
  • 网络the new curriculum;teacher
  1. 文内详细分析了新课标实施后带给教师和学生们的改变,提出了GIS技术与高中地理教学相结合的必要性及意义等八大新观点。

    Analyzed in detail in the text after the implementation of new curriculum to bring a change of teachers and students , GIS technology and proposed a combination of high school geography teaching and the significance of the need for eight new ideas .

  2. 新课标指导下的高中语文教学改革

    On Senior Chinese Teaching Reform According to the New Curriculum Standard

  3. STS与中国基础教育改革&以普通高中物理新课标为例

    STS and Reform in Elementary Education in China : The Case of the New Standard of Physics Education for Normal for High School

  4. 新课标指导下的音乐教学设计研究

    The Study on Music Teaching Design under the Music Course Standard

  5. 新课标下的中学语文问题教学初探

    The Explore of Chinese Problem-based Teaching Based the New Course Criterion

  6. 新课标与农村高中英语教学

    The New Course Standard and Secondary English Teaching in Rural Areas

  7. 新课标下的探究式教学理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Heuristic Teaching on the New Course Criteria

  8. 新课标理念下的语文教育生态关怀

    An Ecological Attention to Chinese Language Education in the New Syllabus

  9. 试论新课标背景下的语文教师素质

    On Qualities of Teachers of Chinese with the New Course Criteria

  10. 新课标理念在高中历史教学中的运用

    New Class Sign Idea in High School History Teaching Utilization

  11. 基于新课标的高中英语课堂教学最优化探究

    Optimization of English Teaching in Senior High Schools under the New Curriculum

  12. 新课标下信息技术评价方式的研究

    Probe into the information technology evaluation under new course standard

  13. 新课标下语文课堂教学评价的研究

    New Curriculum Criteria about Chinese Classroom Teaching Evaluation of Research

  14. 新课标下数学教育学的更新和完善

    Mathematics Pedagogys Renewal and Improvement Instructed by New Curriculum Standard

  15. 浅谈新课标下跨文化交际在初中英语教学中的重要性

    Briefly on the Importance of the Cross-Cultural Communication in Junior Middle School

  16. 英语新课标与英语教学方法探究

    A Probe into New Curriculum and Teaching Methods of English

  17. 新课标背景下强化数学日记教学的探讨

    Discussion on Strengthening Mathematics Diary Teaching According to the New Curriculum Criteria

  18. 新课标下高中英语口语测试设计研究

    New Curriculum-Based English Speaking Test Design for Senior Middle Schools

  19. 谈新课标理念下的英语阅读教学

    On Teaching English Reading under the Concept of New Curriculum

  20. 新课标下体育教师角色转变的研究

    Research of role transformation of P.E.teachers under new curriculum reform

  21. 新课标高中语文教科书适切性评价研究

    Appropriateness Evaluation of High School Chinese Textbooks under the New Course Standard

  22. 新课标下中学生物探究性学习初探

    On Research-Oriented Learning for the New Standard of the Biology

  23. 新课标下课堂教学设计应注意的几个转变

    Some Transformations of Classroom Teaching Design with the New Curriculum

  24. 新课标下中学美术隐性课程实施的策略

    On the Strategies of Pushing New Curriculum-based Art Recessive Course

  25. 新课标实施后我省初中学生体育价值取向分布研究

    Study on the Sports Value Tendency Distribution of Secondary Students

  26. 规范化阅读教学符合语文新课标的精神。

    The normal reading accords with new reading curriculum standard .

  27. 论实施新课标信息环境的构建

    Talking about Construction of Information Environment for Implementing the New Course Standard

  28. 依据《新课标》:着重强调具有独立阅读的能力,注重情感体验,有较丰富的积累,形成良好的语感,学会运用多种阅读方法;

    According to the New Curriculum Criteria , self-reading ability is emphasized .

  29. 新课标背景下的有效作文教学

    Effective Teaching of Writing under the New Course Standards

  30. 高师音乐教育如何适应新课标

    On How to Adjust to New Curriculum Standard in Music Education in Colleges