
  • 网络Heat Affected Zone;Heat-affected zone;HAZ
  1. 另外硬度试验显示,母材、热影响区、焊缝硬度相当。

    In addition the results of hardness test showed that the hardness of based metal and the HAZ and the weld was equivalent .

  2. 分析结果表明,在形成同样大小金球的情况下,随着放电电流的增大,热影响区的长度减小。

    The results indicate that with the increase of EFO current , the length of HAZ decreases if the same size FAB is manufactured .

  3. NiCrBSi系合金激光熔覆结合带与热影响区

    The Study on Laser Cladding Ni-Cr-B-Si Alloys & Bonding Zone and Heat Affected Zone

  4. 低碳钢焊接热影响区TiN粗化的动力学

    Thickening Dynamics of TiN Particles in HAZ of Low Carbon Steel

  5. Nb-V-Ti微合金钢双面埋弧焊热影响区组织和韧性

    Microstructure and Toughness of HAZ of Nb-V-Ti Microalloyed Steel after Double-side Submerged Arc welding

  6. 稀土和Ca、Mg元素对高强度钢焊接热影响区组织和韧性的影响

    Effect of Rare-earth Metal , Ca and Mg on Microstructure and Toughness of Heat Affected Zone of High Heat-Input Welding

  7. 镁侧热影响区以Mg为主,Al元素向镁母材扩散很少。

    Magnesium side heat affect zone is mainly Mg element , and Al element is rarely diffused to magnesium base material .

  8. Ti对低合金高强度钢焊接粗晶热影响区组织及韧性的影响

    Effect of Ti on Structure and Toughness of Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone of High Strength Low Alloy Steel

  9. 同时通过疲劳试验确定了母材、焊缝及热影响区的Paris表达式,并得到疲劳裂纹门槛值。

    And the Paris formula of base metal , weld metal and HAZ are also given by fatigue experiment .

  10. Zr对钢中夹杂物的变质作用及对热影响区组织和力学性能的影响

    Effect of Zr Addition on Inclusion Modification and Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HAZ

  11. 同时,在热影响区及母材区的晶界处均存在元素偏析现象,出现富Cu区。

    At the same time , both aeras of BM and HAZ are elements of the grain boundary segregation phenomenon , rich in Cu .

  12. 利用X射线衍射法进行涂层表面、结合界面、基材热影响区的Z轴方向残余应力分布测量。

    The Z axis residual stress distribution in coating surface , interface and substrate heat affected zone was measured by X-ray diffraction method .

  13. Zr微合金化HSLA钢粗晶热影响区的组织和性能

    Structure and Properties of Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone of Zr Microalloying HSLA Steel

  14. 焊接热影响区连续冷却相变过程的研究&焊接CCT图

    A study on continuous cooling transformation in weld haz & the weld CCT diagram

  15. 另外,控制焊条熔敷金属扩散氢含量犤H犦、选择适当的预热温度和焊后及时进行消氢处理,也是防止冷裂纹和热影响区脆化必不可少的措施。

    The absolutely necessary measures are to control linear energy and diffusible hydrogen content in electrode deposited metal , to select proper pre-heat temperature and to punctually perform hydrogen-eliminating treatment .

  16. 半V型坡口的T型接头中,由于翼板与腹板的散热环境不同,翼板热影响区晶粒比腹板区精细。

    In half V-groove and T-joints the grain in flange heat-affected zone was finer than web zone due to the different thermal environments of flange and web zone .

  17. 且管体和焊接热影响区对HIC十分敏感。

    Its body and welding heat effecting area are very sensitive to HIC .

  18. 定量及SEM分析表明,焊缝中表面只残留少量锌,在焊缝两侧的热影响区,锌层厚度呈梯度分布。

    Through quantitative and SEM analysis , the minim zinc was found remaining on the surface of weld and the zinc thickness on the heat-affected zones appeared gradient .

  19. 热影响区为相变硬化区,小颗粒碳化物有所增多。CFB密相区内颗粒横向扩散对燃烧的影响

    Solid phase transformation happened in the heat affected zone . EFFECT OF THE SOLID LATERAL DISPERSION IN THE DENSE ZONE OF CFB

  20. C-Mn钢焊接热影响区氢脆敏感性的研究

    A Study on Hydrogen Embrittlement of C-Mn Steel Welded HAZ Metals

  21. 基于串热源及CCT图的GMAW焊接热影响区组织及硬度预测

    Prediction of HAZ microstructure and hardness for GMAW process using string heat sources and CCT diagram

  22. 结果表明,基材热影响区没有发生明显的再结晶现象,证明Al-Mg-(Sc,Zr)合金具有很强的抗焊接热软化能力;

    Results show that no obvious recrystallization in heat affect zone means alloy Al-Mg-Sc is of great resistant to soften behavior in HAZ .

  23. FSW焊组织比MIG焊晶粒更为细小,焊接热影响区更狭窄。

    The organization grain of FSW welded joint is smaller than MIG welded joint , and HAZ is more narrow .

  24. 爆炸预处理提高WD钢焊接接头热影响区韧性的研究

    Increasing Toughness of Heat Affected Zone in Welded Joint of WD Steel by Pre - Welding Explosion Treatment

  25. 结果激光焊接热影响区最小,表面成型良好,等离子焊接热影响区较大,TIG焊表面污染严重,热影响区大。

    Results The range of heat-affected zone of the laser joining was the smallest , plasma welding was the second , and TIG top the largest .

  26. 在热影响区,搅拌摩擦焊接接头残余应力平均值比TIG焊接接头的约低15%~25%。

    Compared to that of TIG welds in HAZ , the residual stress values of friction stir welds is lower by about 15 % - 25 % .

  27. 试验结果表明,该钢电子束焊接接头焊缝为典型的粗大针状马氏体加残余奥氏体组织,HAZ(热影响区)为中温组织;

    The tests results show that the microstructure of the welding line under the as welded condition is typical coarse spiculate martensite and retained austenite ;

  28. 保护气体为20%CO2+80%Ar的焊缝成形比纯Ar的好。两种保护气体下的焊接和热影响区组织都为珠光体+铁素体,没有出现淬硬组织。

    The shielding gas of 20 % CO2 + 80 % Ar weld shape than that of pure Ar. Two protective gas welding heat affected zone of pearlite + ferrite , no hardened organizations .

  29. 研究结果显示,单道焊焊缝金属中铜难以析出,在多道焊道间热影响区有εCu析出颗粒的存在,但析出颗粒尺寸与分布存在不均匀性。

    It is manifested that in single pass weld metal there are no copper precipitations , but in heat affected zone there are some ε - Cu precipitations and the distribution and size of the precipitations are not uniform .

  30. 关于碳素结构钢和合金结构钢焊接热影响区的组织的相变温度,通常只能通过参照材料的热处理条件下连续冷却转变(CCT)图进行分析。

    It is usually difficult to find out the exact phase transformation temperatures in the heat affected zone ( HAZ ) of carbon and alloyed steels .