
bào guǎn
  • squib;booster;cartridge igniter
爆管[bào guǎn]
  1. 系统基于GIS技术构建,针对供水管网突发性的爆管和地下泄漏特点,综合运用了负压波和流量检测法进行泄漏模式识别与漏点定位,可及时、准确的发现和定位泄漏点。

    Aiming at the feature of the underground booster and leakage of the water pipe , with the GIS technology and the signal processing methods , such as negative P wave and flow detecting , accurate and prompt positioning of leakage location can be detected .

  2. 通过隔板结构的各设计参数以及延期药剂相关参数的确定,使HgS-1传爆管的技术状态比较稳定并提高了延期精度。

    The technical state of HgS-1 booster have been stabilized by making certain the parameters of clapboard hermetic structure and time-delay powder , and its time-delay precision was improved also .

  3. e∏670/140型锅炉中屏过热器爆管原因浅析

    Analysis of Medium Platen Superheater Rupture of E Π 670 / 140 Boiler

  4. 基于GIS的供水管道爆管因素空间分析

    Spatial Analysis of the Influencing Factor of Water Pipe Break Based on GIS Technology

  5. 聚乙烯(PE)管道爆管的原因及解决措施

    Reasons of PE Pipe Break and the Resolving Measures

  6. K·K无起爆药雷管侧向起爆导爆管可靠性研究

    Study on the Side Initiated Reliability of Nonel Tube by K · K Non-priming Explosive Detonator

  7. PCCP爆管预警的光纤声监测系统

    Acoustic fiber optic monitoring system for forewarning of PCCP failure

  8. 糖厂25t锅炉过热器爆管的分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment to Squib of Super-heater for 25t Boiler in Sugar Refinery

  9. 针对有衬管结构的REAC管束失效案例,采用FLUENT数值模拟,得到了REAC管束的实际爆管原因;

    FLUENT was applied to simulate liner pipes which had invalidation case , the actual reason of REAC pipes bursting was found ;

  10. 华能汕头电厂2×300MW机组锅炉再热器爆管原因分析

    Burst Cause Analysis for the Reheater Tube of the 2 × 300MW Unit Boiler in Huaneng Shantou Power Plant

  11. 针对现有导爆管自动压药机存在的问题,进行了导爆管压药机结构的改进,介绍了改进后压药机的结构设计及其UG三维建模。

    Aim at the exciting problems of the automatic fuze pressing machine , the article did some research on the improvement of the structure , and introduced the structure design of the improved pressing-explosive machine and its three-dimensional modeling by UG .

  12. 通过各种试验手段分析爆管原因,得出较为合理的改进措施,实施改造后,屏过运行良好,至今已连续运行8a之久。

    Through cause analysing of cartridges of all kinds of test methods it gives reasonable improve measure . After reform , it operated well and continued to circulate for over 8 years .

  13. 200MW机组的锅炉高温过热器管,运行引起频发性爆管事故系超温所致。

    Metallographic and synthetical analysis indicates that frequent blasting accidents of high temperature superheater of a 200 MW boiler is caused by over metal temperature of the tube .

  14. 某发电厂5机组在整套启动168h满负荷试运行期间,锅炉水冷壁管发生爆破,通过对水冷壁爆破管进行综合分析,指出管子存在夹层和夹杂物是此次爆管的主要原因。

    During unit 5 starting-up and 168h full load trial operation in a power plant , the boiler water-cooling wall tube burst happened , by comprehensive analysis , finds out the tube existing interlayer is mainly caused of water-cooling wall tube burst .

  15. 某机组运行2×104h时因汽轮机轴承出现故障,多次启停后导致锅炉四级过热器下弯头处相继发生爆管。

    Since shafting bearing faults occurred to a generating unit after running for 20 , 000 hours , the lower bents of the quaternary superheater burst in succession after start and stop for several times .

  16. 供水管线爆管原因分析和防治措施

    Analysis on reasons why water supply pipeline break and prevention measures

  17. 热水锅炉爆管原因分析和改进措施

    Analysis of Tube Explosion in Hot - water Boiler and Countermeasures

  18. 塑料导爆管起爆性能研究

    A study on the initiation properties of the plastic detonating tube

  19. 锅炉再热器出口直立管段的爆管分析

    Analysis of tube failure at vertical outlet section of boiler reheater

  20. CG-220/100型锅炉爆管分析及解决方法

    Analysis on Tube Failure of CG-220 / 100 Boilers and Countermeasures

  21. 导爆管雷管接力起爆网路在水下控制爆破中的应用

    Application of the Nonel Detonator Network to the Underwater Controlled Blasting

  22. 某余热锅炉爆管原因分析和改造

    Bayonet Tube Crack Investigation of an Waste Heat Boiler and Improvement

  23. 高温过热器冷段爆管分析

    Analysis on Tube Explosion in Low-temperature Section of High Temperature Superheater

  24. 某化工厂丙烯腈反应器冷却水管弯管部位发生爆管。

    A below of cooling water pipes of acrylonitrile reactor bursted .

  25. 城市供水管网爆管事故的计算机关阀

    Urban Water Supply Pipe network of Computer Incidents Squib Valve Clearance

  26. 锅炉省煤器由于飞灰磨损而爆管的事故经常发生,给电厂安全经济运行带来了不利影响。

    The economizer tube failures of the boilers often take place .

  27. 火力发电厂一级过热器爆管分析

    Analysis of primary superheater tube bursting in a thermal power plant

  28. 电站锅炉屏式过热器爆管原因分析

    Cause analysis of the platen superheater blast at power station

  29. 华能德州电厂2号炉屏式再热器爆管原因分析

    Analysis of Screen Reheat Tube Crack in Huaneng Dezhou Power Plant 2

  30. 新型导爆管T型联接卡在拆除爆破中的应用

    Application of New Type Linking Block of Nonel Tube to Demolition Blasting