
  • 网络Grading;tobacco grading
  1. 基于图像特征的烟叶分级

    Tobacco Grading Based on Image Features

  2. 系统介绍了《烤烟》国标中成熟度、叶片结构、身份、油分、色度、长度和残伤等主要分级因素的概念以及在烟叶分级实践中的把握和值得注意的问题。

    The concept of main grading factors in national standard-Flue-cured Tobacco , such as maturity , leaf structure , body , oil , color intensity , length , waste , and etc. , and noticeable problems in the practice of tobacco grading were introduced systematically .

  3. 模糊数学在烟叶分级中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics in the classification of tobacco leaves

  4. 美国烟叶分级标准体系中类、型和组的划分

    Classification of Leaf Tobacco Covering Classes , Types and Groups of Grades in U.S. Official Grade Standards for Tobacco

  5. 基于粗糙集的烤烟烟叶智能分级方法

    Intelligent Grading of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on Rough Set Theory

  6. 支持向量机在烤烟烟叶自动分级中的应用

    Application of Support Vector Machine in the Automatic Grading of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf

  7. 烤烟烟叶自动分级的智能技术

    Intelligent Technologies in Automatic Grading of Flue-Cured Tobacco

  8. 本文将烟叶的分级指标分为颜色、叶形、纹理三个综合量进行研究。

    Tobacco graduation will be divided into three comprehensive quantities integrated research such as color , leaf shape and texture .

  9. 农产品质量的计算机辅助检验与分级(第Ⅱ报)烟叶自动分级模型的建立与训练

    Computer Aided Quality Inspecting and Grading for Agricultural Products ( 2nd half ) Construction and Training of Grading Model for Tobacco Leaf

  10. 为此需要建立一种与人眼视觉感受相一致的烟叶自动分级系统,通过系统提取烟叶相关参数,并对其相关参数进行分析计算,最终根据这些计算结果判断烟叶的等级。

    This requires establishing a tobacco automatic grading system which , is consistent with the perception of the human vision . It can extracted tobacco-related parameters by the system , and calculated the parameters , ultimately determine the level of the tobacco based on the results of these calculations .

  11. 在外观品质特征定量检测的基础上,研究了烟叶的自动分级技术。

    A new automatic grading technology of tobacco leaf was developed .

  12. 计算机技术在烟叶检测与分级领域的应用

    Application of Computer Technology in Tobacco Leaf Detecting and Grading

  13. 基于支持向量机的烟叶生长部位分组研究烤烟烟叶分级的基础是先判断烟叶在烟株上的着生部位,再对不同的部位组进行分级。

    Study on identifying the growing area of tobacco leaves based on support vector machine the base of classifying tobacco leaves is determining the growing area in tobacco plants , then classify the tobacco leaf according to different groups .

  14. 提取烟叶的特征参数:首先根据烟叶分级标准筛选出合适的烟叶特征作为计算机分级判断的依据。

    Extracting the feature parameters of the tobacco : Firstly , appropriate tobacco leaves ' features which are graded according to the tobacco classification standards are chose as the computer grading judgment .

  15. 其基本原理是,建立标准样本烟叶的特征数据库,将待测烟叶与样本烟叶比较而进行分级。

    The principle of grading is comparing the inspected tobacco leaf with the standard tobacco leaves .