
  • 网络New purchase;New Buy;new task;New task buying situation
  1. 玛丽新购的物品有两件连衣裙,一顶帽子和一双鞋。

    Mary 's new acquisitions were two dresses , a hat and a pair of shoes .

  2. 采用活性炭对放置一段时间的新装居室内气体和新购书橱内气体进行吸附,吸附气体后的活性炭经乙醚洗脱,洗脱液经氮气浓缩,进行GC-MS分析。

    Air pollutants in new decorated rooms and an bookcase were analyzed by GC-MS with adsorption on active carbon .

  3. 终极版(附带MSDN订阅)&新购11924美元或更新3841美元

    Ultimate with MSDN - $ 11,924 New or $ 3,841 Renewal

  4. 阿里山森林铁路新购之砸道车TA-01。

    The new road maintenance vehicle TA-01 .

  5. 切实做好验收工作确保新购仪器设备质量

    Conscientiously Work , Guarantee the Purchases Quality of the Instruments and Equipments

  6. 他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。

    His new TV came in a big packing case .

  7. 这房子是他新购的物品之一。

    The house is one of his latest acquisitions .

  8. 只有很少的抵押贷款是用于新购住宅。

    Very little mortgage lending was for new purchases .

  9. 介绍了2003年新购变压器压力释放阀的测试标准及测试情况。

    The standard and test status of new pressure relief device are introduced .

  10. ..“本周,中国推迟了要求在所有新购个人电脑上安装网络过滤软件的命令。

    This week , China delayed an order to require Internet-filtering software in all new personal computers .

  11. 价格再度调低,但求腾出空位,安置新购唱片。

    Prices have been slashed further to clear stock , so as to give way to my new purchases .

  12. 本文从故宫最新购藏的隋人《出师颂》入手,探讨了由其引发的对古书画鉴定诸问题。

    The author discusses questions of the authentication of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting occasioned by the recent purchase by the Palace Museum of Chu Shi Song .

  13. 法国同修最近在法国东北部与德国和瑞士毗连的阿尔萨斯地区,新购了一处农场作为共修中心。

    French initiates recently purchased a farm in the alpine region in northeastern France neighboring Germany and switzerland , which will serve as their group meditation center .

  14. 鉴于美国普通家庭会将新购电视机保留七年左右的时间且每天使用五个小时,这等于每用一个小时仅花18美分。

    As the average U.S. household will keep its new TV for around seven years and use it for five hours a day , this equates to just 18 cents per hour used .

  15. 对既有铁路进行修复改造和新购机车、车辆是为了恢复铁路的运输能力,补充维护设备是为了铁路系统在运营过程中更好地保持其良好状态。

    The purpose of rehabilitating the existing railways and purchasing new locomotives and cars is to restore the transportation capacity of the railways , while the purpose of adding new maintenance equipment is to keep the railways system in a good state during operation .

  16. 行业高管和石油交易员表示,一些炼油商要么已停止购买伊朗石油要么减少了新购伊朗石油的数量,尽管它们仍依照早先签订的长期合同每月获得石油供应它们要违反这些合同就必须支付罚金。

    Industry executives and oil traders said that some refiners had either stopped or reduced new purchases of Iranian oil , although they continue to receive monthly oil supplies under earlier long-term agreements , or term contracts , that they cannot break without incurring penalties .

  17. 随后,一名收银员开启了一个新的购餐口,托马斯两人冲到新队伍的前面,而这一举动惹怒了另一名准备购餐的女顾客。

    A cashier opened a new line and they stepped to the front of it & a move that angered another customer who was waiting to order .

  18. 您对于最新从我们这里购得的货物不太满意,我感到很抱歉。

    I 'm very sorry you aren 't happy with the latest consignment you 've had from us .