
rè bèi yònɡ
  • Hot standby;hot spare;stand-by heat
  1. 接着,本文利用北斗接收机、GPS接收机和外部IRIG-B码作为系统的外同步信号,互为热备用。

    Then , Bei-dou receiver , GPS receiver and external IRIG-B code use as the external sync signal , hot spare of each other .

  2. 采用主站CPU冗余及监控计算机热备用的方式,提高了控制系统的可靠性;

    By adopting redundant CPU in master station and hot spare mode in monitoring computer , the reliability of the control system has been enhanced .

  3. 线路热备用断路器防雷探讨电子线路CAD

    Research on the Lightning Protection for Standby Line Circuit Breaker An Approach to CAD in Electronic Circutis

  4. PLC控制系统选择双机热备用结构,实现系统的所有逻辑控制功能;

    PLC system is adopted in hot standby mode , which fulfills all logical program of the system .

  5. UPS双机热备用工作模式及其可靠性指标估算

    Power Supply Mode of Two UPS Hot Backup System and Its Reliability Index Estimate

  6. 正如可靠的数据中心会配备备用电源和冗余的Internet连接,预防性的定期系统维护和热备用可以大大提高可用性。

    Proactive and regular system maintenance and hot spares boost availability , as does a robust data center replete with backup power and redundant connections to the Internet .

  7. 这种UPS双机热备用工作模式在实际应用中具有较好的前景。

    This power supply mode of two UPS hot backup system has a nice prospect in the future .

  8. 另外,监控中心的监控主机(PC)和现场控制单元的控制器(PLC)都采用双机冗余热备用方式。

    In addition , the host monitor ( PC ) in monitoring center and controller ( PLC ) in local control unit have adopted Dual redundant hot standby mode .

  9. 介绍元电600MW机组空压机PLC控制系统改造工程,论述了原系统存在问题并提出了改造方案,设计并实现了双机热备用的PLC控制系统。

    The reform scheme of air compressor in 600 MW power plant was introduced . Design and accomplishment of hot standby PLC system was also put forward to improve the system performance .

  10. 总结了PLC控制系统的设计原则、内容、步骤和方法,并探讨了PLC双机热备用设计及可靠性设计方面要考虑的主要问题,结合工程设计经验提出可行的解决办法。

    The design principles , content , steps and methods were summarized , and the questions of design in reliability and double engine hot standby of PLC control system were discussed . The available resolutions according to project experiences were put forward .

  11. RAID支持热备用驱动器,这意味着RAID阵列中的一个驱动器出现故障时,系统会用热备用驱动器自动替代故障驱动器并恢复丢失驱动器上的数据。

    The RAID supports hot-spare drives , which means that when one of the drives in the RAID array fails , the system automatically replaces the failed drive with the hot-spare drive and recovers the data on the lost drive .

  12. 屏蔽泵热备用起动卡涩故障原因分析

    Analysis of Canned-Motor Pump Jamming Failure in Start Hot Standby Mode

  13. 发电厂热备用容量的优化分配和成本分析

    Optimal distribution and cost analysis of spinning reserve in power plant

  14. 空载热备用输电线路电能表计量分析

    The Measurement Analysis for the Watt-hour Meter in the Non-loaded Standby Power Line

  15. 一起电泵热备用启动振动高的原因分析及问题的解决

    Analysis and Solution about High Vibration on Start-up of a Hot-reserved Electrical Heat Pump

  16. 基于热备用的煤矿通风机倒机关键技术研究

    Study on Key Technologies of Main Fan Switchover Based on Hot Standby in Coal Mine

  17. 如果您的系统相互连接,可以自动地故障转移到热备用机器上,那么储备可以少一些。

    If your systems are interconnected to failover to hot spares automatically , your stockpile can be slight .

  18. 为了提高整个系统的可靠性,主控模块采用容错技术,具体方法是为主控模块增加冗余部分,实现主控模块和冗余部分的双机热备用。

    In order to improve reliability of the entire system , fault-tolerant technique is used in master controller module .

  19. 尽管热备用可以让故障恢复所需的时间降至最低,但它仍然需要消耗电力,因此性价比不高。

    Although a hot-spare minimizes the time required for failover , it also consumes power and is therefore less efficient .

  20. 真相:工作负荷为零的闲置服务器作为热备用系统不但严重浪费了能源,还给管理人员带来了负担。

    Fact : Idling servers at zero workload as hot spares is an egregious waste of energy and an administrative burden .

  21. 对每个环节的冗余进行了展开分析,对完全并列的热备用冗余和互相交叉的热备用冗余的优缺点进行了比较。

    Redundant systems of each element are analyzed comprehensively , and the fully parataxis hot standby redundancy and cross-standby redundancy are compared .

  22. 如错误操作有:运行状态拉合小车、热备用状态合地刀(挂地线)、检修状态合小车等。

    Normal positions : running condition , hot standby mode , cold standby mode , maintenance condition , and trolley operation conditions , etc.

  23. 上位机软件具有防止人为误操作、数据边界检查、权限限制、系统数据备份和软件实现双机热备用等功能。

    Master computer software can avoid human-initiated-failure , check data border , limit authority , backup system data and start backup computer by software etc.

  24. 本文针对数字微波1+1热备用通信系统备用信道的利用问题进行了研究,介绍了系统方案与实验。

    This paper presents a study of utilization of the back-up channel of 1 + 1 digital microwave system with a hot stand-by channel .

  25. 植物群落的结构备用有3种,即热备用、温备用和冷备用。

    A structure stand by of the phytocoenosium is divided into three kinds : hot stand by , warm stand by and cool stand by .

  26. 取能线圈得到的能量经整流、滤波处理后,作为采集器工作的热备用电源。

    The energy obtained by energy-obtaining coils is used as the thermal back-up power source of working of collector after treatment of rectification and wave filtration .

  27. 典型示例是灾难恢复测试,其中涉及故障转移到热备用系统、测试应用程序,然后退回到主系统。

    The classic example is a disaster recovery test , which involves failing over to a warm standby system , testing the applications , and then failing back to the primary systems .

  28. 通过对发生的电网事故的分析,介绍了一些防止雷害的措施:加装线路避雷器,降低杆塔接地电阻,热备用断路器防雷等方面的内容。

    Some measures to prevent thunderstorm damage are introduced such as adding line lightning arrester , reducing ground resistance of poles and towers , lightning protection for standby circuit breaker and so on .

  29. 电网公司在进行购电交易时,既要考虑各发电厂商申报的现货电价和竞价电量,又要考虑与发电厂商原有的购售电合同,甚至还要兼顾系统的热备用问题。

    Before the electrical transaction , the power companies not only consider the power plants ' competitive bidding spot price and volume , but also pay attention to the original purchase contract with the original power plants and the spinning reserve of power system .

  30. 因此HDR备用服务器可以立即替代主服务器&这称为“热”备用。

    Thus the HDR secondary is immediately ready to take the place of the primary server & what is called a " hot " standby .