
  • 网络Tobacco Control;Tobacco Control Journal
  1. 以烟草控制系统为背景,探讨了对象模块化思想在PLC编程中的运用。

    Based on a tobacco control system , this paper discusses the idea of object modularization in PLC programming .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO和签署WHO《烟草控制框架公约》,烟草行业正在经受巨大的挑战和考验。

    With China 's entry into WTO and its signature of WHO 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control , the tobacco industry is facing grave challenge .

  3. 如欲获取所列无URL地址的资料副本,请与《烟草控制框架公约》秘书处联系。

    For information on obtaining copies of the resources listed without a URL , please contact the FCTC Secretariat .

  4. 亿万富翁迈克布隆伯格(MikeBloomberg)和比尔盖茨(BillGates)创建了一只禁烟法律基金,旨在帮助较低收入国家保护它们的烟草控制法不受烟草公司诉讼的影响。

    Billionaires Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates have launched an anti-smoking legal fund designed to help lower-income countries defend their tobacco-control laws against lawsuits by cigarette companies .

  5. 诺丁汉大学(NottinghamUniversity)英国烟草控制研究中心(UKCentreforTobaccoControlStudies)主任,流行病学教授约翰布里顿(JohnBritton)表示,肉制品行业应从烟草业的错误中吸取教训。

    John Britton , professor of epidemiology and director of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies at Nottingham University , says the meat industry should learn from the mistakes of the tobacco industry .

  6. 当地政府对TCT税收收入的依赖可能限制了韩国的烟草控制。

    Local governments ' dependence on revenue from the TCT may be a deterrent to tobacco control in the Republic of Korea .

  7. 向世卫组织请求协助,通过烟草控制措施MPOWER系列政策来实施《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》包含的降低需求的条款。

    Request assistance from WHO to implement the demand-reduction provisions of the WHO Framework Convention through the MPOWER package of tobacco control measures .

  8. 菲律宾已经根据世界卫生组织的《烟草控制框架公约》(FCTC)提供了使用的图片健康警语标示。菲律宾为《烟草控制框架公约》的签约国之一。

    The use of graphic warning signs has been provided for under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( FCTC ), to which the Philippines is a signatory .

  9. 并且随着市场的不断放开和我国履行《烟草控制框架公约》(FCTC)的不断深化,烟草工业企业面临的挑战不断增大。

    Also , As the market continues to open up and our country performing the framework convention on tobacco control deepen ceaselessly , tobacco industry enterprises are facing the challenge of increasing .

  10. 接受电话采访的《烟草控制框架公约》菲律宾联盟(FCAP)和其他烟草控制组织认为,没有合法的理由阻止这项措施通过。

    Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Alliance Philippines ( FCAP ) and other tobacco control groups called saw no legitimate reason that will prevent the passage of the measure .

  11. “世卫组织的烟草控制框架公约是朝着正确方向迈出的历史性一步,”&JackE.Henningfield,美利坚合众国

    " WHO 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was a monumental step in the right direction ," & Jack E.Henningfield , United States of America

  12. 在1999年第五十二届世界卫生大会期间,会员国通过了WHA52.18号决议,成立了世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约工作小组和政府间谈判机构。

    During the52nd World Health Assembly in May1999 , Member States adopted resolution WHA52.18 , which established both a WHO FCTC Working Group and an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body .

  13. StantonGlantz是加州大学烟草控制研究和教育中心主任,也是这项新研究的作者。

    But the study says smoking affects the nervous system in a way that makes an case of TB more likely to develop into an active one . Stanton Glantz is director of the University of California 's Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education and an author of the new study .

  14. 其他措施包括烟草控制活动和设计饮食指南。

    Other measures include tobacco control campaigns and creating diet guidelines .

  15. 浅析《烟草控制框架公约》对我国卷烟商标的影响

    A preliminary analysis on the effects of FCTC on cigarette trademarks

  16. 该公约改变了全球烟草控制的形势。

    The Convention has changed the landscape of global tobacco control .

  17. 合肥市城市社区烟草控制项目工作方法探索和实践

    Exploration and Practice on Community Smoking Control in Hefei City

  18. 问:政府各部门都对烟草控制给予支持吗?

    Q : Is there support for tobacco control across government departments ?

  19. 《烟草控制框架公约》背景下的控烟措施研究

    An Analysis of Measures of Tobacco Control under the Background of FCTC

  20. 世卫组织成为全球烟草控制布隆伯格行动五个伙伴之一

    WHO one of five partners in global Bloomberg initiative for tobacco control

  21. 问:中国哪一个部门负责烟草控制事务?

    Q : Which authorities in China are responsible for tobacco control ?

  22. 第三方网络产品在烟草控制系统中的应用

    Application of the Third Party Network Product in Tobacco Automatic Integration System

  23. 代表团在烟草控制问题上所表现的态度令人深感失望。

    The attitude towards tobacco control shown by the delegation was terrible .

  24. 问:请问应该如何在东南亚推动烟草控制?

    Q : How can tobacco control move forward in south-eastern Asia ?

  25. 对世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》的解析

    Interpretation and analysis of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

  26. 对象模块化在烟草控制系统编程中的运用

    Application of Object Modularization in the Tobacco Control Program

  27. 当前迫切需要开展进一步的烟草控制工作,尤其是在农村地区。

    Further tobacco control efforts are urgently needed , especially in rural areas .

  28. 然而,烟草控制面临巨大阻力。

    However , tobacco control faces great opposition .

  29. 围绕世卫组织烟草控制框架公约发展的动力似乎不可阻挡。

    The momentum growing around the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control seems unstoppable .

  30. 问:对哪个群体最难进行烟草控制教育?

    Q : Which group is the most difficult to educate on tobacco control ?