
  • 网络New Oil;fresh oil
  1. 传统上,企业将所找到新油气资源加入公司储量的比例,一直是投资者的重要衡量标准,虽然对这种方式的批评,最近已导致美国证券交易委员会(sec)修改了对储量报告的规定。

    The rate at which companies find new oil and gas to add to their reserves has traditionally been an important yardstick for investors , although criticism of the measure has recently led the US Securities and Exchange Commission to revise its rules for reporting reserves .

  2. 新油源香果的开发与利用

    Development of new oil resources of Lindera communis Hemsl

  3. 加工新油种的生产管理对策

    Countermeasures to Production Management of New Crude Oil Processing

  4. 药食两用木本新油源&接骨木油

    A New Medicinal and Edible Oil from a Woody Plant & Sambucus williamsii

  5. 可能我能从我们的新油业专家这里学到点什么。

    Maybe I 'll learn something from our new oil and gas expert .

  6. 试验结果说明橡胶种子油是可以作为食用的新油源。

    We concluded that rubber seed oil is a new source of dietary oil .

  7. 电力用油存在的问题、净化及最新油净化技术

    Problems , Purifying Existing in Oil Used for Electric Power and Up-to-date Purifying Technique

  8. 保健调和油新油源的开发研究

    Study on New Source of Health Blend Oil

  9. 甘肃省的新油源与新油料的化学性质

    Newly-found sources of vegetable oil in Kansu and the properties of these new oils

  10. 对新油画布制作的探索

    Method of Making High-quality Oil Painting Canvas

  11. 有了这样的前车之鉴,麦当劳后来开始试用新油时,没有告知消费者。

    So when the company later began testing new oils , it didn 't tell consumers .

  12. 是一种具有开发前景的新油源油料树种。

    Pistacia Chinesis Bge is a kind of new oil resouce with a brightly exploitative prospect .

  13. 无氢化全植物性人造奶油和起酥油新油源的探索&Ⅰ

    The Research of Entire Plant Margarine and Shortening Being Non Hydrogenated as a New OiI Source ─ⅰ

  14. 具有冷媒净化装置,能把空调中的废油分离,并且可给空调加入相应的新油;

    The refrigerant cleaning system can accompany the waste oil separation and to charge the relevant new oil .

  15. 以加工科威特原油为例,介绍了茂名石化加工新油种的生产管理对策及经验。

    For example , countermeasure to productive management which MMPC processed Kuwait crude is introduced in this paper .

  16. 结论:再生效果较好,达到新油标准。

    Therefore the regenerated oil was better , reaching the standard of new oil ( testing report attached ) .

  17. 实验结果表明,精炼后的橡胶籽油可以作为一种食用植物油的新油源。

    The results indicated that the refined rubber seed oil could be used as a new edible vegetable oil source .

  18. 肯德基连锁店总裁格雷格-戴德雷克称,许多肯德基餐馆已经开始更换新油,将于明年四月全部更换完毕。

    The switch has started at many KFC eateries and will be completed by April , said Gregg Dedrick , the chain 's president .

  19. 一份行业研究显示,发现新油气储量的成本已大幅上升,使得国际石油公司的境况更加糟糕。

    The costs of finding additional reserves of oil and gas have soared , an industry study shows , adding to the malaise of international oil companies .

  20. 试验室试验结果说明,对导热油进行再生和用导热油洗炉可降低成本,且再生油质量优于新油。

    Experimental tests show that lower costs and better oil quality can be realized by regenerating heat conducting oil and flushing the heater with the heat conducting oil .

  21. 实验结果表明,进口变压器油与原桶新油比较,其化学成份已发生明显变化。

    Experimental results proved that the chemical compostions of import transformer oil , which is compared with those of the new oil in original bucket , have changed obviously .

  22. 此法可测定新油及旧油中的烟炱含量,准确性、重复性较好。

    The soot content in the field test oils is measured with the fore mentioned method , which shows good accuracy and repeatability on both new and used oils .

  23. 麦当劳在洛杉矶试用了一种新油,之后就接到了投诉,有人说薯条包裹着一层乳白色的残留物,很快就变得软趴趴。

    After testing a new oil in Los Angeles , McDonald 's received complaints that its fries were coming out covered in a milky residue and turned soggy quickly .

  24. 盐体覆盖区为寻找新油气藏的有利含油气区带,尤其是盐下奥陶系和盐边及盐上三叠系。

    The region covered with salt body is the new favorable petroleum region for new hydrocarbon reservoir , especially the Ordovician under salt body and Triassic upon and beside the salt belt .

  25. 多年来,虽然收入屡创纪录,但它们的市盈率相对较低,因为它们无法通过发现新油气田或收购大型公司来获得增长,致使股价下降。

    Their shares have for years traded at relatively low earning multiples despite record revenues , as their inability to grow by finding new fields or taking over large companies has let them down .

  26. 另外,因为这种新油更加稳定,所以不需要加氢,这样就不会丢失对人类心脏有益的成分:欧米噶-3脂肪酸。

    Additionally , because the new oil is more stable , it doesn 't require hydrogenation , which typically rids the oil of Omega-3 fatty acids , which are good supplements for the human heart .

  27. 这是因为,即便是在其石油产量不断增加的情况下,中国石油也能通过收购和提高勘探开发技术获得足够的新油气资源,从而保持储量的继续增长。

    That is because PetroChina , through acquisitions and better production and exploration techniques , has been able to find enough new oil and gas to continually increase its reserves even as it pumps more .

  28. 因此,寻找、勘探、开发新油气田,加快油气运输基础设施建设的步伐是俄罗斯油气工业未来的发展方向。

    Therefore the direction of development of Russian oil industry is to search for , prospect and exploit new oil and gas fields as well as to speed up construction of oil and gas transport infrastructure .

  29. 其它国家,特别是波兰和北欧各国,将会继续主张欧盟投资兴建绕开俄罗斯的新油气管线,并对俄罗斯在欧洲的能源投资进行更严格的限制。

    Others in particular , Poland and the Baltic States will continue to argue for EU investment in new gas pipeline routes that bypass Russia , and for tougher restrictions on Russian energy investment in Europe .

  30. 综述了国外再生油质量和其监测评定方法,研究表明,再生油可以生产出与新油质量相当的润滑油。

    The quality of reclaimed oil and the evaluation for monitoring abroad were reviewed . The study indicates that using the reclaimed oil can produce lubricating oil , the quality of which corresponds to the new one .