
  • 网络Fuel Consumption
  1. 根据宣化区燃料消耗量和TSP直接排放量,统计出全区TSP排放总量。

    According to the fuel consumption and direct TSP emission amount , this paper calculates total TSP emission amount in urban area of Xuanhua .

  2. 单位推力燃料消耗量他们一周内耗尽了资金。

    Thrust specific fuel consumption They exhausted the funds in a week .

  3. 方法选择污染物排放指标PM10、SO2、CO和热工性能指标燃料消耗量、炊事热效率,综合评价改良炉灶的性能,确定改良炉灶的效果。

    Methods The emission rates of PM_ ( 10 ), SO_2 , CO and fuel consumption , heat efficiency in cooking of stoves were selected to assess the intervention effect .

  4. 测量了发动机的转速、扭矩、点火提前角、燃料消耗量及排气温度、CO与HC排放等参数。

    The speed , torque , power , specific oil consumption , spark timing , exhaust gas temperature and CO and HC emission concentrations of this engine were measured respectively at idle , constant speed and full load running condition .

  5. 在相同的发电容量(15MW)基础上,计算了不同发电方式对应的年燃料消耗量、年燃料收购费用和运输费用和燃料成本。

    Based on the same power generation capacity ( 15 MW ), annual fuel consumption mass flow , biomass purchase price , transportation price and fuel cost were calculated .

  6. 影响汽车运行燃料消耗量的多元分析

    Multivariate Analysis on Influencing Factors of Fuel Consumption of Running Vehicles

  7. 载货汽车运行燃料消耗量计算方法研究

    Study on Calculation Method for Fuel Consumption of Trucks in Operation

  8. 三轮汽车及低速货车燃料消耗量标准解读

    Interpretation on Fuel Consumption Standards for Tri-wheel Vehicle and Low-speed Vehicle

  9. 对全油门燃料消耗量试验方法的改进建议

    Improvement Proposal for Throttle Wide the Accelerating Fuel Consumption Test Method

  10. 驾驶行为对车辆燃料消耗量和污染物排放具有重要的影响。

    Driving behavior have important effect on fuel consumption and exhaust emission .

  11. 工料测量处〔建筑署〕单位推力燃料消耗量

    Quantity Surveying Branch [ Architectural Services Department ] thrust specific fuel consumption

  12. 加力燃烧室的使用导致燃料消耗量的增加。

    The use of after-burners results in increased fuel consumption .

  13. 对现行轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法的思考

    Thinking about Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for Light-duty Vehicles in Use

  14. 谈我国第一个汽车燃料消耗量限值国家标准

    On the First National Standard on Limits of Fuel Consumption for Passenger Cars

  15. 保温玻璃池窑燃料消耗量经验计算方法探讨

    Empirical calculation of fuel consumption of insulated glass furnace

  16. 燃料消耗量试验结果的数学处理和误差分析

    Mathematical Process and Error Analysis of the Test Result of the Oil consumption

  17. 汽车运行燃料消耗量的预测方法

    Prediction method for calculating fuel comsumption of travelling automobiles

  18. 道路运输车辆燃料消耗量检测和监督管理办法解读

    Interpretation of A Managing Method of Inspecting and Monitoring Fuel Consumption of On-Road Vehicle

  19. 汽车运输燃料消耗量影响因素的试验研究

    On Factors Influencing Fuel Consumption in Road Transport

  20. 辊道窑烧成带各段燃料消耗量计算及应用

    Fuel consumption calculation in firing zone each section of roller hearth kiln and application

  21. 海顿:不错,混合型汽车的燃料消耗量比一般汽车小得多。

    Haydn : Yes , hybrid cars use much less fuel than an ordinary car .

  22. 载客汽车运行燃料消耗量

    Fuel consumption for passenger vehicles in operation

  23. 混合型汽车的燃料消耗量小得多。

    Hybrid cars use much less fuel .

  24. 商用车辆燃料消耗量试验方法

    Commercial vehicle-Fuel consumption test method

  25. 实践表明,采用这种标定方法标定的燃油流量计测量汽车燃料消耗量比较精确。

    The application of this calibration method shown that the measurement of fuel consumption gauges are more accurate .

  26. 当前,煤炭在中国能源消耗量中处于主导地位,占到了燃料消耗量的70%。

    Coal currently plays a dominant part in China 's energy consumption , making up70 percent of its fuel consumption .

  27. 最优上升(以最佳速度、最小燃料消耗量上升)平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。

    Synergic ascent Good flatness , wide range of firing temp , Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process .

  28. 大型客车第1阶段燃料消耗量限值的实施可降低12%的能量消耗和11.8%的温室气体排放;

    The first phase of the fuel consumption limits can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by12 % and11.81 % respectively ;

  29. 根据该分配方案,锅炉房可比每台锅炉平均分配负荷情况最多减少3%燃料消耗量。

    With the optimum strategy , the fuel consumption can be reduced by 3 % at maximum load compared with an average load assignment strategy .

  30. 使用合同能源管理对电厂进行节能技术改造,提高能源利用效率,减少燃料消耗量,是主动减少有害气体排放的措施,也是减少对环境污染,促进发电企业又好又快发展的有效手段。

    Energy-saving technical renovation for power plants using Energy Performance Contracting is an effective measure for reducing harmful gases actively , improving energy efficiency , reducing fuel consumption .