
  • 网络Allied Irish Banks;aib;Allied Irish Banks PLC
  1. 爱尔兰联合银行的投资迅速取得回报:服务台在重置员工密码工作上花费的时间减少,但最有兴趣的还是那些希望利用语音生物测定系统鉴别客户身份的企业。

    While AIB has seen rapid returns on its investment by reducing the number of hours its help desk spends resetting employees ' passwords , the biggest interest is coming from businesses that want to use voice biometric systems to authenticate the identity of customers .

  2. 爱尔兰银行将会成为第一个支柱,爱尔兰联合银行将与爱尔兰住房互助会合并,成为第二个支柱,而爱尔兰人寿银行将被分拆。

    Bank of Ireland will form the first , AIB will be merged with EBS to form the other , and Irish Life will be split up .

  3. 两年前,爱尔兰联合银行(alliedirishbank)出现了一个十分常见、成本又高的问题:员工总是忘记密码。

    Allied Irish Bank ( AIB ) had an all-too-familiar and costly problem two years ago : its employees kept forgetting their passwords .

  4. 越来越多的公司开始使用语音生物测定系统,爱尔兰联合银行就是其中之一。

    The bank is one of a growing number of companies to use voice biometrics systems .

  5. 本文以法国兴业银行为主线,兼论巴林银行、澳大利亚国民银行和爱尔兰联合银行巴尔迪摩分行衍生品交易亏损发生的主要原因。

    With the cases of Societe Generate , Barings , Allied Irish Bank and Australian National Bank , this paper scrutinizes the main causes of their failures .