am astonished by the wealth of flowers the season gives us .

  17. 灌木丛中花团烂漫。

    All the shrubs are in blossom .

  18. 生如春花之烂漫,死如秋叶之静美一样的性格。

    To live like the booming spring flowers , to die as the graceful fall leaves .

  19. 鲜花烂漫开放,树木开始变成绿色,鸟类开始唱歌。

    Flowers begin to open , trees begin to turn green , and birds begin to sing .

  20. 你就是那个风姿绰约的桃花仙子,轻轻掠起一片娇羞烂漫的红霞!

    You are the Peace to all that grace graceful , gently Lueqi a shy and artless Hongxia !

  21. 金星主管烂漫和快乐,但是你也许会很惊讶她同样也主管金钱。

    Venus rules romance and fun , and you may be surprised to know Venus also rules money .

  22. 又孕育了一条山花烂漫,落日溶金,彩霞满眼。

    Conceived a mountain to spend lousy again , the setting sun dissolved a gold , roseate clouds eyeful .

  23. 失败在悲观者的眼里是灾难,在乐观者眼里是生活的乐趣与烂漫。

    Failure is a disaster in the eyes of pessimists but a pleasure and romance in the eyes of optimists .

  24. 这个集体里的每一个人,彼互相帮助,共享微笑与泪水,让温暖的阳光催开烂漫的花朵。>。

    The collective of each one , and help each other , sharing a smile and tears let the warm sunlight push .

  25. 他曾经获得了证书和美式足球的奖学金在华盛顿的美国大学开始了有关烂漫文学自由艺术学位的学习。

    He acquired a diploma and under a soccer scholarship to begin a Liberal Arts Degree in romance Literature at American University in Washington , D.

  26. 去年春雨花烂漫,双蝶相携态翩翩,今朝星空花月夜,风起吹落泪满衫。

    Last spring flowers in full bloom , elegant state Xiangxie Double Butterfly , Zhao spent Star River , the wind from blowing over shirt tears .

  27. 一些受欢迎的摄影地点像海南的沙滩,夫妇们恨不得在沙滩上的每一寸土地上留下他们烂漫的婚纱纪念照。

    At popular wedding photo locations , such as this beach on Hainan Island , couples line up every several yards to pose for their romantic photographic keepsakes .

  28. 渴望绽放烂漫的爱情之花是爱情歌曲、浪漫电影、爱情故事的永恒主题。

    The longing associated with that early bloom of romantic love is well known and is the subject of love songs , romantic movies , and love stories .

  29. 花木感春而开,当春回大地又到了一年山花烂漫的季节时,处处阳光明媚、鸟语花香、遍地皆绿,这个时期正是全家踏青好季节!

    Plants blossom in spring when it is warm , sunny and the world is full of green and vigor , so it is a good season for a family outing .

  30. 那时牛津街以北房屋还少,在今天已消失的野地里还有葱笼的树木和野花,山楂开得很烂漫。

    There were few buildings then , north of the Oxford-road , and forest-trees flourished , and wild flowers grew , and the hawthorn blossomed , in the now vanished fields .