
  1. 中国国家开发银行并非一家普通的银行。

    CDB is not an ordinary bank .

  2. 与中国国家开发银行建立关系,将使巴克莱能够在亚洲寻求增长。

    It would be able to pursue growth in Asia through its link-up with CDB .

  3. 中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)是中国最重要的政策性银行。

    China Development Bank is the core policy bank in China .

  4. 因为黑石目前正担任顾问,为中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)入股巴克莱事宜提供咨询。

    For Blackstone is now acting as adviser to China Development Bank on its Barclays stake .

  5. 然而,根据交易条款,淡马锡和中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)则有权任命巴克莱的董事会成员。

    But Temasek and China Development Bank have the right to appoint directors to the board of Barclays under their deal .

  6. 中非发展基金由中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)在2007年成立,主要是为了入股在非洲进行扩张的中国企业。

    The cadfund was established in 2007 by the China Development Bank to buy stakes mainly in Chinese companies expanding in Africa .

  7. 中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)也在去年底发行了由企业贷款支持的资产支持证券,并在今年早些时候进行了类似交易。

    China Development Bank has also issued asset-backed securities , supported by tranches of corporate loans , and followed with a similar transaction earlier this year .

  8. 熟悉该交易的知情人士表示,中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)旗下的投资分公司国开金融(ChinaDevelopmentBankCapital),也是蚂蚁金服的投资方。

    China Development Bank Capital , an investment arm of China Development Bank , was another investor , according to a person familiar with the transaction .

  9. 亚行等传统国际开发机构面临的一个问题是,中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)等中国银行正在抢走它们的生意。

    One problem for conventional international development institutions such as the ADB is that they are being undercut by Chinese lenders such as the China Development Bank .

  10. 这四个机构将使中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)本已相当可观的财务火力如虎添翼。

    These four institutions will add to the considerable financial firepower of the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China .

  11. 中国国家开发银行则持有巴克莱(barclays)的股权。

    The China Development Bank has a stake in Barclays .

  12. 这个76亿美元的项目由中国国家开发银行(ChineseDevelopmentBank)提供资金,中国中铁(ChinaRailwayGroup)负责运营,建成后每年可把至多4000万吨货物从哥伦比亚的经济腹地运至太平洋港口。

    The $ 7.6bn project , funded by the Chinese Development Bank and operated by China Railway Group , would move up to40m tonnes of cargo a year from Colombia 's economic heartland to the Pacific .

  13. 据报道,中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)计划很快与巴西、俄罗斯、印度和南非签署协议,这些国家将根据协议以本国货币发放贷款。

    The China Development Bank reportedly plans to strike an agreement soon with its counterparts in Brazil , Russia , India and South Africa , according to which they will make available loans denominated in their own currencies .

  14. GeneralMoly在周三晚间的新闻发布会上说,从中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)贷款6.65亿美元用于开发希望山项目的工作处于暂停状态。

    Late Wednesday , General Moly said in a news release that work had been suspended on a $ 665 million loan from China Development Bank for development of the Mount Hope project .

  15. 不过,中国国家开发银行(cdb)日前公开否认了自己已收购力拓少数股份的报道。

    However , China Development Bank publicly denies reports it has acquired a small Rio stake .

  16. 国有的中国国家开发银行(CDB)表示,它已取消了原定在周五进行的一期债券发行。

    China Development Bank , a major state-owned lender , said it had cancelled a bill issuance scheduled for Friday .

  17. 这几起交易均发生在中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)向巴西国有石油公司PetroleoBrasileiro(也称Petrobras)贷款100亿美元以助开发巴西巨大的沿海石油储备一年之后。

    The deals come a year after China Development Bank loaned state-owned oil giant Petroleo Brasileiro , or Petrobras , $ 10 billion to help develop Brazil 's massive offshore reserves .

  18. 但知情人士表示,另一个交易方案,即将德累斯银行售予中国国家开发银行(cdb),昨日看来仍是有可能的。

    But an alternative deal , to sell Dresdner to China Development Bank , remained an option yesterday , people familiar with Allianz said .

  19. 中国国家开发银行(cdb)等银行也可能会为竞购提供资金,甚至在交易中取得部分股权。

    Banks such as China Development Bank could also be tapped to help finance a bid and even take a slice of equity in any deal .

  20. 不过,北京方面提供这些资金和相关政策建议的三大渠道——中国国家开发银行(CDB)、中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank)以及中国驻各国使馆——在他们针对的国家似乎都遭遇棘手的可信度问题。

    However , Beijing 's three main conduits for that money and related policy advice - the China Development Bank , the China Export-Import Bank and its local embassies - appear to struggle with credibility issues in the countries they target .

  21. 受益的银行包括中国国家开发银行(cdb)和中国建设银行(ccb),过去3年间它们的全球市场份额增长了两倍多。

    Banks to have benefited include the China Development Bank and the China Construction Bank , which have more than tripled their global market share in the past three years .

  22. 有一桩备受关注的交易是,美国大型房屋建筑商LennarCorp.目前正与中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)就一笔约17亿美元的贷款进行磋商,这笔资金将用于把位于旧金山的两个前海军基地改造成大型住宅项目。

    In one closely watched deal that is being negotiated , Lennar Corp. , LEN + 0.47 % a major home builder , is in talks with the China Development Bank for about $ 1.7 billion in capital to transform two former San Francisco naval bases into huge housing developments .

  23. 在巴西,中石化和中石油将可从巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)购买最多每日16万桶的石油,后者则获得中国国家开发银行(CDB)100亿美元的贷款。

    In Brazil , Sinopec and PetroChina will be able to buy up to 160,000 barrels a day from Petrobras , the Brazilian oil group , which in return received a $ 10bn loan from China Development Bank .

  24. 中国国家开发银行努力拓展国际金融业务

    China 's National Development Bank strives to expand international financial transactions

  25. 中国国家开发银行今年将不向公众筹资

    China 's National Development Bank will not raise funds from the public this year

  26. 这得特别感谢中国国家开发银行和中国进出口银行。

    This is particularly grateful to the China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank of China .

  27. 中国国家开发银行贷款项目资金管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Development of Management Information System on Item Funds for State Developing Bank of China

  28. 中国国家开发银行还设立专项基金支持中非学术界交流。

    The China Development Bank has set up a special fund to support academic exchanges between China and Africa .

  29. 与中国国家开发银行的交易,也将使巴克莱能够在快速成长的中国市场出售其资产管理产品。

    The deal with CDB will also enable Barclays to sell its asset management products into the fast-growing Chinese market .

  30. 这些协议当中份量最重的就是中国国家开发银行向巴西国有的巴西国家石油公司贷款100亿美元的协议。

    The highlight was a $ 10 billion loan from China Development Bank to Brazil 's state-owned Petrobras oil company .