
shāo mai
  • Shao-Mai;sumai;a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top
烧卖 [shāo mài]
  • [a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top] 烫面薄皮包馅制成的食品,蒸熟吃。俗称作烧麦

烧卖[shāo mai]
  1. 冷冻糯米烧卖生产中卫生质量的控制及评价

    The Control and Assessment of Sanitary Quality in Processing of Frozen Sticky Rice Shaomai

  2. 这些是牛肉丸子、饺和蟹黄烧卖。

    These are the Steamed Beef Balls , Shrimp Dumplings and Steamed Crab Dumplings .

  3. 请给我一份糯米糍,一份蟹黄烧卖。

    Please give me one portion of the Glutinous Paste and one portion of the Steamed Crab Dumplings .

  4. 上海的小吃从阳春面到生煎馒头、虾肉烧卖,有很多讲究,出名的店做工精细,一点都不比做大餐省功夫。

    Typical Shanghai snacks include noodles in a clear broth with chives , fried dumplings with meat stuffing , and steamed buns filled with shrimp , all of which can become complicated to make .

  5. 特色菜有可口的菊花烧卖(据说慈禧太后最后一次驾临山西时非常喜欢),还有特别的养生葫芦丝(佐以山西陈醋、辣椒和细细的葱花)。

    Specialties are the delicate chrysanthemum shao mai ( steamed dumplings favored by the Empress Cixi when she last visited ) , and the unusual yangsheng hulusi , which is carefully coiled shredded bottle gourd dressed with aged Shanxi vinegar , chilies , and finely sliced scallions .