
rán sù
  • phlogiston
燃素[rán sù]
  1. 一样东西如果含有燃素,它就能燃烧。

    A thing was inflammable if it contained phlogiston .

  2. 燃素说是一种错误的假说,但它推动了化学的发展。

    Hypothesis of phlogiston is a false hypothesis , but it propelled chemistry development .

  3. 人们相信燃素的存在还要追溯要几十年前有关氯的记录。

    Belief in a substance called phlogiston set back the documentation of chlorine for decades .

  4. 如今,没有几个天文学家信奉托勒密的地心说,也不会有人相信燃素说。

    There are few Ptolemaic astronomers left , or believers in the phlogiston theory of combustion .

  5. 事实上,普里斯特利捍卫这种燃素理论直到去世。

    As a matter of fact , Priestley defended the phlogiston theory right up to his death .

  6. 错误假说的作用&燃素说

    The Role of False Hypothesis - Hypothesis of Phlogiston Enlightenment from Rise and Decline of Flammable Element Theory

  7. 比如说:铁燃烧之后,失去了铁的性质,只留下燃素。

    When iron rusts , for example , it loses its iron-ness and only has its phlogiston left .

  8. 这个莫名其妙的燃素论,对燃烧做了错误的理解,把化学扯上了一条完全错误道路。

    This hazy " phlogiston theory ," this erroneous conception of burning , led chemistry along a completely false trail .

  9. 贝托莱的燃素学说实际上和拉瓦锡的热质理论有吻和之处,所以贝托莱比较顺利地接受了氧化学说。

    There were similarities between Berthollet 's phlogiston theory and Lavoisier 's theory of heat matter in fact , so Berthollet accepted oxygen easier .

  10. 他还记录了氯气拥有漂白物体的性质,此外,氯气会使昆虫迅速死亡。可惜直到这时舍勒还认为他发现的并不是新元素,而只是一种缺乏燃素的盐酸。

    Rather that recognizing it as a completely new element , though , Scheele believed that he had found a dephlogisticated version of muriatic acid .

  11. 本文通过对燃素说兴衰史的简单回顾,说明了人类认识的相对性和曲折性,以及应如何正确对待科学遗产。

    Reviewing briefly the rise and decline of the flammable element theory , this article throws tight on the relativity and tortuosity of human 's knowledge .

  12. 金属是灰碴与燃素的化合物,加热释放了燃素而剩下灰碴。总的说来,燃素为一切可燃物体的根本要素,油、脂、木、炭及其他燃料含有特别多的燃素。

    The phlogiston theory states that all flammable materials contain phlogiston that is liberated in burning , leaving the " dephlogisticated " substance in its " true " calx form .

  13. 乔治·厄恩斯特·斯塔尔介绍说:“燃素理论表明,金属以组成该金属的元素为核心,周围散布有大量的燃素。”18世纪初,化学家使用这种理论解释为什么金属燃烧后发生了实质上的改变。

    Introduced by Georg Ernst Stahl , the theory of phlogiston states that metals were made up of the core being of that metal , along with the substance phlogiston . Starting in the 18th century , chemists used it to explain why some metals change substance .